Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 216:

"They said, you\'re working on a new technology, what is it... metal catalysts, right?"

"Me? Yes! Researching."

Wang Xingye continued to nod his head in confusion, and readily admitted it.

When Yu Fengsheng saw this, he couldn\'t close his mouth with laughter, and heaved a sigh of relief!

found it……

Really found it!

The metal catalyst that Wang Xingye is developing must be the key to his Fenglin Group\'s turnaround and counterattack! !

As long as you hug him, are you afraid that you won\'t be able to turn into a stone and hit Xiao Junlin\'s foot in the future?

201. Is the spring of our R&D department coming?

"Master Wang, hello!"

"Introduce myself, I\'m the chairman of Fenglin Industrial and the new boss of your Tianxiang Chemical Plant. My name is Yu Fengsheng, you can call me Dong Yu."

Yu Fengsheng said, stretched out his hand and smiled kindly and said, "Nice to meet you."

He wanted to be as close to the people as possible, at least not to make himself look so strong and utilitarian, but his excited eyes still betrayed his mood at this time.

This Wang Xingye, in his eyes, is a savior and a cash cow...

"Yu Dong, hello."

Somewhat flattered, Wang Xingye reached out and shook hands with Yu Fengsheng, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Master Wang, what type of metal catalyst is your newly developed metal catalyst? What is its main function? What is the market potential? What is its core competitiveness compared to other similar products? Can you briefly introduce it to me?" Yu Fengsheng He asked directly with anticipation.

After all, in his opinion.

Now that you are the owner of this chemical plant, isn\'t it normal to ask your subordinates about the work they are doing?

And his attitude has been very correct, neither domineering nor condescending.

This can already be regarded as giving the opposite face!

Wang Xingye obviously didn\'t care about this. He lowered his head to think for a moment, then raised his head and replied, "What I\'ve developed is a metal catalyst."

"The metal processed by this catalytic agent will be stronger and tougher than ordinary metals, and at the same time, its cost will be lower, and it can definitely be widely used in various industries across the country!"

"Its market prospect is unquestionable. At least in the global chemical field, my catalytic agent technology should be at the forefront? Anyway, I have not found other catalytic agents of the same type."

"Although mine has not been officially developed, it is only a semi-finished product, and it has been able to crush all the catalytic agents on the market!"

Talking about his old business, Wang Xingye was no longer nervous and cramped, he said confidently: "In short, I am very confident in it!"

"Understand understand..."

Looking at Wang Xingye who suddenly changed his sex, Yu Fengsheng said in his heart that I also have confidence in you!

He is 100% sure now.

Intertek Chemical\'s soaring in the later period must have something to do with this guy\'s new technology.

He might even be able to support it by himself!

This is the key to his breaking the game and turning into a stone!

"good very good!"

Having figured this out, Yu Fengsheng smiled contentedly and said: "From today onwards, you are the technical director of the R&D department of Tianxiang Chemical Factory. I will offer you an annual salary of five million yuan and be responsible for all product R&D work. In the shortest time, develop this metal catalyst agent!"

"Ah? Five million!"

"Is there a mistake? As far as I know...

If not including dividends, the annual salary of the factory manager seems to be only 300,000 yuan, right? "

"Pharaoh, this is going to be posted!!"

"I\'ve been promoted to become rich and my wife died. If I remember correctly, the old man seems to be going for a divorce today, right? This time, the three major happy events in life have been taken up. I\'m really envious..."

"Technical director of the research and development department, so Dong Yu seems to be very serious about technology research and development. Is our spring coming?"

"This is the real visionary boss, not like our factory manager..."

Everyone was excited and envious of the heated discussion, and they all showed happy smiles.

Yu Fengsheng couldn\'t help but laugh.

When he thought about it, Wang Xingye\'s reaction would only be more radical than others!

After all, from an ordinary worker with an annual salary of less than 100,000 to an elite class with an annual salary of 5 million, he will definitely be grateful to himself, and he will give up from now on?

However, what Yu Fengsheng didn\'t expect was that Wang Xingye didn\'t show how grateful he was to him as he imagined, instead he looked a little embarrassed.

Everyone is obviously middle-aged.

At this time, he still showed the uneasy look of a child after he did something wrong.

"Yu Dong, I\'m really sorry, I may not be able to accept your appointment..."

Wang Xingye was about to continue his explanation, but Kang Jiayun, the factory manager next to him, interjected directly: "Hey hey hey? The resignation letter was handed in, but I haven\'t approved it yet! I haven\'t approved it yet..."

While speaking, Director Kang roared in his heart while winking at Wang Xingye, who had a bewildered face:

"An annual salary of five million, what the hell!

One year is the top of Laozi for ten years, and you still refuse, are you a fool? "

This stunned young man, he is really in a hurry!

Yu Fengsheng\'s originally furrowed brows relaxed after hearing Director Kang\'s explanation...

It turned out to be just resigning early, but it\'s okay!

"Oh! I\'m still thinking about what\'s going on, so it\'s just... a small matter!" Yu Fengsheng waved his hand indifferently, and said quite generously: "It doesn\'t matter, I\'ll give you an annual salary of five million, don\'t resign Come on, come back and work hard!"

"Good good..."

Director Kang wanted to agree on behalf of Wang Xingye in a hurry.

However, he was interrupted by Wang Xingye himself as soon as he spoke: "Dong Yu, I have already completed the resignation formalities a week ago. Strictly speaking, I am no longer in the R&D establishment of the chemical plant!"