Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 235:

The two cold death figures in this accident turned into a tragic world on the spot, which was reflected in everyone\'s mind, making countless people feel sad and cry.

Some families who are not too wealthy at all feel the same way!

The anger in everyone\'s heart was quietly ignited by Xiao Junlin, and the group was angry for a while.

"That crazy woman, it\'s all her good deeds..."

"I was there at the time. I\'ve seen that girl. Looking back now, it\'s really pitiful!"

"Woooooo, what a poor old man, what an innocent girl!"

"Dong Xiao is so good, no wonder you can be the richest man in Dijiang! Just because of your words, because of your attitude towards our ordinary people, I will buy your stocks again!!"

"I envy Xiao Hui, who saved the Milky Way in my last life, and can I be lucky enough to be Xiao Dong\'s daughter in this life?"

"Shit upstairs, you said that, and suddenly it seems like such a reason..."

"Support Xiao Dong Dayi to kill relatives!"

"Support Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong has such a heart and deserves to be rich!"

"Support Xiao Dong!"

In the major live broadcast rooms, the people in front of each TV showed their support for Xiao Junlin in their own way.

They were all completely moved by Xiao Junlin\'s remarks.

Everyone sympathized with this poor girl, and felt deeply sorry for the kind old couple, and at the same time, they also hated Xiao Hui, the lawless stinky bitch!

After many reporters and internet celebrities continued to reveal that Xiao Junlin cut off relations with his biological son not long ago and sent him to prison by himself, Xiao Junlin has truly become a positive energy representative of righteousness and annihilation in the hearts of everyone!

Xiao Junlin has spoken out the hearts of everyone!

Such a lawless person who despises the law and life... No, Xiao Hui is no longer worthy of being called a human being in the hearts of everyone!

There was an uproar online.

All kinds of polls and questionnaires are flying around.

Countless people began to call for support for Xiao Hui\'s death sentence.

221. Must save her

A thin figure stood behind the crowd, watching this scene silently.

Her eyes were fixed on Xiao Junlin, who was surrounded by the crowd, but still kept his expression unchanged.

When I heard him start talking about his family, a drop of hot tears could not help but burst into his eyes.

After a long time.

The girl slowly bowed in Xiao Junlin\'s direction, then turned and walked towards a restaurant across the street.

After a few minutes.

When Xiao Junlin finished dealing with the reporter and the anchor and was about to leave.

Xu Jingci had already walked to the street opposite the headquarters of Junlin Group, the top floor of a seven-story high-rise building, and she was still standing outside the guardrail.

"Look, look, there\'s a **** the roof over there, what is she doing???"

"Ah! Someone is going to jump off the building..."

"Is this about suicide? No!!"

After discovering her, everyone frantically ran towards the opposite restaurant.

The reporters and anchors even turned their cameras on her!

Traffic on the entire road was instantly paralyzed.

Xiao Junlin just glanced at it casually, and couldn\'t help but take a deep breath...

Because he recognized it!

Isn\'t the girl standing on the roof of the opposite restaurant Xu Jingci?

Xu Jingci looks like this now, isn\'t this just about to jump off the building?

Is it because the death of her adoptive father and mother has hit her too hard?

Can\'t stand it and want to commit suicide? !

But why choose here?

A series of doubts flashed through his mind.


Xiao Junlin cursed inwardly, and hurriedly shouted:

"Xu Jingci, stop for me! If you just jumped off the it worthy of your parents\' kindness for raising you?"

"Huh? Xiao Dong knows that girl?"

"Ah she! Could it be the one Xiao Dong just said?"

"This is unbearable!"

"It\'s too bad, everyone, save her, save her..."

Everyone woke up like a dream, and immediately became anxious.

The audience and netizens who were still standing in front of the TV and in the live broadcast room were even more heartbroken.

Everyone called the police to the police, loudly comforted, and the scene was once again a mess!

No one thought of...

The good girl who just popped out of Xiao Junlin\'s mouth would meet the public in this way for the first time!

She was standing in front of everyone, ready to jump off the building!

This is too crazy, right?

Are all three of them going to die like this...

No, no, no, she\'s the only one left in the whole family, how could she be allowed to do stupid things again?