Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 229:

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Hu, come here quickly, yes! The section of the bar street..."

Zhu Han suppressed the anger of his details and hurriedly called someone.


A few police superintendents drove an **** vehicle and roared up and took Xiao Hui directly away. At the same time, the scene was completely sealed off. Only then did everyone reluctantly turn around and leave three steps before leaving. All the videos taken are uploaded to the Internet!

214. Just give me another litter of cubs

After Xiao Hui was taken away by the police superintendent called by Zhu Han from the Secretary for Administration.

This vicious incident did not end there!

Nearly all the onlookers who were present at the time took photos and videos.

Under the indignation of everyone, they spontaneously uploaded these videos and photos to the Internet...

This directly set off a bigger storm of public opinion on the Internet!

It wasn\'t even noon the next day.

The front page headlines of major news and website platforms have already begun to track and report this matter.

Even this news went straight to the hot search and became the hottest news with the most attention!

[The second generation of the top rich in Dijiang rammed into dozens of cars after being drunk, resulting in the tragic death of two innocent passers-by and dozens of car owners suffering property damage! 】

[Xiao Hui was still shouting when she was arrested: My father is Xiao Junlin! 】

[The wealth of the chairman of Junlin Group is so high, how can the daughter of the richest man in Dijiang be so rampant? 】

[Drunken driver hits a luxury car girl: If you have money, you can do whatever you want! They deserved to be killed, and I can afford it! 】

One after another eye-catching news headlines quickly became the focus of attention of hundreds of millions of netizens across the country and even overseas.

After everyone saw these news and videos, they were all furious and furious!

The rich and the poor have always been a topic of social focus.

And the case of Xiao Hui undoubtedly fits all the points of this topic!

Every day, the bottom of the news and videos are swiping the screen, and there are countless netizens\' abuse.

"Stinky bitch, what if you have money? If you kill someone, you have to pay for your life. This is a matter of justice!"

"What kind of family does it take to cultivate such a superb rich girl? Are all rich people really stupid?!"

"Ask the relevant departments to investigate! If my daughter can do this, it\'s hard to imagine what kind of bird this so-called richest man in Dijiang can be?"

"Xiao Junlin came out to yo? Your daughter is already like this, shouldn\'t you explain something to the public?"

"Looking forward to the follow-up! If there is no follow-up on this matter, then I believe that Xiao Junlin is awesome!"

"Let\'s go up there, don\'t let the heat of this event go away!"

"Yes! Haven\'t you seen how crazy Xiao Hui is in the video? It has refreshed my three views!!!"

"This kind of person...what?! My Qing Dynasty is dead?"

The anger of the netizens is overwhelming, and the abuse is one after another.

As a result, the share price of Junlin Group was greatly affected, and it began to fall by the limit on the same day!

In addition, there have been many bad voices in Guangmao Investment and Hongmeng Finance.

All kinds of Internet trolls have been spraying wildly, and the signs have gradually shifted from Xiao Hui to Xiao Junlin, and there is also a lot of uproar on the Internet!

And when Xiao Junlin knew about this, he couldn\'t help but spat fiercely.

He never imagined that Xiao Hui would be so crazy...

This girl is a typical example of mindless and lawless!


In the nanny car, Zhu Han sat beside Xiao Junlin.

Her pretty face was flushed, her eyebrows were furrowed, and she said apologetically, "She came to me... I should have taken her away when I went to the appointment, or I shouldn\'t have left in such a hurry!"

"As long as I\'m a little bit late, none of these things will happen! I\'m sorry, it\'s all my fault..."

"It\'s all my fault, it\'s me who hurt them! Woohoo-"

"Okay, Hanhan, it\'s none of your business."

Xiao Junlin sighed deeply, patted Zhu Han\'s delicate little hand, and comforted: "A person like Xiao Hui is lawless, and sooner or later something will happen. This is because of her personality, and no one can educate her!"

"She has the same personality as her mother since she was a child, and she is so favored that she has become so arrogant and arrogant!"

"I have given her many opportunities, and even if she can settle down and be her rich lady, I have no problem!

But the mistake she made this time is really too big, and I will never save her! "

When Zhu Han heard Xiao Junlin say this, he was a little relieved and asked curiously, "Then uncle, what are you going to do?"

At first, she thought that Xiao Junlin would openly seek a relationship to cover up Xiao Hui!

Now it seems that she is all overthinking it!

He has absolutely no plans for this!

It seems that the uncle is not only handsome, rich and responsible, but also very reasonable! !

Now just worry about the reactions of netizens...

But if you want to come to Uncle Yi\'s city, you shouldn\'t care about those keyboard warriors\' mouths, right?

When Zhu Han thought so, he saw Xiao Junlin continued to say with a serious face:

"Everyone has to pay for their own faults and pay for their own willful behavior, even me!"

"Xiao Hui\'s wicked behavior can no longer be called a human being!"

"What kind of price she has to pay, then let the law be tried!"

"But this matter has something to do with me.

And all I can do is really to compensate those innocent victims for their losses! "