Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 316:

Xiao Junlin immediately had a lot of piano skills in his mind!

Waited for almost half an hour.

until the end of the show.

Xu Jingci\'s performance is finally about to begin!

Lights converge on the stage.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes in the audience.

Xu Jingci came on stage steadily like a fairy in the world, without stage fright!

She just stood there on the stage.

The dust-like temperament of exile has detonated the audience, causing countless teachers and students to cheer and scream...

And Xiao Junlin was already sitting in front of the piano at the back of the stage.

The calm and handsome he and the exiled Xu Jingci complement each other, and are enviable like a pair of golden boys and girls made in heaven!

"My goodness!!"

"Is this the legendary golden boy and girl?"

"Xu Jingci is so beautiful, like a fairy..."

"Yes! Yes! And Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong is so handsome ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Everyone in the audience was full of amazement.

Many people even took out their mobile phones and recorded videos.

The expression of Qu Yuanlong, who was hiding behind the curtain, suddenly became extremely ugly.

Originally, after he knew that Xu Jingci\'s new performance required piano performance, he reached an agreement with other students in the band who knew the piano, and he was even ready for Xu Jingci to come and beg him...

But who would have thought!

Xiao Junlin actually appeared at this time!

And he also threatened to play the piano!


Simply ridiculous! ! !

Is it possible to go on stage after learning a little musical instrument? !

If it is so simple, how can it be so attractive to little girls?

"Damn it! What are you wearing?"

"You\'re a stinky businessman with a copper stench all over your body, and you\'re the only one who still plays the piano?"

Qu Yuanlong cursed with resentment.

There are ten thousand people who do not believe that Xiao Junlin can play the piano.

I wish he would make a fool of himself in the next moment!

He jumped straight out to save the field.


You can definitely capture the heart of the goddess! !

But when Xiao Junlin put his finger on the keyboard.

With just a simple start, Qu Yuanlong couldn\'t help but change his face...

A few brisk and rhythmic notes appeared quietly.

Just a minor tune at the beginning shocked the audience in a daze.

Everyone is immersed in this cheerful music, unable to extricate themselves!

The gentle music of "Gardenia Blossoms" gently describes the mood of parting.

The simple music rhythm makes people feel as if they can feel the fragrance of gardenias floating in the air when listening.

The catchy and fresh and natural tune, after Xu Jingci began to sing the lyrics, her joy reached its peak!

This is a school song.

In the face of a specific group of people who are in the beginning of love, it is especially easy to resonate!

An inexplicable emotion began to infect everyone.

"The gardenia is blooming, the gardenia is blooming"

"Like crystal waves blooming in my heart"

"The gardenia is blooming, the gardenia is blooming"

"It\'s a touch of youthful pure love"

"Gardenia bloom so lovely"

"Wave goodbye to joy and helplessness"

"Time seems to flow so fast


292. The curtain call of the performance, Qu Yuanlong\'s shame

"Who is the brilliance of my life"

"Who is crazy for me and doesn\'t wake up"


Completion of singing along with Xu Jingci\'s lyrics.

Xiao Junlin\'s accompaniment has also come to an end.

The emotions that made everyone intoxicated to the point of being unable to extricate themselves finally disappeared.