Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 337:

The Meng family really began to be in turmoil.

Xu Wanyue used all the strength and contacts at her disposal to frantically suppress and harvest the Meng family.

Meng Caixuan\'s pressure is getting bigger and bigger, not only those official connections have collapsed, but even the hearts of the Meng family are floating.

Many family relatives and elders of the group also began to have ambiguous attitudes, swaying from side to side...

in this silent storm.

The big ship of the Meng family seems to be eroded by the waves at any time.

After another week.

Xu Wanyue finally couldn\'t help it and launched a general attack on the Meng Group!

Early in the morning.

The conference room in the headquarters building of Tianhai Mengran Firm is full!

Almost all shareholders as well as middle and senior management came.

Mengran Commercial Bank is a private bank.

It was founded by Mr. Meng after he went south that year, and it is also the first industry of the Meng family!

Its business spreads all over Tiannan Province, large and small cities and towns, and it is able to absorb a large amount of private deposits every year, and it also invests and lends to many financial industries.

Every moment can bring huge benefits to the Meng family.

At the same time, it is also the bottom line of the Mengshi Group, accounting for nearly 80% of the Mengshi Group\'s share.

Say it without hesitation!

Once this bank is forcibly occupied by Xu Wanyue.

Then their Tianhai Meng family is almost dead in name only, completely in decline!

313. People go to high places, water flows to low places

Early in the morning.

Meng Caixuan, all of your family rushed over.

Seeing Xu Wanyue sitting on the main seat, all the Meng family members were so angry that their eyes were red!

"Smelly thirty-eight!!"

Meng Xiaozhi was the youngest and the most restless.

As soon as she saw Xu Wanyue, who was sitting there like a host, she scolded on the spot, "This bank was founded by my grandfather, do you think you can take it away?"

"Ha ha……"

Xu Wanyue said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Crazy girl, your adults haven\'t spoken yet. It\'s your turn to be a shrewd calf? Is the quality of the Meng family so low?"

"Sister Wanyue, I ask you to pay attention to what you say!"

Meng Caixuan frowned and said solemnly, "No matter how loud your abacus is, it\'s impossible to succeed. I advise you to give up?!"

"Everything in the world belongs to the capable ones. You don\'t know the law of 28, right? Before the second grandfather was in a coma, he once told me that he was willing to give me all the properties of the Meng family, only Please, after I take over the power of the Xu family, I can let him return to the Shangjingzhu family!"

Xu Wanyue raised her eyebrows and teased, "Since he has become a vegetative person and the hope of waking up is so slim, then I have the right to inherit his legacy..."

"Don\'t worry, everyone!

As long as I take over the property of your Meng Group, I will let you return to the main family! "

"Shut up!!"

"Don\'t be ashamed!"

"Bullshit, you are dreaming!!"

Xu Wanyue\'s voice just fell.

All the Meng clan people couldn\'t help but fry the pot!

Everyone blushed with anger.

Seeing their vicious appearance of gnashing their teeth, it seems that they can swarm up and tear Xu Wanyue alive at any time...

"Shut up!"

Meng Caixuan waved her hand quickly, preventing everyone from continuing to quarrel.

She glanced coldly around the conference room.

The cold eyes looked at the faces of the elders of the Meng family and the senior management of the group.

Most of the people here have fought with Mr. Meng in the past.

They all acted faithfully on weekdays!

But at this critical moment...

But it swayed like grass on the wall.

Facing Meng Caixuan\'s angry and calming gaze, some of them looked embarrassed, some looked dodged, some were calm and disdainful, and some were sarcastic and triumphant!

This kind of scene like a revolving lantern in life also made Meng Caixuan feel sad.

"Caixuan\'s niece!"

An old man with gray hair suddenly said with a smile: "We have followed the big brother for all these years, and our affection for your Meng family is almost repaid, right?"

"There\'s an old saying! People go high and water flows low. Today we support Miss Wanyue in taking charge of Mengran Firm, so don\'t you resist any more?"

"The shares in your Meng family\'s hands account for 39% of the group. Even if you add the 9% of the big brother, it\'s actually only 48%! If we hold a board meeting, you have the right to manage it. I can\'t let it go..."

"And if it really comes to that time, this scene will not be very good!"

"Yeah!" Some other shareholders also echoed: "If you are interested, you can let go by yourself, maybe we can save you a little respect for the big brother\'s face, otherwise...

Really torn my face, it doesn\'t look good to you or us! ! "

314. Xiao Junlin is here, shocking the audience

"It doesn\'t look good?!"