Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 213:

But where is the problem?

Yu Fengsheng didn\'t understand, and so did everyone.

But this does not delay them from eating melons!

So is there actually a problem with this chemical plant?

Judging from the attitude of Chairman Xiao before he left, it is this Yu Fengsheng who obviously suffers!

Haven\'t seen anyone\'s face change?

"Yo yo yo! Another good show to watch? Congratulations to Chairman Yu, I like to mention a chemical factory!"

"Congratulations, congratulations, hahahahaha..."

"Although I don\'t know what trick Xiao Dong is playing, I think it will be very exciting, hahaha!!"

The people who came back to their senses smiled gloatingly, and Yu Fengsheng\'s face suddenly became even more ugly...

He subconsciously wanted to escape from here, and even wanted to give up the bid and leave!

But he knew that these were useless, and once he won the bid, he would never be allowed to give up. After all, this was a fair, just and open bidding meeting, not just playing a house.

Most importantly, he didn\'t even know where the hole Xiao Junlin dug for him was, and he didn\'t know what was wrong with him to be calculated like this by the other party...

This guy\'s plan and layout are really terrible!

Not only him, but all the leaders and bosses present, as long as they are familiar with Xiao Junlin, they will not suspect that Xiao Junlin\'s behavior just now is just rude words to seek face, he is not such a person at all!

At this moment.

Yu Fengsheng\'s excitement and joy of winning the bid had long since been swept away, and now all that was left was fear and anxiety. He just thought a little about the end of himself, and the end of the Shen family and the Mo family, and he couldn\'t bear it anymore. Live in a cold sweat!

It is clear.

Xiao Junlin is really playing with him this time!

The hole he dug on purpose was just waiting for him to jump into it.

If he can\'t break the game this time, Yu Fengsheng feels that he will really be completely killed this time...

"No, no, no! The future trend of Tianxiang Chemical Plant is very good. This is what the system told me. How can I lose if the general direction remains unchanged?"

"What about the setup? After all, I already have the factory. Can you, Xiao Junlin, fight against fate? After all, I am the darling of this world!"

"I will definitely succeed!!"

Yu Fengsheng tried his best to comfort himself in his heart, but his trembling hands and trembling body directly betrayed his unease...

Jingle Bell! !

Just out of the hotel lobby, a burst of cell phone ringing suddenly rang.

Yu Fengsheng took out his phone and glanced at it. After realizing that it was actually Xiao Hui\'s call, he subconsciously wanted to hang up, but after hesitating for a while, he finally chose to pick it up with gritted teeth.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiao Hui\'s happy voice came immediately: "Fengsheng, the bidding has come to an end, right? Is it your bid?"

"Yes, I won the bid."

Yu Fengsheng replied in a cold voice.

"Ouye! That\'s great! I knew you would do it!!" Xiao Hui cheered excitedly in her phone, "Hurry up, hurry up... tell me where you are, I\'ll come to you, we must celebrate !!"

"Celebrate? Hahaha!" Yu Fengsheng smiled coldly, suppressing his anger, trying to keep himself rational, then lowered his voice and said angrily, "You know what? You hear the news that they are going to buy a chemical plant, and you deliberately let you see the contents of the bidding document, so that you idiot will come and kill me!!"

"You stupid thing, I don\'t want to see you again, you go away, go away!!!"


"Yu Fengsheng, are you crazy, you dare to yell at me?"

"No, what did you just say?"

Xiao Hui was completely stunned by Yu Fengsheng\'s repeated yelling and scolding.

Especially what Yu Fengsheng said inside and outside the words made her completely dumbfounded.

Xiao Junlin...

on purpose?

how can that be possible?

"I\'ll let you go, damn..."

"You slut! Stupid pig! Fuck! You **** killed me!"

Yu Feng yelled angrily and scolded: "It\'s all you, you must know all about it, you are deliberately teaming up with Xiao Junlin to punish me, right? Damn... I should have guessed it long ago, you are the face!"

"No no no no!

I do not have! I do not have! ! "

"Fengsheng, listen to my explanation!

What the **** is going on? I don\'t know anything..."

Xiao Hui panicked.

She didn\'t want to worry about Yu Fengsheng yelling at her, and instead pleaded in a low voice.

199. The only way to break the game

No matter how Xiao Hui explained it!

Yu Fengsheng can\'t even listen to him now.

He was furious, so angry that he almost lost his mind, how could he really calm down and think? And now he doesn\'t even know what pit Xiao Junlin dug for him, how can he not be upset? !

At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind.

That is what Xiao Junlin wants to do?

"He must be going to bankrupt me, or even ruin my family. It\'s no need to think about it! But where will he start?"

"Deliberately asked Xiao Hui to give me a smoke bomb, trying to confuse my vision. He deliberately asked me to bid 43 billion, so is he going to start with funds?"

"Yes, money, it must be money..."