Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 210:

It has been more than half a month since the news of the restructuring of Intertek Chemical\'s factory was announced.

The official finally came forward to officially confirm the authenticity of this rumor, and called for a bidding plan for the whole society.

This time the tender will be fair and open, and any group or individual has the right to participate.

The bidding location is the same as the place where the land was auctioned last time, both in the banquet hall on the third floor of the Emgrand International Hotel.

On the day of the bidding, luxury cars gathered inside and outside the hotel again. All kinds of business giants, several old-fashioned families, and the six giants of Dijiang all sent their representatives, or some simply came in person, and even even Shangjing, Some large multinational groups and enterprises in Huadu also sent people to participate in the competition.

Everyone wants to stick a pole in this restructuring and reap huge benefits.

"Oh, isn\'t this Director Xiao? Stay safe..."

"Dong Xiao is really getting younger and younger! Are you also going to bid today? It seems that we all have to accompany us on this trip! Hahahaha..."

"Director Xiao has been really enjoying the spring breeze recently. I heard that you Guangmao have recently engaged in a big project. If you have the opportunity, can you take my brother to play with me?!"

"That\'s right! That\'s right! Oh, you don\'t know, what Hongmeng Finance did Xiao Dong a while ago, and now it has gathered hundreds of billions of funds! Even I can\'t help investing billions, how about it? I didn\'t expect it..."

"Fuck, is it true?!"

"Dong Xiao, please bring me!!!"

Before the bidding meeting started, the big guys in the audience had already started to blow each other\'s business.

Xiao Junlin was also here, and naturally became the focus of the crowd.

He has been in too much limelight recently. He not only won the University Town project, but also created a Hongmeng Finance. He even hanged the Shen family and brought down the Mo family. Several major battles have directly established the foundation of the King\'s Landing Group. The social status of the Xiao Consortium in Dijiang and even the entire Tiannan Province!

Now, in terms of the power behind him, he is not inferior to the old-fashioned families such as the Tianhai Lin family and the Gu family!

It can be said……

The old form where the five giants of the Emperor River joined forces to fight against Xiao Junlin has been completely changed!

Xiao Junlin\'s Xiao family is already developing towards the Tianhai Lin family and the Gu family, no! It should be at the level of Shangjing Dong\'s family!

So how could the big bosses and bigwigs present not come to flatter him?

Even most of them, who came to participate in this tender meeting, largely just wanted to meet this legendary figure of Dijiang...

Compared with Xiao Junlin.

Yu Fengsheng has been much more low-key recently!

This guy encountered Xiao Junlin as soon as he entered the Dijiang River, and after that, he repeatedly suppressed him, and now he has been reduced to the point where no one cares.

He was also very acquainted and didn\'t make any trouble before the bidding meeting started. He just sat in the corner from a distance and watched other people\'s flattery to Xiao Junlin, silently waiting for the start of the bidding meeting.

At this moment, his eyes flashed with the brilliance of strong ambition.

It\'s just that after going through such a long series of things, if he doesn\'t know how to restrain himself, then he doesn\'t deserve to be the protagonist of this original work!

Until the dust settles, he will not reveal even a hint of pride in front of Xiao Junlin!

"You all wait for me! When I win this project, you will all have to kneel and lick me. At that time, the King\'s Landing Group, the Guangmao Investment, and the Hongmeng Finance will all be trash!!"

"Xiao Junlin, Xiao Junlin...

No matter how many calculations you do, it\'s certainly not possible that your daughter would willingly be a spy for me, right? She stole your bidding book and gave it to me a long time ago. Your vision is really good, and you are willing to give a high price of 40 billion even if you can\'t see the future! "

"If it wasn\'t for the help of your precious daughter, I would definitely be compared by your Guangmao Group again this time.

Just a pity, no if! Hey Hey--"

"I\'m really looking forward to you and Geng Ruizhi\'s astonished looks after knowing that my bid of 43 billion has crushed your Guangmao Group\'s bid!"

Yu Fengsheng sneered while thinking silently in his heart.

At that time, the person in charge of the final book-making task of the bidding book was Xiao Hui.

She secretly printed an extra copy and gave it to Yu Fengsheng.

At that time, Yu Fengsheng gathered his elites to study it seriously.

And even he came to the same conclusion with the group of elites under his command: The bidding document revealed by Xiao Hui is true! ! !

That\'s very funny!

It stands to reason that ordinary people can bid at most about 60 to 80 percent of the current market value of the factory without knowing the future development of Intertek Chemical.

That\'s a mere 30 billion at most!

Even himself, when he didn\'t get Xiao Junlin\'s bid, the highest price he expected was only 32 billion...

Judging from the courage Xiao Junlin has shown during this period, it is truly the most reasonable for him to mention 40 billion in one breath!

This is the gap.

But now, Yu Fengsheng can finally have a taste of what it\'s like to fight the landlord and the other party plays a clear card.

Under the circumstance that he knows himself and his enemy, he is already very sure that he has mastered the trick to win. As long as his bid is higher than 40 billion, it will definitely surprise Xiao Junlin and the attention of all the Dijiang bigwigs. Then, in the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, the bid was successful.

At that time, he will stand up, expose what Xiao Junlin\'s daughter has done, and then completely chase Xiao Hui in front of everyone.

From then on, taking into account both human and financial resources, completely embarked on the pinnacle of life!

It would be even more perfect if he could directly anger Xiao Junlin to death!

As far as looks are concerned, Xiao Hui is actually no worse than Shen Xiaoyu, whom he met at the banquet. Such a beautiful woman with hundreds of billions of property is not willing to post it...

Thinking of this scene, Yu Fengsheng couldn\'t help but want to laugh out loud.

196. Everyone is escorting, why are you a dark horse?

About half past nine!

The tender will officially start.

A female staff member who is very close to the provincial planning minister, holding a microphone in her hand, took the stage and acted as a temporary host:

"Hello, leaders, bosses, guests, everyone!"

"The bidding meeting this time is mainly for the restructuring of Tianxiang Chemical Plant."

"Our Tianxiang Chemical Plant has been established for 80 years. It is a large and old-fashioned state-owned enterprise with a long history and profound heritage. Although it has suffered losses year by year due to outdated equipment and many employees, it still has a large number of employees. Great potential for growth!"

"This bidding meeting is a key issue in our province, and the leaders are also very concerned about this matter, and they hope to complete the restructuring of the chemical plant through this bidding, and then properly relocate Tujiang County and surrounding areas. more than 50,000 workers.”