Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 324:

Ye Bo, I want all his information in five minutes! "

"Yes, boss!"

The old man in Tang suit respectfully retired.


Just when Xu Junjie was overjoyed to find his daughter.

The interior of Tianhai Meng\'s house was filled with gloom and gloom!

Up to Meng Youji and his wife, down to the executives of the Meng Group.

Everyone\'s face is full of worry, and the frowning face is particularly ugly!

The woman Xu Wanyue was aggressive.

As soon as she left Mr. Meng\'s ward in the morning, she went out and directly killed the major subsidiaries of the Meng Group. In the name of auditing accounts, Xu Wanyue also began to interfere with the Meng family\'s major industrial projects.

the other side!

Xu Wanyue took advantage of her status as the only heir to the main line of the Xu family in Shangjing to vigorously win over the major shareholders of the Meng Group, and her words and deeds even showed that she was the future owner of the Meng family in Tianhai!

But now, Mr. Meng\'s situation is worrying, and sisters Meng Caixuan don\'t have the time to deploy control and return to defense...

By surprise.

Their arrangement and arrangement within the group for many years was completely destroyed by Xu Wanyue! !

This made Meng Caixuan and others so angry!

Of course, she tried her best to prevent and resist Xu Wanyue\'s attack and infiltration of her own forces, but at this time, she was completely lacking in energy...

Xu Wanyue\'s coming down this time is really too strong, and with the power and connections of the Xu family in Shangjing, many veteran shareholders have not even resisted at all, and they have all turned their backs!


Just outrageous! !

It is rude to say that the Tianhai Meng family at this time has truly reached the critical moment of life and death!

300. Great opportunity to have a go

"Xu Wanyue, this bitch, her hands are too long, right?

Do you really want no face at all? "

Meng Caixuan, who learned all this, roared angrily in the ward.

At the same time, not only her, but also Meng Youji and others are deeply disturbed by this...

If nothing happened to the old man.

Then Xu Wanyue would never dare to be so arrogant.

But now the old man is in a vegetative state, and the Meng family is also floating.

At this time, Xu Wanyue chose to target their Meng family, which was naturally unscrupulous!

"Damn!! Shall we make a phone call to go to Beijing?" Meng Xiaozhi pouted angrily: "Tell Grandpa Xu about this, Xu Wanyue is so rampant, he will definitely give us a head start!"

"Get out? Get out of your ass!"

"In the past few years, Xu Wanyue has been messing around everywhere, causing the major branches to be in danger for everyone. Except for our branch, the entire Xu family is basically turbulent...

That\'s it, haven\'t seen him come out to stop it? ! "

"Ha ha ha! Don\'t think too much of it.

At the Shangjing master\'s side, it was obvious that they were going to let Xu Wanyue fool around. Maybe they came with the abacus of annexing us. After all, there are some things that the older generation can\'t do well, but a rambunctious junior is just right! "

"Damn it, when the old man was alive in the past, they always kept their mouths shut about the family, but now the old man just fell, they immediately changed their faces...

Is it necessary to be so heartless? "

"It\'s mainly because of this benefit, it\'s really too big!!"

"It\'s just that Xu Wanyue is such a stinky three-eighth, she\'s just killing everything, and the food looks too ugly, right?!"

The Meng Youji couple gritted their teeth in anger.

Ye Tiance listened with his eyes shining.

The Meng family would encounter such a big trouble, which he never imagined before! !


Isn\'t this just him, a great opportunity to show his skills! !

As long as he can help the Meng family solve this crisis, he still needs to worry that Meng Caixuan doesn\'t look at him directly, will the Meng family still underestimate him?

Maybe this time, she really fell in love with herself?

But how can he really solve this crisis?

Ye Tiance fell into deep contemplation on the spot.

Now Xiao Junlin has destroyed all the forces that he finally formed in Tiannan Province, and the elites he brought back from abroad have all been taken away by the Secretary of Political Affairs...

All of this was done by Xiao Junlin!

Every time Ye Tiance thought of this, he felt so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood!

At this time, he has already completely fallen into the embarrassing dilemma that no one can use.

In addition, he is not a person who is good at making money at all.

This is really...

What can I do?

"At this time, all I can do is to directly ask Xu Wanyue for a showdown!"

Ye Tiance pondered in his heart with a distressed face: "My contacts in Shangjing should be of use. They are all big bosses, so they should be able to subdue a small heir of the Xu family, right?

As long as you solve her, then this matter is actually much simpler!

Um! Just do it..."