Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 282:

It\'s a pity that there are not many people, only a dozen or so...

It looks really lonely.

After them, Geng Ruizhi brought people from Guangmao Group, as well as the people he has promoted in the factory these days.

Compared to the police chief.

The number of new management and ordinary employees of the chemical plant gathered around Geng Ruizhi is quite impressive!

Just compared with the other side, it is still at a disadvantage...

"Dong Xiao!"

"Hello Xiao Dong!"

The arrival of Xiao Junlin is like a backbone.

Immediately let Geng Ruizhi, Wang Xingye, and the local police superintendents breathe a sigh of relief!

However, in the face of greetings from several people, Xiao Junlin directly chose to ignore it.

After looking around the crowd, he couldn\'t help but sneer and said disdainfully:

"It\'s so lively here? What is the age, and you still use such an old-fashioned method of visiting..."

"Who is in charge here, come out directly? Let me see what skills you have?"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Xiao Junlin finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a suit walked out of the gangster. He walked out with a smile, looked directly at Xiao Junlin\'s playful eyes, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, I have long admired the name!"

"It\'s just a pity, we really didn\'t come to make trouble!"

"I\'m just fighting for the legitimate rights and interests of Tianxiang\'s employees..."

"But since you are here in person now, let\'s just discuss it!"

264. Pei Qing? Are you sure you can really afford to play with me?

"Dong Xiao!"

"This person\'s name is Pei Qing, from a gangster.

When he was young, with two handfuls of watermelon slices, he secretly gained a great reputation.

Up to now, it has faintly controlled most of the sand and gravel supply in the entire Tiannan Province, which is quite difficult to mess with! "

"Originally, he was also one of the top ten building materials suppliers for our university town project, but this time I don\'t know the reason, and suddenly jumped out to attack..."

"And as soon as he came out, he directly cut off the freight chain between the other nine companies and us, and brought in a large group of gangsters to make trouble. It\'s really a headache!"


After Geng Ruizhi finished speaking, a young man from the Political Secretary continued: "And this guy is very smart, he is not looking for the kind of people who are really on the road, he is looking for all the villagers in the surrounding townships, some of which are still unavailable for the time being. Resigned factory employees."

"In this way, we have nothing to do with them!!"

The two of you said a word to me, and you immediately shook out Pei Qing\'s details.

After listening to Geng Ruizhi and the superintendent\'s explanation, Xiao Junlin frowned slightly.

Now he has basically understood what is going on here!

He had heard of this Pei Qing before.

However, Xiao Junlin really did not expect...

This Pei Qing actually belonged to Ye Tiance!

Then this Ye Tiance\'s power is really not small? !

This is only in Tiannan Province.

If this is overseas...

I believe that the forces that Ye Tiance can use will definitely be even more terrifying!

As expected of the **** of war!

As expected of a veteran protagonist!

Not to be underestimated! ! !

Although the current Ye Tiance didn\'t know which muscle was wrong, he willingly went to be the son-in-law...

But it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with!

After all, with the blessing of the system, pigs can take off, right?

"Well! Pei Qing, right?"

Xiao Junlin nodded expressionlessly, just walked to a stone next to him and sat down, lit a cigar, and said calmly: "Come on, tell me, what are you going to do? I\'m here with you today. Accompany you to the end.

But...are you sure you can really afford to play with me? "


Pei Qing took a deep breath!

While his face turned pale, he felt that his breathing seemed to be stagnant for a few seconds!

before coming.

In fact, he had already thought about how Xiao Junlin would fight back against him, or what he would do against him...

Even the preparations for a fight have been made!

The result can be...

Xiao Junlin did not choose any of the methods he had prepared.

It\'s neither threatening, nor shouting!

He just sat there with a blank face and smoked, but Pei Qing, an old Jianghu, did not dare to act rashly.

As the saying goes, a dog that bites doesn\'t bark...