Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 231:

That\'s why Geng Ruizhi immediately sent Lu Guangyu, his PR director, to support his brother company!

"Friends from the press, we really have nothing to say!

Don\'t waste your time, okay? Get out now, get out of here..."

"Dong Xiao has been very busy recently, and I don\'t have time to see you all. You should go back first!"

"Once there is any latest development, I will inform all journalists and friends!"

At this moment, Lu Guangyu and Wang Jingheng, general manager of the interior affairs department of Junlin Group, kept trying to persuade the reporters to leave.

But what responded to them were the flashing lights and countless reporters who remained unmoved!

Even these reporters are beginning to have more and more trends...

This is really not a good sign!

The brows of the senior management of each group were frowned, and they became more and more helpless in the face of the barrage of questions from the reporters.

"Mr. Lu, President Wang, why did Director Xiao dare not come forward, but he arranged for you to perfunctory us here?"

"Is it really as the public opinion said, is it really Xiao Dong\'s daughter who did this?"

"Mr. Lu, what is the attitude of the group regarding Xiao Hui\'s drunk driving incident? What are your specific views and plans?"

"As far as I know, Xiao Dong has been silent since the incident. Could it be like what Xiao Hui said, is he really looking for a relationship and a portal to cover her up?"

"Mr. Wang, let Xiao Dong come out and make it clear? Can you really hide for a lifetime if you hide from people like this?"

"The price limit of Jun\'s Landing Group represents the attitude of this society towards this matter. Aren\'t you ready to accept sanctions?"

"Jun\'s Landing Group is really not going to say something?"

The reporters asked sharp words, not to mention Wang Jingheng, who was born in internal affairs, even Lu Guangyu, who specializes in public relations, can\'t resist!

Public opinion is almost one-sided, the attitudes of bigwigs from all walks of life are also quite ambiguous, and the stock price has fallen by the limit...

These questions are not for him to answer!

Too much to say.

At this time, besides laughing and persuading him to quit, what else can he do?

216. Super hot, ready to go

People are in their hearts.

These are full of leading questions, and once answered incorrectly, the consequences will be disastrous!

God knows what kind of devils these unscrupulous, bottomless reporters will describe them as?

There are reporters who can stay here at this time, one is counted as one, and all of them have no professional ethics!

That is at this time.

Xiao Junlin\'s motorcade finally slowly appeared at the end of everyone\'s sight!

Lu Guangyu was the first to discover it, and immediately became ecstatic!

"Friends from the press, our Director Xiao did not hide!"

Lu Guangyu pointed behind everyone and said excitedly: "Look, isn\'t that Xiao Dong\'s team? Xiao Dong will be here soon, please be patient, I believe that Xiao Dong is willing to take time to meet at this time. As for everyone, there must be a lot of things to tell everyone!"


"Really? Huh! Is that really Dong Xiao\'s team?"

"Hurry up, get ready for the interview!"

"Network modulation, ready to switch to live broadcast at any time, all units are ready!!"

The reporters were so excited that their eyes flashed, and subconsciously, they surrounded the motorcade not far away.

News reporters from several online live broadcast platforms even directly started the online live broadcast. In the farther peripheral areas, many Internet celebrities are also secretly preparing to launch!

Xiao Hui\'s incident is one of the hottest topics at the moment. As long as they can rub against them, they can save ten or twenty years of hard work!

And in the TV and live broadcast rooms, it was quickly switched to the real-time picture here!

The platform\'s official resources are heavily tilted, making the live pictures here quickly popular all over the Internet.

"Dear viewers, what are you watching now..."

"Old irons, I\'m at the gate of Xiao Junlin\'s Junlin Group right now, Junlin Group, yes! It\'s that Xiao Junlin who killed a rich girl and yelled at her father..."

The reporters and anchors trotted towards Xiao Junlin\'s motorcade, all the while still turning their heads to speak to their cameras.

"Friends from the audience, we have packed the downstairs of the headquarters of the King\'s Landing Group. We have waited for so long, and finally Xiao Junlin, the richest man in the Dijiang River, has arrived!"

"This incident involving a drunk woman hitting a person by a luxury car involves our famous Xiao Junlin, Chairman Xiao of Dijiang!"

"Dear viewers, please see, the one who got off under the guard of a group of bodyguards is Xiao Junlin!

Let\'s just wait for him here and see what he will say later?

After the anchor finished speaking, he stopped talking, but chose to point the camera again at Xiao Junlin, who had just gotten off the bus.

When they saw the appearance of Xiao Junlin\'s deity, the water friends in the live broadcast room were also fried in an instant!

The good name was taken by the dog: "Damn it, that handsome uncle is Xiao Junlin?"

Avanti and the seven dwarfs: "His daughter is so old, why does she still look so young??"

Black eats black and white: "The richest man in Dijiang is awesome!

There are so many bodyguards to follow when you go out, and the pomp is so big, it is not a good thing at first glance! "

Your Jill is only so long: "The sauerkraut fish upstairs is a real hammer! Even those bosses with a net worth of 18 billion have to bring bodyguards when they go out. Ren Xiao Dong is also the richest man in the Dijiang River. What does it have to do with you having a few bodyguards? "

Cheating to eat and drink, donkey handsome: "Damn, this guy has a sour face, if he is a serious businessman, I will broadcast live!

The anchor will scold him for me later, I bet he will spend money to settle this with that **** Xiao Hui, if I lose, the anchor will give you a rocket! "

Netizens were excited and kept posting barrages.

The heat of this matter has been fermented overnight, and it is getting higher and higher now!

On the other hand, look at Xiao Junlin.