Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 339:

Xiao Junlin only needs to speak.

It has always been ruthless!

Since everyone is your life-and-death opponent, of course he doesn\'t need to be polite at all.

So when it came up, Xu Wanyue was choked up by opening her mouth.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was also made extremely nervous by his words!

No matter which faction it was originally from, at this moment, the atmosphere is too daring to take a breath.

Xu Wanyue\'s pretty face turned blue in an instant!

She stared at Xiao Junlin coldly for a long time, and then she sneered: "Chairman Xiao, I really admire him! You are the first person who dared to talk to me like this, but you only have a good mouth if you want to come."

"Do you really think you can protect their Meng family? It\'s not really that naive, right? Everyone is an adult, right?"

"I\'m here today because I plan to hold this shareholders\' meeting and take control of Meng Ran Firm in an upright manner. What if you come? I really don\'t know that Chairman Xiao is in the Meng Group. Do you also have equity?"

"Besides, so many shareholders support me, what can I do if you come?!"

"Or else! Do you think that if you stab and sit there, I have to give you a face and settle things down? Who do you think you are?"

"The most important thing is to have self-knowledge, Chairman Xiao, understand?"

Xu Wanyue completely tore off her disguise, and did not hide her disdain and the purpose of her visit this time!

And after this series of questioning, she even sneered and patted the table directly, looking directly at Xiao Junlin\'s contemptuous eyes full of provocation.

There was an uproar! !

Ye Tiance laughed proudly in his heart!

This Xu Wanyue is really powerful...

Don\'t give Xiao Junlin face at all, this is good!

Xiao Junlin can\'t step down at all now! !

"Meng Caixuan, Meng Caixuan, do you think you can really save the Meng family by asking him for help? You are just a daydream!"

"Wait a minute and you\'ll find out that Xiao Junlin, who you always thought was awesome, is actually not as good as a dog in the eyes of others..."

"You want to move him out to save the Meng family, you\'re just humiliating yourself!"

"Only me, only me, Ye Tiance, is the hope of your entire Meng family!!!"

Ye Tiance smiled happily in his heart.

At this time, he was eager to see Xiao Junlin\'s embarrassed appearance!

But in full view.

Xiao Junlin didn\'t have the slightest mood swings, and asked casually, "Xu Wanyue, do you think that you are in a safe position to win, and I have nothing to do with you?"

"That\'s really what you said, I really have nothing to do with you..."

Xiao Junlin sneered a few times, and then continued in the eyes of everyone\'s puzzled eyes:

"Xu Wanyue, if you honestly go back to Shangjing today, then you can safely do your job as the eldest lady of the Xu family in Shangjing!

If you don\'t have fun and insist on messing around with things here, then you can\'t say it, I may let you go around without food, okay? "

"I\'m in charge of the Meng family\'s affairs. Whether you accept it or not, at least in the boundaries of Tiannan Province, I, Xiao Junlin, say one thing, and no one can say two!!!"

Xiao Junlin also slapped the table in a very domineering manner!

The two looked at each other.

Xiao Junlin\'s aura burst out, and Xu Wanyue was instantly suppressed.

In front of his terrifying aura, Xu Wanyue was directly at a disadvantage.

There is no comparison between the two!


Seeing this, Xu Wanyue couldn\'t help but feel a little embarrassed and angry.

She sneered sarcastically for a while, and then said directly: "Tiannan Province, are you right? You haven\'t woken up yet!

What a bummer, do you know who I am? I am the first-in-line heir to the Shangjing Xu family, and I rely on the Shangjing Xu family behind me! ! "

"Does the Xu family in Shangjing know?

Who to scare? Bumper! ! ! "

"There are so many people here, you have the ability to ask them in front of them to see if they support you?"

Xu Wanyue finished speaking.

Many people present also grinned and chuckled.

Do you still need to ask this question?

The power of the Xu family in Shangjing is of a national nature!

How can Xiao Junlin be comparable to the native turtles in this province?

And strictly speaking, the Meng Group is indeed related to the Xu family in Shangjing, and it is not a local company in Tiannan.

These veterans and executives must choose to support Xu Wanyue...

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Junlin sneered disdainfully, and sneered: "Forgive my ignorance, you are a fake eldest lady who has adopted a branch in the past, when will you be qualified to represent the Xu family in Shangjing?"

"Who gave you the power?

Is it Xu Junjie? "

316. Is Xiao Junlin so afraid of death?


When Xiao Junlin opened the scar in person, Xu Wanyue\'s face instantly turned ashen!

She was burning with rage.