Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 306:

if not!

As the only true bloodline heir of the Xu family\'s main family.

In a matter of minutes, Xu Wanyue, a stinky woman who is not very talented and has a good temper, can be killed in seconds!


Xiao Junlin asked in a soft tone:

"How are you doing these days? Are you busy?"

"At school, no one bullies you, right?"

"No no!"

Xu Jingci hurriedly said, "Don\'t worry, uncle! With Brother Xing Chou here, who would dare to bully me?"

She paused for a moment when she said this, and then narrowed her eyes and said proudly: "The charity foundation\'s affairs are very smooth!"

"Uncle, the people you sent to me are also very professional. They have now completed the site selection and follow-up routine procedures, which really saved us a lot of trouble...

Also, I recruited a lot of volunteers in the school, and the brothers and sisters are also very enthusiastic!

We also visited sanatoriums, elderly care and orphanages and other places together, and also sponsored many poor students across the country! "

"Now I have basically no spare time except for classes every day.

Uncle, can you believe it? Now the time for serious class is the only time I can rest besides sleeping! ! "

"Oh! That\'s right...

Tonight, there will be a charity party in the auditorium of our school. The school would like to invite celebrities from all walks of life in Tiannan Province to donate money to poor areas! "

"Although I didn\'t initiate this party, I still have to go on stage to perform a show..."

"Uncle, are you free to participate?!"

Xu Jingci chatted happily at the dining table.

After she finished speaking, she put her hands on her cheeks and stared at Xiao Junlin with a look of anticipation!

I can tell!

She really, really wanted Xiao Junlin to accompany her to this charity party!


Xiao Junlin smiled helplessly.

Immediately, he went through his follow-up schedule for today in his mind.

After discovering that there really was nothing else, he nodded and replied, "Then listen to you, I\'ll go too...

By the way, I will also donate some money to poor areas! "


Xu Jingci cheered excitedly.

Thinking that she can go to this charity party with Xiao Junlin.

She couldn\'t help but be so happy!

I wish time could go faster and jump into the night!

At the same time, Xu Jingci was suddenly a little more nervous and apprehensive about her performance on stage tonight.

284. I will write a song, you will be responsible for singing it at night


Tiannan University of Economics and Law, where Xu Jingci studied, holds various evening parties every year.

But in the past, she never dared to sign up!

However, after getting along with Xiao Junlin during this period of time, her character has become much more lively and cheerful.

This time, for her charitable cause, she changed her cowardly temperament and summoned the courage to sign up.


It can also be regarded as another major breakthrough for her on the road of her own life...

If Xiao Junlin also accompanies her to participate.

That would be an unforgettable event for Xu Jingci!

"Jingci, you just said you wanted to perform?"

"Don\'t know what you\'re going to perform? Sing? Dance?"

Xiao Junlin looked up and down with a slightly curious look at Xu Jingci, whose face suddenly turned red.

"I... Uncle! I can\'t dance..."

Xu Jingci blushed and said embarrassedly:

"The family is poor and has no chance to learn at all.

But I can sing!

I\'m going to sing a song "Boundless" tonight! "

After Xu Jingci finished speaking, she hummed a few words softly.

When Xiao Junlin heard this, he frowned and shook his head.

He suddenly remembered his previous discovery!

The entertainment industry of songs and movies in this world is actually very backward.

Many golden songs that have been handed down before crossing the road do not exist at all in this world composed of various books!

Just in terms of popular songs.

Just take one over here, Xiao Junlin believes that he can hang everything here.

Coupled with Xu Jingci\'s clear and moving voice, it is really good, fresh and elegant, with a pure transparency.