Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 20:

In today\'s banquet, Xiao Junlin mainly wanted to announce two things.

One thing is that he is going to announce in public that he will cut off the father-son relationship with Xiao Yi, and the other... Naturally, he is going to take charge of the King\'s Landing Group again.

Because of these two things, it is necessary for him to come out and say hello to all the old friends.

"Lao Liao, Sikong, Lao Chu, Junfeng, Jianyuan..."

"You are hiding here drinking a little wine, and you don\'t come to say hello to me, do you look down on me?"

Xiao Junlin greeted a few people with a smile, and sat on the other sofa quite naturally, jokingly said:

"It\'s been so many years... Haven\'t you ever thought of coming to see me at my house?

Aren\'t you afraid that I\'m really sick and dying? "

"I believe you a ghost!"

Sikong Tianyun looked like someone who had come over, squinted and said with contempt:

"As early as when you suddenly let go of the group\'s affairs, I already guessed what calculus you were playing, do you believe it?

This kind of thing, some of us old guys did it back then! "

"Ha ha…"

Xiao Junlin smiled awkwardly.

"Old Xiao, tell me how you take care of yourself? Why do you suddenly feel so young when I look at you..."

As soon as Ran Jianyuan said this, the other four all nodded their heads as if they felt the same way.

In fact, from the very beginning of the fight, they noticed Xiao Junlin\'s apparent change in appearance.

This appearance not only refers to his mentality, but his entire appearance, and even his inner spirit!

It\'s like changing someone!

Looking at Xiao Junlin at the moment, Sikong Tianyun even subconsciously compared his own son to him, and muttered enviously:

"I feel that you are younger than my son..."

"so far so good…"

Xiao Junlin smiled without saying a word.

"You still have to hide this kind of thing?!"

All five of them despised his perfunctory attitude.

Several people talked in a harmonious atmosphere, which made other guests who attended the banquet envious.

After all, if these few people are united, it is not impossible for Dijiang City to stand out in the whole country!

Chatted for a while.

Chu Yongchun suddenly turned straight, lowered his voice, and asked seriously:

"Old Xiao, I heard that you are planning to re-enter the King\'s Landing Group, is that true?"

Hearing Chu Yongchun\'s question, Liao Yongqiang immediately said with a hint of worry:

"Will there be a big move? You know, Lao Xiao... We are basically at retirement age at this age, and the industry has been delegated to the juniors.

But... let alone those juniors, we... also ask ourselves that we are not your opponents! "

"Let me tell you... Liufen Dijiang, but we made an appointment at the beginning!

You, don\'t you... ah? "

Liao Yongqiang\'s worry is not unreasonable.

When he was young, Xiao Junlin was known for being domineering, and his wrists were very fickle, and he could be said to be completely ruthless towards his opponents!

At the beginning, the five of them were united, and they were able to suppress Xiao Junlin.

As long as there is one person who goes against the water, then today\'s Dijiang... But there are no such so-called six giants!

Once the juniors at home…

The consequences are something they don\'t want to see.

Although the other four did not speak, they looked at Xiao Junlin\'s eyes with a hint of solemnity!

Xiao Junlin\'s current series of actions made them feel a serious threat.

This is also the fundamental reason why they will come to run this trip today.

To put it bluntly, it\'s a showdown!

You Xiao Junlin want to take the reins of the King\'s Landing Group, no problem...

But you can\'t attack our juniors, and you can\'t spy on our territory!

"Several brothers, you are really... overthinking."

Xiao Junlin naturally heard the meaning hidden in their words, shrugged his face, and said with a sense of disappointment: "But my Xiao family is in the middle of the family! The son is not up to his expectations, and there is only one such person.

It\'s like all of you, the younger generation in your family can form several football teams? "

"I don\'t have a choice! I can\'t just watch the King\'s Landing Group lose under that trashy hand, right?"

Xiao Junlin\'s words left several people speechless.

The Da Xiao family has a waste licking dog...

This is not a secret at all in the entire Dijiang upper circle!

Now Xiao Junlin wants to talk about this, and then go off in person, they have no position and no reason to stop it.

on the contrary.

For the reputation of the six giants, they have to do their best to cooperate with Xiao Junlin\'s next actions!

Sikong Tianyun couldn\'t help but sighed, and wanted to say something nice to Xiao Yi, but when he thought about the comments about him, he was at a loss for words!

After holding it for a long time, he only said one sentence: "Xiao Yi is still young! After a few years, he will naturally understand when he grows up..."

020. Decent male protagonist, Yu Fengsheng