Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 198:

"Over the years, she has had a very weird attitude towards you, sometimes doting, sometimes tyrannical, sometimes frosty, sometimes loving, but she\'s always moody, right? But she doesn\'t do this to other people, only you..."

Xiao Junlin was talking, and Ye Yu\'s face on the opposite side changed drastically!

He really was talking about himself...

Don\'t talk about people in the circle about the separation of men and women, it is only the two of them that they know in the Izumo organization!

And the goddess Moon Immortal is her master!

"Could it be that the boss is the female killer who killed the loving couple?"

Ye Yu whispered softly: "And I, in fact, is that little girl..."

"You\'re so smart!" Xiao Junlin was not angry when someone robbed him of the conversation, he just said with a half-smile: "You should have noticed her attitude towards you over the years? You were raised by her hand and foot. , she gave you all the skills, so you shouldn\'t have such an attitude!"

"The killer is not a beast, and the people who do your business are also humans.

Besides, even if you have a dog for more than ten years, you should have feelings too? But she beats and scolds you, especially in recent years, it\'s getting worse..."

"Because you are getting bigger and bigger, and you are starting to look more and more like the loving couple back then!"

"Yue Xianjun has a habit of doing things, that is, every time he finishes a job, he has to take a photo and miss it. The photo of her killing your parents should still be in the filing cabinet in her basement... "

"Ah! This?"

Night Feather shuddered.

In fact, when Xiao Junlin was talking just now, Ye Yu was silently holding himself for comparison. Intelligence analysis is a required course for every killer.

Just a little comparison, she knew that what Xiao Junlin said was true!

The master who raised her was her nemesis! ! !

How did she accept this?

A real-life version of Les Miserables...

So what should she do now?

Ye Yu\'s mood suddenly became complicated, and even his thoughts began to wander.

"You, you said that I have value." Staring at her eyes in confusion, Ye Yu suddenly raised her head and struggled and asked, "Then what do you want to use me for?"

"doing what?"

Xiao Junlin\'s signature evil smile returned, and he shrugged and said indifferently, "I want you to control Izumo for me, and then lead Izumo to be loyal to me!"

Xiao Junlin said straight to the point.

Such straightforward words once again shocked Ye Yu secretly.

Is Xiao Junlin speaking so straight?

just annoying...

Think about it.

This man is so powerful, it is not uncommon for him to have such ambitions!

She even thought it was normal!

Besides, if it is used to control Izumo...

Then she Ye Yu really has the qualification to be used.

182. Wouldn\'t it be right for you to help me?

"But even so, why should I promise you?"

"Just because you didn\'t kill me?"

"Don\'t forget what you did to me last night!"

Although he has temporarily accepted all this in his heart, Ye Yu was still gnashing his teeth in anger when he recalled the madness last night...

"Hey! What have I done to you?" Xiao Junlin slowly paced behind Ye Yu, lowered his head to her ear, lowered his voice and laughed: "But I think you clearly like it and enjoy it?"

"Did you know? After the previous refusal and welcome, I was at a disadvantage throughout the second half!"

"You, you are shameless!!"

Ye Yu trembled with anger.

Although Xiao Junlin did speak her mind, but out of the girl\'s restraint, she could not admit it anyway!

"Anyway, we already have a husband and wife. Whether you admit it or not, I am your man now!" Xiao Junlin chuckled lightly, stretched out his finger and raised Ye Yu\'s chin, and said with a wicked smile: "And what do you think? I can avenge you and know where your parents are buried!"

"I also saved you from the puppet life that was driven by others, and let you embrace freedom, and the price is only that after you took control of the Izumo organization, you brought the entire organization to allegiance to me..."

"And don\'t forget, you still owe me a life! If it wasn\'t for my mercy yesterday, you would be nothing but ashes now. So you help me, wouldn\'t it be just right?"

"Or, do you want to meet your parents now?"

Xiao Junlin\'s voice has not yet fallen!

His hand came out again like lightning, and grabbed Ye Yu\'s slender neck. With just a little force, she was already twisted in pain...

Xiao Junlin\'s strength is so great that she can\'t resist at all!

She even felt that with just a little more force from the other party, her neck might be completely crushed to pieces.

The pain of being pinched on the neck of Destiny, the helpless feeling of being out of breath, made Ye Yu on the verge of collapse!

However, with the passage of time, Su Zihe had a strange feeling in her subconscious, a double-strand war, and her whole body twitched...

This kind of dark feeling after being abused made her particularly ashamed, but also extraordinarily nostalgic!

Is this the pleasure of being in control?

"You\'re cool, aren\'t you?"

"Actually, you don\'t know it, right? Your physique is very special, your mental state is also very strange, and you have a very serious tendency to be abused."

"promise me!"

"Only promise me, you can continue to enjoy life!

Because in this world, only I can give you everything you need! "