Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 331:

307. Meng Caixuan fell, Xu Junjie came

"Thick report? Really don\'t need to..."

Xiao Junlin put the agreement back in the document bag, handed it to Meng Caixuan, and said with a smile:

"As for these things, you should take them back!"


Meng Caixuan\'s eager eyes dimmed instantly.

What does he mean?

Could it be that he promised to go to the appointment, but just wanted to reject himself in person?

But think about it!

How could he see these things?

He is the richest man in the province...

And that Xu Wanyue, that represents the Xu family in Shangjing!

How could Xiao Junlin choose to provoke her for something like himself?

Ask yourself.

Put it on yourself, how will you choose?

Mind this.

Meng Caixuan\'s whole person became a little lost.

"I\'m sorry, Director Xiao! I was too reckless..."

She smiled awkwardly, but didn\'t mean to be angry at all.

However, the sadness and anger in her heart made Xiao Junlin and the three sitting opposite her have a clear view.

When Xiao Junlin saw this, he laughed out loud on the spot!

This girl Meng Caixuan is really fun!

Facing her puzzled and bitter eyes, Xiao Junlin asked back with interest:

"Cai Xuan, I asked you to take these things back, but did I say I wouldn\'t help you?"


Meng Caixuan\'s eyes widened in surprise on the spot, and she exclaimed in disbelief, "Dong Xiao, you mean..."

"Yes, I am willing to help your Meng family to tide over the difficulties."

Xiao Junlin teased and played with his taste:

"Take the things back, I don\'t need them, and I don\'t like them!"

"The reason why I am willing to help is actually because of you!"

Xiao Junlin\'s unabashed words and bold eyes made Meng Caixuan shocked on the spot.

The next moment!

Her face was also completely red, and a hint of shame and surprise flashed in her heart.

Facing Xiao Junlin\'s words like a confession, she didn\'t know how to answer for a while.

However, she is not particularly disgusted by this, and even has a feeling of heartbeat!


She was already dazed by Xiao Junlin\'s overbearing CEO-like behavior, and she lost her mind.

"Meng Caixuan, Meng Caixuan, how can you do this?!"

"You are a married woman!"

Meng Caixuan was tangled in her heart.

The subconscious is also constantly admonishing herself that she must not indulge in the gentle village Xiao Junlin created for her.

It can be said so.

Her heart was completely lost in Xiao Junlin\'s aggressive eyes!

Meng Caixuan\'s mood has also become extremely complicated at this moment, and there seems to be a little sweetness flowing in her heart...


Let\'s keep eating! "

"Don\'t worry about Xu Wanyue, I will help you!"

Xiao Junlin comforted her calmly.

After Meng Caixuan heaved a sigh of relief, she smiled sweetly again.

at the same time.

Xu Junjie also led a large group of people into the Caesar Revolving Restaurant with a gloomy face.

On the way here, he already had the entire restaurant wrapped up.

When he arrived at the scene at this time, he also found a place where he could see the upstairs and sat down.

From this angle, Xu Junjie was just able to see Xiao Junlin and others.

At this moment, it has been him for so many years!

Seeing my own daughter again with my own eyes!

only one glance.

The haze on his face disappeared completely.

Instead, there is a hint of happiness, a hint of relief, and a hint of the obsessive smile of the old farmer watching the harvest of the vegetable field!
