Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 248:

So far!

The Tianxiang chemical plant project finally fell on the head of Guangmao Group.

This large-scale chemical plant with annual sales of 100 billion in the future.

After several twists and turns...

In the end, it completely fell into Xiao Junlin\'s hands!


The world villa area.

Xiao\'s villa.

After Xiao Junlin got the exact news from Guyutang, he immediately called Geng Ruizhi.

"Old Geng, put down all the project work at hand except the university town.

You immediately send someone to contact the Provincial Planning and Construction Department to do a good job in the handover of Tianxiang Chemical Factory!

I want you to completely take the entire Tianxiang Chemical Plant into our hands within three days! "

"Remember, bring a team to the chemical plant in person, and be sure to check all the available materials and the list of all employees!"

"Oh, by the way, there is a R&D person named Wang Xingye in the factory. I will let him come to you when the time comes. He is the new chief project R&D director of our group. No matter what project he wants to develop, you must assist him. He conducts the latest research! Be sure to give him the greatest support, the kind that asks money to give money to people, do you understand?"

The phone has just been connected.

Xiao Junlin\'s series of tasks have been issued.


"Don\'t worry, Director Xiao, promise to complete the task!"

Geng Ruizhi agreed without thinking.

Xiao Junlin hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Although Geng Ruizhi is usually very busy, he can use his skills, but a university town project is not the limit of his ability!

To know his ability in his heyday, he was able to completely manipulate and control a business empire with a market value of several trillion!

Even with the restructuring of a chemical plant now, at most, it will save him two trips to the toilet every day.

That\'s why Xiao Junlin entrusted him with such an important task!

After all, it was a super-large chemical plant involving more than 50,000 people.

From the inventory of personnel and materials to the complete restructuring, plus the sorting out of various industrial chain processes, no matter how you think about it, it is a very huge project!

Xiao Junlin just thought about the work he was about to face for a while, and then he shuddered...

This kind of work can only be given to him, so Xiao Junlin can really rest assured!

After arranging all the work, he was really relieved...

Now Yu Fengsheng has no system and no luck value.

He is just an ordinary ordinary person!

It will no longer pose any threat to Xiao Junlin!

Moreover, several of his major groups and companies have gradually begun to get on the right track.

Xiao Junlin didn\'t have time to sigh when he could finally rest!

A beautiful figure quietly appeared in his study...

Night Feather!

This little girl who disappeared for nearly half a month has returned.

And as soon as she came back, she showed a fierce show in front of Xiao Junlin!

Not only did he escape all the bodyguards in the villa, but he didn\'t even notice Bo Yan\'s eyeliner who had been hiding outside!

That\'s all there is to it!

What really surprised Xiao Junlin was before she fully revealed her figure!

Even Xiao Junlin himself...

Didn\'t notice at all! ! !

That\'s kind of scary!

235. The background of Izumo

"came back?"

Seeing Ye Yu who suddenly appeared in front of him, Xiao Junlin smiled slightly.

He wasn\'t actually particularly surprised!

After all, by Ye Yu\'s means.

As long as she is returned to Izumo, then it is natural to block and kill the gods and demons to block the demons, quickly wipe out everything, and easily control this killer organization.

It\'s not unusual to come back now.

"Do you need me to do anything for you?" Ye Yu said with a complex face: "Now I have control of Izumo, this is the entire list of Izumo\'s killers."

After Ye Yu finished speaking, she handed over a black list that had already been prepared in her hand.

The fists written on this list are the detailed information of the killer\'s name, characteristics, level, strength, comprehensive evaluation, etc. of the Izumo organization.

There are a total of 172 people!

Seeing Xiao Junlin flipping through the list, Ye Yu explained aloud again: "Although there are only more than 100 killers in Izumo, they are all strictly trained, and most of them can be compared to the first- and second-rate killers on the market. , Among them, we have thirteen top killers!"

"These thirteen people have been controlled by me. In addition, we have seven training bases and nearly 1,400 ordinary peripheral members."

"We also have our own weapons and equipment channel dealers and some stable customer groups!"

"Oh right..." After a while, Ye Yu continued: "Although we are not the best in the global killer organization, our influence is still very good only in this Asiatic region!"

Ye Yu talked eloquently, with a serious and pious demeanor.