Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 273:

"Ding Ding Ding!!"

"The fusion of the new world is detected, please choose the current main task by the host."

"One: sit back and ignore it.

Sit back and watch Ye Tiance use his means to save Mr. Meng, you will copy the opponent\'s herbal skills! "

"Two: strangle the enemy in the cradle.

At the critical moment when Ye Tiance rescued Mr. Meng, shielding Ye Tiance\'s herbal skills, causing Mr. Meng to be completely reduced to a vegetative state, you will receive a mind-reading reward! "

Several system prompts appeared again.

After Xiao Junlin finished reading it, his expression suddenly became slightly startled.

The second option in this system is a bit ruthless...

Turn Mr. Meng into a vegetative state?


For this matter, Xiao Junlin did not feel disgusted.

Because it is in the original work of the God of War.

The old man Meng lying in front of him now is the super backer and die-hard fan of Ye Tiance in the early stage!

He not only offered Meng Caixuan to Ye Tiance with a tough attitude.

He has always regarded Ye Tiance as his absolute heir!

And he is very partial to him, and he takes good care of him!

He was even willing to sacrifice the entire Meng clan to pave the way for Ye Tiance. When he reached the middle and late stages, he even gave Meng Xiaozhi to Ye Tiance as a woman.

After all, these beautiful sisters with their own strengths are just tools in the eyes of Mr. Meng!

However, Mr. Meng\'s eccentric efforts did not bring any good results.

After the entire Meng family was exhausted by Ye Tiance, they finally brought up a tragic end.

At the same time that Ye Tiance completely annexed the Meng family\'s assets, he also gained both people and wealth!

as a reader.

Very cool!

But now...

He is not a reader!

In Xiao Junlin\'s view.

This old man of the Meng family is simply an idiot!

The super cerebral palsy who kneels and licks the protagonist and gives money to the protagonist, if Ye Tiance is allowed to rescue him unharmed, then 80% of them will cause other things...

Instead, why not let him continue to fall asleep?

"System, I choose the second one."

Just as soon as his eyes rolled, Xiao Junlin made a direct choice.

This is nothing to think about!


"Congratulations to the host for successfully making a choice."


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mind-reading skill reward!"


After a strange fluctuation.

Xiao Junlin\'s eyebrows suddenly felt a pain, and an inexplicable feeling of palpitations permeated from the depths of his heart.

His eyes suddenly became sharp and unusual, with a deepness that seemed to be able to see through people\'s hearts, and he seemed to be able to feel the thoughts of the people present in his mind. !

This magical skill immediately surprised him.

Suppressing the joy and excitement in his heart, Xiao Junlin said helplessly: "I\'m really sorry, Chairman Meng, your grandfather\'s situation is very troublesome, I\'m not particularly sure..."

"My personal suggestion is to send Mr. Meng to the hospital?"

"Send to the hospital!?"

Ye Tiance took a few steps and rushed up, pushed Xiao Junlin away, and said to Meng Caixuan, "If you can\'t save it, don\'t stand here and get in the way! The old man is in critical condition, how can there be time to send him to the hospital?"

"Cai Xuan, Cai Xuan, I\'m here to help you, old man!"


"Ye Tiance, can you save me?"

"This is a matter of life and death for Mr. Meng!

Ye Tiance, you must not joke? "

All the Meng family members exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone\'s eyes were full of deep surprise.

and deep...

Do not believe!

This kid, don\'t you want to brag again?

257. Nine Transformations Mysterious Gold Needle Method

"The current situation of the old man is very, very critical. It can be said that the gods are hard to save!"

"Fortunately, I met me. With my medical skills, I should have no problem trying to save him."

"As long as I use our Ye Family Ancestor...