Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 245:

231. Chairman Xiao is well-intentioned

"You, are you really Xu Jingci?"

Teacher Xie pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, lowered his voice and exclaimed.

"Yes, it\'s me..."

Xu Jingci buried her head lower: "I\'m here for class today, and by the way, I want to cancel the leave I asked for from the school...

Thank you teacher for your concern! "

No matter how the temperament changes, the character cannot be changed at once.

The current Xu Jingci is still the shy, shy, introverted poor girl.

"Fuck, it\'s really Xu Jingci! That scholar?"

"She turned out to be a big beauty???"

"This, how is this possible..."


"I heard that she used to pick up the leftovers given by her auntie in the cafeteria, and she also drank free vegetable soup, and she also ate the white rice that the cafeteria couldn\'t sell...

Now, this is the parent sacrifice to heaven, the mana is boundless.

Did you succeed in changing your life against the sky? ! "

"Hmm—that is to say, do these cars and those bodyguards belong to Dong Xiao?"

A group of students from the University of Finance and Law were talking about each other and quickly sorted out the whole thing.

Also until this time...

They really determined that this classical beauty is really Xu Jingci!

This former super poor student and super scholar is actually a hidden super beauty! !

This discovery not only made many male students sigh with embarrassment, but also made many girls directly envious, jealous and hated!

Xu Jingci\'s experience during this period of time, think back carefully...

Isn\'t that the Cinderella of the display board, the ugly duckling? !

Women are born to love comparison creatures.

In their eyes, Xu Jingci in the past was a poor, ugly, ugly idiot with no taste and no connections. Apart from being good at learning, almost all of her body was flawed!

The whole person also looks stupid, no one likes or even talks about her, and at the same time, she has always been the last trump card used by girls to ridicule boys!

The phrase "Stinky Diaosi, you are only worthy of falling in love with Xu Jingci" was a nightmare for all boys at that time...

Check them out!

Which one is not youthful and beautiful, fashion-forward, and enjoys the existence of countless men touting flattery?

But now that Xu Jingci was killed by her parents, she has changed from an ugly duckling to a white swan that they all look up to. Although her character is still the same, her temperament and image have deeply attracted men. Ah!

And her cowardly personality, combined with her classical beauty\'s temperament appearance, immediately gave people a very strong desire to protect!

Coupled with her now, riding a luxury car with bodyguards, isn\'t this the life that all girls dream of?

How can they endure this? !

"Hehehe! I really didn\'t expect it..."

"Xu Jingci is not being taken care of by Chairman Xiao, right? Do you see what kind of clothes she is wearing?

Wow! Chanel\'s custom spring dress, and those jewelry, that necklace around the neck the essence of the sea? "

"Oh my god, you can\'t get down on this outfit without tens of millions?!"

"Top giants! Did she replace Xiao Hui as the daughter of the Xiao family?"

"Cut, if this was not taken care of by Director Xiao, I would have written the word "king" upside down!"

The girls frowned and speculated maliciously.

For a time, all kinds of doubts arose.

Xu Jingci\'s face flushed with anger!

But she was not good at words, and she was introverted and shy...

I want to defend myself, but I don\'t know how to say it or where to say it!

And being stared at by so many people with such strange eyes, even his teacher cast doubtful eyes on him!

All of this made Xu Jingci feel so wronged that she wanted to cry!


Just at this time.

Xing Chou stomped his feet as he had expected, and while shaking the dust everywhere, he roared loudly: "Dong Xiao had long guessed that someone would maliciously slander Miss Xu, and before we set off, he especially told me to let me I tell you!"

"Xu Jingci\'s parents are dead, and she has suffered too much in her life. From now on, she will be raised by Xiao Dong as her daughter."

"With the support of the Xiao family behind her, she will live the life of the top rich second generation from now on, but this is still not enough to make up for the pain she has suffered in this life!"

"Director Xiao asked me to tell everyone! If anyone dares to maliciously slander, deliberately fabricate and fabricate rumors, and try to smear and slander Miss Xu\'s image, then he is against the Xiao family!

Xiao Dong will definitely reserve the right to pursue his criminal responsibility! "

Xing Chou finished speaking.

The scene suddenly fell silent!

All the students and teachers shut their mouths embarrassingly.

Only Xu Jingci cried and cried but suddenly laughed.

At the same time, there was a warm current flowing through her heart...

She finally knew why Chairman Xiao wanted Xing Chou to follow her!

It was all to protect her!