Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 320:


"The ancients honestly did not deceive me, and there are no traitors or businessmen."

The teachers, students and bosses in the audience were dumbfounded and full of emotion.

For Xiao Junlin\'s sudden chicken soup irrigation, everyone was speechless.

In the face of their resentful and speechless eyes, Xiao Junlin was very calm.


This money is not from the wind, I have to provide support to you for free just because I am rich and I am the richest man?

Is it because you are more beautiful?

Or is it because you have thick skin? !

To put it bluntly, he just came to show his face today and support Xu Jingci by the way.

These smashed but wanted to slaughter him in public as a fat sheep.

Simply ridiculous! !

Xiao Junlin can guess with his ass.

As long as he agrees now.

Then they must immediately throw in tens of billions of dollars, just to set up this **** start-up fund, and they have to give each of them another tens of millions of dollars...

Does this mean he\'s a money-losing boy? !

Embarrassed to refuse? Afraid of embarrassment? Afraid of being smeared?

That\'s something that doesn\'t even exist.

"As long as there is no morality, you will never be kidnapped by morality!"

This is what Xiao Junlin once said.

To know……

The last transmigrator, Li Jun, was so mad at Xiao Junlin!

"Haha! Let\'s thank Chairman Xiao for his earnest teachings!"

The hostess laughed and changed the subject with a smile, and said, "The performance of tonight\'s party is over here. Thank you Xiao Dong and Jingci for the perfect performance!"

"Let\'s get down to business, let\'s move on to today\'s donation session."

"Please donate enthusiastically!"

As the host\'s voice fell.

The charity evening has finally reached the donation link.

With Xiao Junlin Zhuyu in front, the bosses\' donations tonight were also very positive!

Tonight\'s charity party can be said to be very successful.

Xiao Junlin took Xu Jingci, Ye Yu and others to leave the venue one after another, and the whole campus immediately became lively again.

296. Really Xu Jingci

under night.

The political and legal freshman has changed from the tranquility of the past to the abnormal noise.

on the campus trail.

An old man in a Tang suit accompanied a middle-aged man with a cautious look on his face.

Behind the two were more than a dozen bodyguards.

Further back, there are several special vehicles trailing, ready to be called at any time.

As the two walked, the middle-aged man also sighed slightly.

"This time really flies, it\'s almost twenty years in a blink of an eye!"

"Remember that I spent two years studying at the University of Finance and Law before!

pity! Things are different, let\'s stop everything..."

"Everything here is so unfamiliar now, it\'s hard to let go."

The middle-aged man sighed with emotion.

However, the old man in Tang suit was slightly behind by half a step, listening quietly without saying a word.

Both of them belong to the Xu family in Shangjing.

The middle-aged man is the head of the main line of the Xu family in Shangjing——

Xu Junjie.

This time he visited Tianhai in secret.

When he was young, he also studied at Tiannan University of Economics and Law, so taking advantage of the night to come and see his old alma mater can be considered a revisit to the old place!


The old man in Tang suit, who was always listening, suddenly asked, "Are you going to visit Tianhai in secret this time to investigate Miss?"

"...There are also factors in this regard."

After Xu Junjie was silent for a while, he said, "Wan Yue has a strong personality. The old man and I are actually very clear about her ambitions and goals."

"However, the reason why we let her go everywhere to suppress the major branches over the years is mainly to see if her ability can match her ambitions, and secondly..."

"Secondly, we actually want to rely on her to take the opportunity to annex other branches."

"What was the identity of the Tianhai Meng family before the establishment of the clan? You should know it? This family is indeed quite powerful. If they can be swallowed up, it will be a great event for our main line."

"Yeah, I got it!"

The old man in Tang suit nodded to show he knew.

However, after a short silence for a moment, he couldn\'t help but sigh secretly in his heart.