Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 28:

Wouldn\'t it be nice to marry into the Xiao family early to enjoy the glory and wealth, and be a high-class person in high society?

"Damn it! It\'s all your fault!"

Shen Chengzhi turned around in anger, took a lot of effort to pull out his arm from the crowd, pointed at his daughter\'s nose and scolded: "Damn girl, I told you to stop holding it, you are stupid and rich. It\'s hard to find, if you find it, you will marry quickly, but you won\'t!"

"It\'s alright now, let\'s finish playing together, are you satisfied now?!"

"That\'s right, if it wasn\'t for you, would we be so embarrassed?"

The rest of the Shen family also cursed.

Diao Ningxin said even more hatefully: "I\'ll take care of you when I get home, and you wait for me!"

"No!" Shen Chengzhi cursed and suddenly came to his senses.

He hurriedly gritted his teeth and turned around, struggling to push the crowd away, until he was less than three meters in front of Xiao Junlin before being stopped by several attendants, staring at Xiao Junlin who was sitting on the sofa and drinking a sip, and said, "Dong Xiao, before It\'s all my daughter\'s fault, I apologize to you for her! I hope you have a lot of adults, and give them another chance!"

"As long as you are willing to let our Shen family go, I, Shen Chengzhi, will repay you from now on!"

"I\'ve always liked Xiao Yi, and so does our Xiaoyu! It\'s just that she\'s a girl, she\'s thin-skinned, and she\'s embarrassed to say it... But now that things are like this, it\'s not what we want to see! As long as you order I can get them married right away!"

"As long as the two of them get married, aren\'t you satisfied? Look..."

As soon as Shen Chengzhi\'s voice fell, the other Shen family members immediately responded.

Diao Ningxin hurriedly ran to her husband\'s side and begged: "Yes, Director Xiao! Let them get married immediately, and get married tonight! Young people are ignorant, will you give them another chance?"

"I\'d rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage! Xiao Dong, you don\'t want to see your son heartbroken, right?"

"Ah? Dad, yes, Dad! Will you give me another chance? I married Xiaoyu, and I will definitely honor you with her..."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi quickly stood up to help, and made a series of guarantees without blinking his eyelids.


After the three of them finished speaking, not only the guests at the venue, but even the Big Five sitting beside Xiao Junlin were stunned.

The Shen family are all **** logic geniuses! !

This matter has already gotten to such a level that they can still shamelessly bow their heads and ask for help?

Xiao Dong made it clear that he was going to mess with you, so he could even deny his own son.

That\'s it, you still find a logical loophole for you? !

Everyone was shocked.

Because they all thought about it carefully just now, and found that if this matter wants to be resolved peacefully, it seems... there is really only this way!

Xiao Dong was angry. He was angry that his son was too useless. He licked a woman for three years and he still didn\'t get it.

Therefore, the decision to sever the father-son relationship was made...

The Shen family, it was nothing more than a disaster!

Now Shen Chengzhi proposes to let the two get married immediately, and he has given all his face, so Dong Xiao doesn\'t need to be angry?

If the two families become in-laws, naturally there is no need to meet in court!

The question now is, Chairman Xiao...Would you like to?

Everyone looked at the stalwart figure sitting on the sofa with expectant eyes.

nod? !

Xiao Junlin\'s face was indifferent, and he was about to say no.

In the crowd over there, Shen Xiaoyu had already collapsed and cried...

"Dad, why are you begging him? I have never liked Xiao Yi, let alone marry him! Why do you decide for me?!"

"Negotiate my happiness, even if you are my dad!!"

All the guests at the venue turned their heads in surprise and stared at Shen Xiaoyu who suddenly squatted down and cried.


Shen Xiaoyu\'s reaction was beyond everyone\'s expectations!

At this time, her face was full of tears, her delicate makeup was everywhere, her pear blossoms were raining, and her pitiful appearance, combined with her pure and pure temperament, made many men present feel a little distressed.

His father was willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the rest of his life to quell the anger of others.

This is absolutely unbearable for her!

When she first entered the venue, Shen Xiaoyu was in the spotlight, and many girls came to tout her!

She enjoyed the feeling of being on top very much.

but now…

The father\'s pleading, the mother\'s abuse, the eyes of everyone...

Make her feel like she\'s being targeted.

She didn\'t understand why all the faults became her own?

He Xiao Yi is willing to give her something, be willing to be a licking dog by her side, and obey her, can this blame her? !

She really has no feelings for Xiao Yi!

Could it be that she will marry someone who is good to her? What absurd reason is this?

Why would she sacrifice her own happiness to marry someone she doesn\'t love for the Shen family?

She doesn\'t want to!

028. Xiao Junlin is just a stepping stone

"Damn girl, do you have your share of words here? Shut up for me!"

The hatred in Shen Chengzhi\'s heart...

If it weren\'t for the scruples of the multitude of eyes and ears here, he wouldn\'t have been able to resist going up to slap her!

How did you raise such a wonderful flower?

"You have to get married if you don\'t marry. This matter, you say it doesn\'t matter!"