Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 289:

It seems that my format is too small! "

"Then you\'re right!"

Hearing this, Geng Ruizhi directly shook his head and said, "If they are allowed to make trouble like this, within a month, the factory will definitely be in jeopardy! No matter how big Xiao Dong\'s family is, he can\'t raise tens of thousands of people in vain..."

"Furthermore, Pei Qing is really too smart. He bites him to death because the compensation negotiation of the employees is not in place. In this way, even if the government wants to intervene, it has no position! After all, if they do this, they will be an obstacle. It\'s just traffic, it\'s not painful or itchy, it\'s not even a matter of gathering a crowd to make trouble, do you think it\'s troublesome or not?"

"Okay, okay, don\'t talk about it."

Xiao Junlin waved his hand with a smile, and said, "This is the end of the matter."

"Pei Qing is just a clown who was pushed to the front of the stage. What we really need to care about is the other people behind him, but we don\'t need to worry too much..."

"By the way, Old Wang! How\'s the development of your catalytic agent?"

Being named by Xiao Junlin, Wang Xingye\'s face immediately turned positive, and he replied, "Don\'t worry, Director Xiao!"

"My new catalytic agent has been successfully developed and is currently in the patent application stage!"

"And I have personally made improvements. Currently, there are 17 production lines in the factory that can be put into production, but I still recommend building new production lines. After all, the existing equipment in the factory is too old and its efficiency is too low. "

After Wang Xingye finished speaking, Geng Ruizhi immediately took out a plan and handed it to Xiao Junlin.

While Xiao Junlin was flipping through the pages, Geng Ruizhi also said:

"Dong Xiao! I also agree with the proposal of Pharaoh. I propose to build a new factory immediately, strive to complete it before March next year, and gradually expand the scope of our factory!"

"And in the next three to five years, I plan to expand the scale of the factory to 100,000 people and build 72 large-scale production lines at the same time! In this way, our annual output value is expected to easily reach 500 to 700 billion. …”

"In this way, the annual profit can easily exceed 100 billion, and strive to seize half of the country\'s catalytic pharmaceutical industry in the next three years, and become the leader of the chemical industry in Tiannan Province!"

Geng Ruizhi\'s report is more comprehensive than Wang Xingye\'s!

Xiao Junlin also nodded secretly.

The guy\'s talent for business is unquestionable.

After all kinds of project planning are in his hands, they can become more perfect!

As long as this plan is implemented according to his plan, the entire Tianxiang Chemical Factory will soon enter a stage of rapid development!

Why can\'t you make money?

Maybe this is before the University City project will bring profits!

"good very good!"

Xiao Junlin nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Lao Geng, you still need to be distracted to take care of the specific planning and implementation of the chemical plant recently. After all, Lao Wang is in charge of R&D and production. If you can\'t compare with you in terms of process management, you will work as hard as you can. , when everything is on the right track, you can find someone to take over the specific work..."


Geng Ruizhi nodded excitedly on the spot and agreed!

The University Town project is just getting started.

Immediately here, there is another chemical plant restructuring!

Each one is a super project worth hundreds of billions!

Xiao Junlin can hand over these things to him, which shows his trust in himself...

Such a great favor, he simply can\'t repay it!

The heavier the burden on Geng Ruizhi, the more motivated he will be!

At the same time, there are increasing expectations and prospects for the development and future of the Group.

But the next moment!

However, Geng Ruizhi frowned suddenly, and asked in confusion, "But Director Xiao, who the **** is messing with us?"

"The university town project has been shut down..."

"And there are many official formalities that have all been stuck.

We are really passive right now! "

"It\'s okay.

Just take care of your own affairs, and I\'ll take care of the rest. "

Xiao Junlin waved his hand indifferently, and had no plans to stay here any longer.

The matter here is over, Geng Ruizhi and Wang Xingye don\'t need to worry too much about the matter here.

He was almost able to retire.

After all, there are many other things waiting for him to do!

On Ye Tiance\'s side...

Xiao Junlin must also give a certain counterattack!

Otherwise, things like today will only be more or less in the future!


This is definitely not what he wants to see!

271. Within three days, kowtow at the door

On the way back from the chemical factory to my villa.

Xiao Junlin decisively dialed Bai Yan\'s number.

The phone has just been connected.

Xiao Junlin simply ordered in a deep voice: "Yan, let me go out!"

"It\'s just that I, Xiao Junlin, said that all those who have offended me and targeted my brothers and industries will come over and apologize to me in person within three days!"

"If you don\'t come after three days, you will be responsible for all consequences!"


Xiao Junlin\'s order.

Suddenly, on the other end of the phone, Bai Yan, who had never said a word, took a deep breath!