Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 257:

Just staring at him with squinting eyes.

Ye Tiance smelled a stronger sense of provocation!

And this kind of humiliation brought by Xiao Junlin gave him the feeling!

It is more than the sum total of the treatment he has suffered in the Meng family for five years! !

"Hum hum……"

Xiao Junlin\'s housekeeper Shengquan sneered silently.

This sneer contains a kind of contempt, heartbreak and disappointment!

Although Ye Tiance didn\'t follow his surname, he was always his son!

But now, he is so rude, he ran over to be the son-in-law of the Meng family, and he was still insulted by this in his family\'s house, and let others insult him casually!

This kind of feeling makes Shengquan really feel ashamed...

No matter what, he, a son who has never scolded him like this before as a father!

Father and son looked at each other silently again.

The humiliation in Ye Tiance\'s heart suddenly increased!

I think he is a dignified **** of war!

He actually let his own father despise him? !

"Dong Xiao..."

Seeing this, Meng Caixuan quickly frowned and stood up to relieve the siege: "Tiance him, he\'s been a little uncomfortable with social problems recently!

If there is something rude, I hope you can Haihan, don\'t have the same knowledge as us..."

"how could be?"

Xiao Junlin shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said:

"I just think that Ye Tiance is a talented person, and it is really a bit too embarrassing to be a son-in-law who is in the door..."

"What\'s wrong with him?"

"Ye Tiance lives in our Meng family, eats our Meng family\'s food, and lives with our Meng family\'s!

He didn\'t contribute at all, and he didn\'t even want to go out to work! "

"Look, if we hadn\'t raised him, he might end up on the streets...

Xiao Dong, you don\'t know! This guy can enter the door of our Meng family, it is a great blessing that he has cultivated in eight lifetimes! "

Meng Youji and his wife smiled and complained wildly about Ye Tiance\'s fault.

These words made Ye Tiance\'s face turn green with anger!

at the same time……

Shengquan\'s heart couldn\'t help but feel even more sad.

He was completely disappointed with his son!

this kid!

He\'s even more brainless than that idiot Xiao Yi! ! !

Although Xiao Yi also licked dogs, after all, they only licked Shen Xiaoyu!

This Ye Tiance is good.

I actually chose to join the family directly and licked the whole family...

Send it to your door to be a cow and a horse!

Isn\'t this so rude?

Such a son...

Anyone who has such a son will be **** off, right?

"Alright, alright! Dad, Mom, don\'t talk about it anymore, Xiao Dong is still here..."

"Come on, it\'s almost time, let\'s have dinner, shall we?"

Meng Caixuan stood up again to smooth the way.

Only Meng Yuji and his wife truly let Ye Tiance go.

"Yes, yes! Let\'s eat first, eat first..."

"Brother Xiao, do we have to stay drunk today?"

"Our Meng family can welcome the presence of your great god, it really makes the poor house shine!"

Meng Yuji and his wife greeted warmly.

Ye Tiance gritted his teeth and returned to the kitchen with a sullen face.

This is the end of the matter...

243. Xiao Junlin, let\'s wait and see

As the saying goes, the more you think about it, the more you get angry, and the more you think about it, the more you take a step back!

Seeing Xiao Junlin chatting and laughing with the Meng family at the dining table, Ye Tiance\'s anger in the kitchen was always indelible!

Especially the disappointed eyes of his father Shengquan hurt him even more!

"Think I\'m a dignified **** of war, but I\'ve actually fallen to this level?"

Ye Tiance cursed angrily in a low voice, even he wanted to slap himself!

This is just shameful...

"No, no, I can\'t go on like this!"

"I was scolded a few times at Meng\'s house before.

That\'s because of love, I can endure it! I also firmly believe that Cai Xuan will be able to see my heart one day! "