Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 262:

In front of everyone, announce to everyone that he is Shengquan\'s son.

Who is Shengquan?

That is Xiao Junlin\'s housekeeper who has followed him since he was young!

Since Ye Tiance is the son of Xiao Junlin\'s housekeeper, everyone\'s preconceived ideas all subconsciously think that the scene just now must have been created by Xiao Junlin.

It\'s just that they couldn\'t help but want to laugh when they thought of Ye Tiance\'s arrogant look at the gate of Meng\'s family just now!

"Damn! Scare me..."

"I really thought this Ye Tiance was really a big man!"

"That\'s right! But I was frightened. It turned out that he was just the son of a servant under Xiao Dong!"

"Hehehe! It\'s just a dog\'s power! What a housekeeper\'s son, this status should be put aside in ancient times, that is, the servant of Ren Xiaodong!"

"This **** guy just sent him something from all the way, and this kid is so shameless and rude to let him go, what a shame!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... You see how good Dong Xiao treats him, it\'s okay to support him, and he is really lucky for such a big scene!"

Everyone was talking quietly.

Many Meng family servants once again cast a contemptuous look at Ye Tiance.

Even Meng Caixuan couldn\'t help but flash a trace of displeasure in her eyes!

Ye Tiance saw all this, and he was so angry that he really wanted to vomit blood...

He knew that at this time, he was absolutely speechless.

When these comments reached his ears, he was so angry that his back molars were about to shatter!

"Fuck Xiao Junlin, this bitch, beast!"

"Who is his servant? Who is his servant? Does Lao Tzu know him well?!"

"These people are clearly called by me!

Why doesn\'t anyone believe it? "

Ye Tiance roared angrily in his heart.

A sense of humiliation of pretending to fail and being counter-killed made him think of dying for the first time!

But Ye Tiance didn\'t dare to attack, Xiao Junlin had completely controlled the whole situation at this time.

This guy, just by virtue of his IQ, has completely crushed all his appearances.

If he chooses to really turn his face at this time, it will obviously be himself who is embarrassed!

Therefore, after taking a few deep breaths, Ye Tiance had to temporarily choose to admit counsel.

He lowered his head and gritted his teeth to look at Shengquan, and said:

"Dad, long time no see..."

247. Invincible God of War system, attributes of Ye Tiance

His hello.

It\'s a complete declaration that he has failed this time in his pretense!

"Hahahahaha... How can father and son have an overnight feud?

come come come! Everyone sit down and sit down! "

Xiao Junlin greeted him warmly.

The atmosphere in the restaurant warmed up again.

"That\'s right! Mommy Wu, have some more tea!"

"Ye Tiance, sit down, sit down, you are actually Lao Sheng\'s son...

I really didn\'t expect it! Lao Sheng has been with President Xiao for decades, and he is a family hero who has worked hard and made great achievements! "

"Come on, Lao Sheng... We are in-laws, so we need to have a good drink!"

Meng Youji and his wife enthusiastically pulled Shengquan to sit down.

As the saying goes, if one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

With Xiao Junlin\'s current social status, even if Shengquan was just a housekeeper, the Meng family would never dare to neglect him!

Even with Ye Tiance\'s status in the Meng family, the tide has risen.

At least now on the bright side, there should be no Meng family who dare to bully him again!

However for this change.

Ye Tiance was not happy at all.

He sat on the side with a cold face, regretful in his heart.

From time to time, he would glare at Xiao Junlin...

This feeling was so suffocating that he wanted to vomit blood!

After eating such a big loss, he still can\'t explain it!

"Ding Ding Ding!!!"

"Attention please!"

"It is detected that the Son of Destiny appears near the host, and the Invasion Mode of the Destiny Villain System is automatically turned on!"

"Has invaded the other party\'s system and obtained the other party\'s information..."

"The information was obtained successfully, please check the host yourself!"

A piece of system information suddenly appeared.

The corner of Xiao Junlin\'s mouth couldn\'t help but evoke a smile.

He decisively chose "View" in his heart, and an attribute panel quietly appeared in front of him.

——"Invincible God of War System"