Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 259:

An armed **** convoy consisting of 18 vehicles and hundreds of black-clothed bodyguards roared on the Huanhai Expressway in Tianhai City!

There are more than a dozen cars driving the road ahead of the convoy.

The scene is very extravagant and exaggerated!

For all the people who saw this scene, no one could have guessed that this mobilizing armed **** convoy was actually just to **** a few snow crabs from Macau and Hong Kong!

And this huge and exaggerated scene is being staged in many different places.

The local people were stunned!

"What the **** is this doing?"

"What kind of big man is this traveling, why are there so many luxury cars?"

"Is he... is he crazy?

The Huanhai Expressway is 200 miles away. What do these guys think? "

"What\'s more, what the hell! You see there\'s still a road ahead of you who is helping to clear the traffic..."

"Damn it! Running 130 in the city, don\'t you die?"

"I\'m a **** good guy. Can rich people really do whatever they want?"

"Everyone, look at the sky, let me wipe, the helicopter formation!!"

After the onlookers talked about it, all of them raised their heads in shock.

In the sky, several helicopter formations roared and flew over the heads of everyone.

These helicopters don\'t know what they are transporting, but this scene is enough to make many people tremble with fear!

This is simply a rhythm that is about to fight...

Twenty minutes later!

The first team arrived outside the Meng family mansion first!

The mighty eighteen cars were neatly lined up in a row!

The bodyguards in the car hula-la got out of the car, and stood out in an orderly formation of a hundred people.

This spectacular scene directly scared the faces of the Meng family\'s bodyguards and servants!

"What\'s going on here?"

"Why are there so many people?"

Meng Youji and Zhou Lurong, who were chatting with Xiao Junlin at the dining table, were also taken aback!

The Meng family\'s restaurant is condescending.

From their angle, they could just see the situation at the gate.

Just looking at it, everyone was completely shocked!

"what happened?"

"Why are there so many people? There are so many cars..."

Everyone was dumbfounded and puzzled.

Only Xiao Junlin couldn\'t help laughing, and a little bit of interest arose.

Isn\'t this what Wanbang is coming to court?

What a familiar and **** routine!

It\'s like that "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

can only say……

A **** of war! !

This is embarrassing, so do you want to save some face?

"It\'s interesting, I really want to see how you\'re going to play?"

Xiao Junlin sneered in his heart.

245. Ye Tiance\'s life highlights

A hundred people lined up outside the Meng family mansion.

An old man in Tang suit with the appearance of a butler came out of the convoy.

Behind the old man were seven tall bodyguards.

Each bodyguard is also carefully holding a white foam box!

After a few people lined up.

The old man in Tang suit said reverently and loudly: "At the order of the adults, I will send Aogang Snow Crabs - seven!"

"Please check with the Meng family."

Ye Tiance appeared at the door of the Meng family with a proud face.

With his hands behind his back, he said lightly, "Okay! Put things down and get out."

His expression was calm, but the aura when he opened his mouth instantly stunned everyone!

"Is he! That Ye Tiance dares to speak like that?"

"That guy, is that guy really Ye Tiance?"

"That\'s right! Why did he suddenly seem to be a different person? What\'s going on here..."

When everyone in the Meng family was stunned.

The old man in Tang suit respectfully put down the things in his hand, then waved his hand, and took all the bodyguards and the team, turned his head and left quickly.

The whole process is neat and orderly!

Everyone\'s positions are also in order, and Geng\'s process is particularly well-trained and full of pomp!

"Take everything to the kitchen!"