Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 251:


There are all killers here, and everyone is a veteran of torture, right?

It\'s ridiculous to still be tough here!


There was a sour and strange sound from the room, resembling a scream!

After about ten minutes.

A man walked out of the room and said to Xiao Junlin, "They don\'t know anything except that the person who hired them is called Ye Tiance."

"And they\'re not here to spy on you, they\'re actually here to protect a person."

"Protect? Who to protect..."

This time, Xiao Junlin was completely surprised!

Did he really make a mistake?

This is not scientific!

He secretly modified the feng shui formation in the front yard of his villa, which was clearly due to hostility!

How could it possibly be to protect people?

"They said they were here to protect a man named Shengquan."

The name said by the man made Xiao Junlin fall into silence directly.

Shengquan! !

Shengquan ah...

Isn\'t this person just Sheng Quan, the housekeeper Sheng, who follows him with a loyalty of 98? !

That is to say!

This group of people didn\'t come to monitor him Xiao Junlin at all, but were sent to protect him Shengquan?

So what kind of identity is Shengquan?

Who will send someone to protect him?

"This thing seems a little troublesome..."

Ye Yu also muttered in a low voice with an embarrassed expression.

Xiao Junlin nodded.

But now he began to wonder again, what is the relationship between this person named Ye Tiance and him?

This name sounds like a protagonist!

Xiao Junlin is a little confused...

He suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some big secrets in it?

237. The son of the **** of war returns to the city as a son-in-law

Is there anything Shengquan is hiding from himself?

But it\'s impossible...

Judging from the loyalty of the system, Shengquan\'s loyalty is absolutely worthy of affirmation!

"Forget it, clean up all these corpses and bullet holes, and don\'t leave a single living hole.

I will let someone buy this house as soon as possible, and your people will live here in the future! "

"Be careful and keep a low profile. After all, you all have guns. Don\'t make any fools for me."

Xiao Junlin gave an order casually.

Before Ye Yu could answer, he walked out of the door of Villa 18.

He was full of doubts now, and as soon as he got home, he went to Shengquan and asked directly, "Lao Sheng, who is Ye Tiance?"


Shengquan\'s originally excited expression immediately froze.

He directly asked in surprise, "Master, why do you know my son?"

"Huh? Is he your son?" Xiao Junlin exclaimed!


Shengquan sighed and said, "Alas! This stinky brat has never given me peace of mind since he was a child. He was spoiled by his mother. You know that I am an old man. When I was young, I only cared about the affairs of the group. , I don\'t have that time at all, and when I get old, I have a son, and I don\'t have the heart to take care of him."

"He was kept in his old home all the time, and later took his mother\'s surname. When he grew up, I sent him to the army to be a soldier, but I didn\'t expect him to be a soldier king or something. of……"

"But then I don\'t know what he was thinking. He didn\'t want to serve the motherland, but he went abroad to become a mercenary."

"When I came back a few years ago, I thought he would be able to change his mind and become a new person in the future, but he actually went and became a son-in-law!!"

"That almost made me mad!

We have met a lot in recent years, and he always persuaded me to retire, saying that he wanted to support me.

But he is a door-to-door son-in-law, where did he get the money? So I never agreed. "

Sheng Quan finished speaking.

Xiao Junlin suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

the fuck?

Why is this routine so familiar! !

This boy\'s name, this identity!

Shouldn\'t he really be a protagonist?

Xiao Junlin was taken aback by his own guess.
