Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 220:

Long before he sat down to watch the play, he had already greeted Gu Yutang, and personally called a real-name report to the Secretary for Home Affairs.

It is conceivable that the Secretary for Home Affairs will set up a special economic investigation team to investigate this case in the shortest possible time, and the leader will undoubtedly be Zhu Han!

Yu Fengsheng now has only two options.

One is to completely leave this face and run away.

The second is to accept the reality and sit in prison!

And these two choices are obviously not a good thing for the son of destiny like him...

His arrogant character would not allow him to make such a move as running away, so what would that be worth? !

So Xiao Junlin expected that after Yu Fengsheng went to the factory and encountered Wang Xingye, he would definitely try his best to rush back!

However, Xiao Junlin still missed a bit.

He didn\'t expect that Yu Fengsheng would be so unbearable, he vomited blood and fainted!

So much so that this grand drama of forcing the palace was delayed for a full three hours before it began to be staged!

"Director Xiao, I just received the news that Yu Fengsheng was discharged from the hospital twenty minutes ago.

We should be rushing this way now, let\'s... what should we do? "

Geng Ruizhi stood behind Xiao Junlin and said respectfully.

"Twenty minutes ago? Then they should be here soon." Xiao Junlin shook the coffee cup in his hand, and commanded calmly and gracefully: "Call Gu Yutang and let the superintendents under him come over!"


Geng Ruizhi took the order and turned to call Guyutang.

A few minutes passed.

Yu Fengsheng\'s Rainbow Team really came back!

This Fenglin Finance in Financial Street is the company he established when he first came to Dijiang, and it is the foundation of his foothold here. As long as it is not really the moment when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, he is absolutely reluctant to give up like this...


Running away now is a big crime, and is wanted by the whole network!

Unless you flee overseas, no...

With the current international power of the Dragon Kingdom, even if you flee overseas, you can be sent back in minutes!

How dare he leave until the real last moment?

Yu Fengsheng\'s motorcade just appeared in the sight of everyone in the financial street, and immediately detonated everyone\'s emotions...

"Look, Yu Dong is back!"

"Fuck Yu Fengsheng, he really dares to come back?!"

"Return our hard-earned money!!!"

"Return our hard-earned money!!!"

As soon as the car turned into Financial Street, it was completely submerged by the surging flow of people.

Yu Fengsheng was sitting in the car, his face suddenly turned pale with fright, and he couldn\'t help taking a deep breath...

At this moment, he suddenly regretted it!

He shouldn\'t have plunged in so hastily!

It\'s back now, and I won\'t be able to run away if I want to!

Surrounded by so many people, even these battle-hardened bodyguards were completely panicked.

"Everyone! Everyone!"

"Listen to me, listen to me..."

Yu Fengsheng stood in the back seat of the car, his head stuck out of the sunroof, and shouted loudly to the surroundings.

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

Everyone pushed forward desperately, just to hear what kind of flowers he could say!

Yu Fengsheng didn\'t make everyone wait too long, and after the scene was under control, he said loudly: "Everyone, I don\'t know who is spreading the rumors about our Fenglin Group, and I don\'t know where you heard about the mess. but I, Yu Fengsheng, can guarantee my reputation..."

"Don\'t worry, those things are not true!"

"Our Fenglin Group is legal and reasonable, and we will never do anything like misappropriating customer funds! Please believe in our Fenglin Group, and please believe in me Yu Fengsheng!"

"Many of you know me, and many of you have seen my abilities with your own eyes. How could I lie to you? I can\'t do it..."

He finished speaking.

The people who were originally angry also suddenly calmed down.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and there was a ridiculous feeling of being cheated!

Yes, it can\'t be done! ?

Seeing this, Yu Fengsheng also sighed in relief.

However, before he could relax, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted:

"You\'re making a fool of yourself! It\'s up to you to say good or bad things. You say it\'s useless if you don\'t use it indiscriminately? Then you\'re going to give back the money I put with you? Millions, don’t you even have a cash flow of several million for such a big financial company?!”

"That\'s right! When I went to get a refund, I was told by their company that I couldn\'t refund it! How is that possible? They only spent 43 billion to bid for Tianxiang Chemical Plant in the morning, and they ran out of money in the afternoon, what a fool?"

"Don\'t believe him, he\'s lying!!"


206. System, recycling

"Yes, that\'s right! If you really didn\'t do it, give us the money back!

If you can\'t come up with the money, don\'t blame us for smashing your company today. "

"The money he went to bid for the Tianxiang Chemical Plant must be ours!"

"Don\'t believe him, he must be refunded today..."