Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 299:

Meng Caixuan, Meng Youji and other Meng family members will naturally not lose their courtesy.

The door opened.

Four men and one woman, the five big men on the road walked in each holding a flower basket.

Their attitude is warm, their manners are polite, and they even look a little humble!

Without waiting for the reaction of the Meng family, they said hello first.


"Brother Meng, sister-in-law, oh, Miss Caixuan..."

"Everyone is there? We are visiting suddenly, please forgive me for the abrupt place...

Didn\'t bother you all? "

"I heard that something happened to the old man, how is the situation now?"

"We are all in a hurry!

No, he rushed over immediately. "

The five underworld bosses smiled and greeted the Meng family members.

Such a very familiar look.

The whole guy is so dumbfounded!

When did their Meng family have such a good relationship with these hob meat?

Meng Youji took the flower basket with a smile on his face, and responded equally enthusiastically:

"Oh, what are you talking about? I didn\'t expect you to come. This ward is really crowded. Please forgive me for the poor reception..."

"Come here, everyone, sit here!"

"The old man\'s condition is really a little serious, this is not...

They are still in bed now! "

The Meng family greeted him warmly.

The bosses are also warmly greeted.

Throughout the ward!

Only Ye Tiance frowned and was puzzled.

To know!

He didn\'t let these **** come over!

But how did they come over?


Why is Pei Qing missing?

Among these people, to say who Ye Tiance is most optimistic about, it is undoubtedly Pei Qing...

But now, everyone else has come.

Pei Qing didn\'t come!

Pampered and coquettish?

and many more!

So these little brothers heard that Xiao Junlin had offended them, and came to save face for him on their own initiative?

"It\'s interesting!"

"These guys are doing really well..."

"By the way, why didn\'t I think of this?"

Ye Tiance was very happy.

The thought of waiting for the big men in the eyes of the Meng family to greet him respectfully, he couldn\'t help but secretly feel proud!

The Meng family must be really frightened, right?


Ye Tiance couldn\'t help but bring a hint of admiration to the eyes of the few people.


Ye Tiance was only happy, but he didn\'t notice the faint embarrassment on the faces of these people...

Even the fact that they didn\'t dare to look directly at Ye Tiance\'s eyes was automatically interpreted by Ye Tiance as a psychological wave of fear in their hearts because of their own opinions!

He noticed the surprise hidden in Ye Tiance\'s eyes.

The big guys are really hard to say!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ye Tiance was so proud of himself, he couldn\'t help laughing out loud, and said, "Dad, Cai Xuan, you really don\'t need to be so nervous, just be casual, they are not outsiders!"


Ye Tiance said these words.

The entire ward was silent for a moment!

The five building materials bosses headed by Mr. Ding looked embarrassed, but did not dare to make any response to this sentence.

Just when the atmosphere was awkward.

The bodyguards also came in again to report.

"Master, Miss, Director Hu is here and said he wants to visit the old man..."

"Quick, quick please!"

"Minister Li is here and said he wants to visit the old man..."