Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 186:

Mo Yuanwei gritted his teeth and roared in his heart.

170. Two dark whistle

Four p.m.

Dong Yuge went and returned, returning to the Xiao family villa again.

After entering the door, he put all the documents and data notes in his arms on the coffee table.

Wiping the sweat off his face, he flattered as if taking credit: "Brother-in-law, the Mo family\'s property is here."

"Official seals and so on, every document has been overwritten, and the notarized ones have also been notarized. Let your legal affairs go through the procedure..."

"This old dog Mo is quite interesting, but he agreed without much thought. Do you want to check it? I don\'t know if it\'s my illusion. I always feel that this is too easy to do, and something is not right. !"

"Anyway, brother-in-law, you have to be more careful during this time. My uncle is ruthless, and it is hard to guarantee that he will not make a counterattack before death..."

While talking, Dong Yuge grabbed the fruit in the fruit basket on the coffee table and took a big bite, looking quite tired.

Obviously, in order to get these things done, he does a lot of errands!

Xiao Junlin is of course very satisfied with this.

The Mo family, a junior wealthy family, has such a large family property that he has won one billion yuan. He only invested 500 million yuan in actual distribution, and even this 500 million yuan was directly taken out from these acquired properties. !

It can be said……

This is a complete white scoop!

Even if half of it is distributed to Dong Yuge, there are still at least 70 to 80 billion in assets.

And these assets are basically those good things that can appreciate in value of villas, real estate, commercial buildings, etc.!

Of course, the most important thing is that these things are not very noticeable, and the low-key luxury is still valuable!

This is in line with the temperament of his chairman Xiao...

Xiao Junlin made a fortune in a muffled voice, which can be regarded as adding a bit of background to himself.

Now his public assets include Junlin Group and Guangmao Investment Group, and he also controls hundreds of billions of Hongmeng Financial\'s assets. After the implementation of the University City project, it will also be a super project of hundreds of billions of dollars. Industry, his background is obviously far more than the other giants of the same name as him! !

This also gave him a lot of confidence.

Now, even if he chooses to confront Tiannan Lin family head-on without any other means, he is not wrong at all!

"It\'s hard work, little Er, let\'s have a meal together later? Your sister will come over after get off work later." Xiao Junlin shook the teacup in his hand and said.

"No, brother-in-law!"

When Dong Yuge heard that Zhu Han was coming, he shook his head and said, "Aren\'t you bullying me? I don\'t dare to disturb your two-person world!"

"Besides, brother-in-law, I\'m here to send you a document, and I\'m here to say goodbye to you. I have to rush back to Beijing tomorrow. If I don\'t go back, I\'m worried that something will happen to my eldest brother..."

"Well, that\'s fine."

"Then I won\'t leave you. You should pay attention to your own safety and come over when you have time."

Xiao Junlin didn\'t hold back, he got up and said goodbye directly.

For Dong Yuge\'s next itinerary, he had already expected it.

The question just now was just out of politeness.

This kid is still too young, it is estimated that at this time his whole heart has already flown back to Shangjing, ready to take care of his big brother at any time...

"Brother-in-law, don\'t send it, don\'t send it!"

"Remember to notify me in advance when you go back to Beijing, and I\'ll show you for fun!"

Dong Yuge waved his hand, laughed and got into the car and left.

It\'s just that as soon as he left, Bai Yan came after him.

Now Bai Yan\'s temperament has become more and more calm and capable, and there is even a faint hint of charm in the pair of smart eyes.

When facing Bai Yan, Xiao Junlin even had the same heart-warming feeling when he first saw Black Widow...

It can only be said that he is indeed the king of intelligence!

"Yan, do you have something to do with me?"

"Sit down and have something to drink?"

Xiao Junlin reached out and pointed to the sofa beside him, and asked kindly.

"Stop drinking, Xiao Dong."

Bai Yan sat down according to the words, first neatly lined up a large stack of documents in his arms and placed them in the corner of the coffee table, and then said, "This is all the information about Yu Fengsheng\'s actions in the recent period, and these are the ones we have collected. The main intelligence of other major billion-dollar groups.”

"Dong Xiao, I came here in person this time, mainly because there is something I want to report to you."

As Bai Yan said, a dignified flash flashed across his charming and agile eyes.

"I found that there are at least two groups of people following you in the villa area in the world where you live. The first group of people to follow lived in Villa No. 18, who lived in it half a year ago, and have been secretly monitoring your villa. I was under surveillance, but it didn\'t make much noise, it was very secret!"

"However, I haven\'t found any major dangers for them yet."

"At least compared to the second group of people, they are simply a group of domestic animals..."

"Huh? Livestock? What metaphor is that?"

Xiao Junlin raised his brows slightly, but he couldn\'t hold back the twitching of the corners of his mouth.

What metaphor is this?

"The second group of people was stalking outside the villa area. The exact time of appearance is unknown, but it should be in the past few days..."

"And now there are people in the underground market who are collecting all kinds of information about you, and they are buying it at a high price. I always feel that this is someone who wants to hurt you! My intuition tells me that this person who collects information is stalking outside the villa area. They should be a group!"

"What is their specific purpose, have you checked it out?"

Being stalked is expected, but Xiao Junlin has no special feelings about it.

He was just curious about the identities of these people.

"Dong Xiao..."

Bai Yan was silent for a while, then said: "According to the conclusion I have observed, the group of people who are watching outside the villa area should be sent by the Mo family, and they should also be the ones who bought your information at a high price in the underground market recently."