Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 218:

"I\'m sorry, Director Yu." Wang Xingye replied calmly: "The factory has been losing money all these years, and various R&D projects have been stagnant, not to mention resources, even our salary factory can\'t be paid on time! In this way, I can still do my own research and development projects..."

"Yes! The catalytic agent was developed in my private time, and the research and development site is also in my home. It does not occupy any resources in the factory. It is a private product that belongs only to me!"

As Wang Xingye said that, he glanced at the factory manager with contempt, and then continued to Yu Fengsheng: "Dong Xiao told me that if people are not convinced, you can go to him to file a lawsuit!"

"Chairman Yu, do you want to try?"

After Wang Xingye finished speaking, he stared at Yu Fengsheng, whose face was ashen.

There was a strong smell of gunpowder at the scene.

Kang Jiayun stood beside him and opened his mouth.

He is as smart as him, and he has long since seen Zhang Xingye\'s extraordinary research and development from the reactions of these people.

Can it be worth two big bosses to grab like this, and it\'s tens of millions of dollars if you keep your mouth shut. Can this be a small thing? Immediately, his small thoughts followed.

"Chairman Yu, if you don\'t have anything else to say, then I\'ll leave first?" Wang Xingye paused, then looked at Kang Jiayun, and continued: "Director, I have already communicated with the supervisor for the handover of the work. When it’s done, I don’t want this month’s salary, come to my place for a get-together when you have time, and…”

At this time, Wang Xingye had the arrogant taste of turning over a serf and singing. After he finished speaking this series of words, he turned his head again and looked up and down at Yu Fengsheng, who was clenching his teeth, and said with a teasing smile:

"Chairman Yu, Xiao Dong\'s lack of air and easy-going temperament is true, but you...

Your corporal Li Xian, your care and condolences are all fake, and your acting skills are quite poor, even worse than our factory director Kang! I don\'t even bother to talk about you, you know? "

After Wang Xingye finished speaking with a sneer, he turned around decisively and left!

Yu Fengsheng was stunned in place!

He was trembling with anger, and his face flushed.

After a long while, there was a direct "poof" sound, and he spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot!

Just slammed and fainted.

"Yu Dong, what\'s wrong with you, Yu Dong?"

"Hurry up, call an ambulance..."

This time, the entire factory gate is directly fried.

The crowd exclaimed and made noise, and the scene was completely messed up!

A grand welcome meeting ended hastily in Yu Fengsheng\'s **** coma.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a hospital bed.

"Director Yu, Director Yu, are you awake?"

"Great! Great!"

"Doctor, doctor—"

next to the hospital bed.

As Yu Fengsheng opened his eyes, the people who had been standing beside the hospital bed immediately started talking, some went to call the doctor, and some pretended to wipe their tears.

"Shut up for me! It\'s a hospital, no noise!"

The doctor who was called over was full of anger and scolded in a cold voice.

Yu Fengsheng raised his head and glanced at the doctor, and said impatiently to the others, "Don\'t talk about it, let me be quiet for a while."


Everyone glared at the young doctor and closed their mouths reluctantly.

"Lawyer Huang, how is the factory bidding?"

In the silence, Yu Fengsheng suddenly asked.

Hearing the words, a middle-aged man who looked like a lawyer quickly stood up and diligently opened his folder, handed over a large stack of documents, and said:

"Congratulations to Director Yu, congratulations to Director Yu, all our procedures have been completed, and now the ownership of Tianxiang Chemical Factory has completely belonged to Fenglin Industry!"

The middle-aged lawyer answered honestly, and occasionally did not forget to flatter him a few times.

"Where\'s the money?"

However, Yu Fengsheng didn\'t care about it, just kept asking, "Where\'s our money?"

"Money? Of course the money was transferred away..."

The lawyer said in astonishment: "Director Yu, you should know that too, right? The card that put the bid reserve fund is always in the bidding document, and they will deduct it once the bid is won!"


Yu Fengsheng\'s eyes darkened again with anger.

204. This is really unwilling to give a breather

After hearing the tender money was withheld.

Yu Fengsheng is really desperate!

Originally, he was thinking to see if he could break the contract and get the money back and talk about other things...

As for the Tianxiang chemical plant, it has long been unimportant, okay?

A pile of rotten equipment and nearly 10,000 mu of broken land, plus more than 50,000 employees to be resettled, this is a living beast of gold!

Especially when the technical backbone has been poached, whoever takes over will have to die!

Yu Fengsheng knew that he had lost, and he lost very miserably!

Right now, he just wants to do his best to recover the loss and save his life, so he will ask the people next to him about the whereabouts of the money as soon as he wakes up.

I still had a glimmer of hope, but now...

Who else can save him now?

However, just when he felt desperate, the secretary suddenly broke into the ward and panicked and shouted: "Chairman, the chairman is not good, the big thing is bad!"

"What\'s up?"

Yu Fengsheng snorted in his heart.