Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 188:

And at the intersection in front of them, two trucks suddenly flashed out at this time. They walked side by side all the way, directly blocking the entire lane!

"Huh? Something seems wrong..."

The driver of the team\'s head car turned pale, and he was the first to notice that something was wrong.

As soon as he discovered the special situation, he immediately started to honk his horn desperately, trying to make way for the truck in front of him.

But the drivers of the two trucks turned a deaf ear and drove towards them in a hurry.

"what happened?"

Mo Yuanwei spoke anxiously, and immediately became nervous!

Especially when the high beams of the dozens of heavy trucks behind them came from far away, the bodyguards were completely panicked!

172. The Mo family, it\'s over

"The situation is not right, rush over!"

"Quick, from the emergency lane..."

Mo Yuanwei was so frightened that he roared desperately in the back seat.

Seeing this, the bodyguards hurriedly turned the steering wheel, preparing to rush through the emergency lane.

However, the two oncoming trucks in front of them suddenly came to a sudden stop at this time, and the truck near the emergency road turned over completely.

The container behind it also seemed to have suddenly lost its restraint at this time, and was driven to roll forward by the huge inertial force after being dumped.

"Fuck, dodge!!"


There was a burst of piercing screams from the cars at the head of the convoy.

The container rolled over.

On the spot, five cars were crushed into discus, and the people in the cars were directly smashed into meat sauce.

Haven\'t left the expressway yet.

The entire team has been forced to stop!

This sudden car accident immediately knocked everyone out of their heads.

But it\'s not the worst...

Set truck rolls over on the road.

After the road ahead was blocked, the dozen or so heavy trucks at the back of the convoy had no intention of slowing down at all, and rushed towards Mo Yuanwei and the others savagely.

Boom boom boom! !

After a series of terrifying collisions.

Every car the Mo family was in was squeezed into a discus. Needless to say, the people in the car were not even left with their entire bodies, except for a very lucky few!

But this car accident is not over yet! ! ! !

The container of the overturned truck actually contained a container of oil. After the previous severe impact, the container finally appeared a little damaged.

A lot of gasoline began to flow on the asphalt road.

Mo Yuanwei was one of the lucky few in the accident.

However, although he escaped the car accident, he still couldn\'t change his tragic ending...

The pungent smell of gasoline permeated around.

Mo Yuanwei\'s old face was pale, and he tried to move his body to get out of the car, but he couldn\'t move at all!

Too stuck...

Then, struggling Mo Yuanwei saw the gasoline spreading to his feet.

A little spark appeared not far away.

The ragged man with a lit cigarette in his mouth was walking towards him silently with his head down.

"No, don\'t come here!!"

Mo Yuanwei\'s pupils shrank sharply, and he screamed desperately in horror.

The footsteps are near.

The man raised his head and smiled coldly at the mad Mo Yuanwei...

"No! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-"

The earth-shattering explosion completely drowned him in the next moment.

A huge fireball shot into the sky.

The firelight of the explosion directly illuminated the area within a radius of two or three kilometers!

The huge explosion sound that was used as the finishing touch spread almost all over the Dijiang River.

All the awakened citizens stared at the direction of the sound, and everyone\'s eyes were filled with horror...

There were even residents in the neighborhoods closer to the entrance of the ring road, and they even started discussions on their balconies.

Except for the annihilated Mo family members and the murderers who created this major accident, no one else knows what happened here!

All they thought was that it should have been a serial traffic accident.


There seems to be a bit of an accident tonight!

The Mo family\'s teams that spilled out in batches and in different directions also encountered traffic accidents of one kind or another.

I don\'t know who made it, and I don\'t know who arranged all this!

all in all.

The dozens of people in the Mo family obviously won\'t see the sun tomorrow.

173. Ordinary car accident? who believe