Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 181:

Moreover, his status in the business world will also rise as a result, to a level that is unimaginable for ordinary people!

Not only that, this is more than a huge amount of money, so that Xiao Junlin can easily involve in other fields, directly airborne, acquired or annexed, and expanding his power is just a thought!

This is the real pinnacle of life...

"Ah, very good."

Xiao Junlin was very satisfied, squinting and nodding.

You must know that the 80 billion opened was only transferred from Guangmao Group.

And the 80 billion of Guangmao Group was loaned from the bank...

to be honest.

For the 300 billion volume of Hongmeng Finance, Xiao Junlin did not give out a dime! !

White wolf with empty gloves all the way!

Although the money is not entirely his own, he can trust it!

And the money rolls out, can those who roll out not belong to you?

The giant sword of capital wielding in his hand will cut whoever he wants to cut, which stock he wants to rise or fall, and which company he wants to engage in which group, it all depends on his mood! !

From then on, he Xiao Junlin is a big bull in the financial market.

"Brother-in-law, admire!"

Dong Yuge sighed in amazement: "My sister Han is too keen on looking for men, right? I am truly convinced of you now! Sure enough, men who can stand behind successful women are monsters..."

"With such a large sum of money, it\'s as easy as playing if we want to destroy the Mo family!!"

"Do you still need such a large sum of money to bring down the Mo family?"

"Dong Xiaoer, do you despise me too much or do you despise his little Mo family too much?"

Xiao Junlin patted Dong Yuge on the shoulder angrily and said:

"Don\'t think too much, I\'ll invite you to dinner and take you to meet someone!"


Dong Yuge nodded and agreed.

Xiao Junlin told Jing Liangji seriously again, then left the company with Dong Yuge and went straight to a farmhouse on the outskirts of Dijiang.

165. Wen Tiancheng, you fool

Outskirts of Dijiang.

This is a farmhouse with a rustic feel.

When Xiao Junlin brought Dong Yuge and Xing Chou here, it was already two o\'clock in the afternoon, but the farmhouse was still full of people and business was booming!

Xiao Junlin took the two directly into a private room.

A sumptuous meal was already prepared on the table in the private room.

After the three of them feasted, Xiao Junlin said to Xing Chou who was picking his teeth:

"Bring people in!"


Xing Chou agreed to step back, and after a while he walked in with an old man.

This old man was dressed in shabby clothes, had gray hair, and was shaking while walking. No matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be just an ordinary old man next door, or the kind of coolie who had worked hard all his life...

"Brother-in-law, this?!"

Dong Yuge looked at the old man with a puzzled expression.

I don\'t know what it means that my brother-in-law suddenly brought him directly to see an old man?

Xiao Junlin was the one who got up and helped the old man to sit down when the old man walked into the room. He smiled and introduced to Dong Yuge: "Dong Xiaoer, let me introduce you."

"This old man Wen Tiancheng, don\'t look at him as ordinary, but he is really not an ordinary little character! He was a great hero who followed your uncle Mo Yuanwei to conquer the world!"


Dong Yuge\'s eyes lit up!

Not to mention where Xiao Junlin found this person.

At this point in time, people and things that can be related to the Mo family are very sensitive.

From this point of view alone, he intuitively thinks that this old man is not simple...

"Chairman Xiao, don\'t make fun of me, this lousy old man." Wen Tiancheng said uneasily: "I am just a retired lousy old man, my legs and feet are still weak, and I can\'t find a company for square dancing. What are you looking for me for?"

"Bad old man? Hehehe—"

Xiao Junlin raised his brows and said lightly with a chuckle: "How much have you helped Mo Yuanwei in your life? It can be said that most of their Mo family\'s wealth was brought down by you! Without you, Mo Yuanwei would have even lost his life. Not shit!"

"You have contributed so much to their Mo family, but what can you get in return? There is a saying that the cunning rabbits die and the lackeys cook, and the birds hide their bows... The Mo family has not yet established a firm foothold in this Dijiang, so they started Remove the grind and kill the donkey, and delusionally swallow the country!"

"Wen Tiancheng, in order to avoid being hunted, you can only hide your name in this slum, and the life of a family is even more difficult. Look at the life of your Wen family, are you really willing?"

"30 million, I will give you 30 million. You hand over all the hidden properties, companies, and accounts under the Mo family\'s name to me, and I will keep you safe in your old age! And this 30 million is enough for your family to live a rich life. It\'s gone!"

The god-level black-bellied skill was quietly activated, and the ability of the hypnotist master was hidden in Xiao Junlin\'s deep and magnetic voice, making Wen Tiancheng\'s old face stagnate...

After a while, there was indeed a trace of unwillingness on his face.

But soon!

Wen Tiancheng hurriedly shook his head and struggled and said in pain: "Xiao Dong, no, no...

I don\'t know anything, sorry Xiao Dong, don\'t come to me! "

"I\'m not looking for you? If I don\'t look for you, others will come to you too!"

"Did you really think that no one else would know if you were hiding in the urban village in the Eastern District?"

Xiao Junlin said bluntly:

"Wen Tiancheng, let me tell you the truth, the power under me has helped you solve many crises, both overtly and secretly. If it wasn\'t for me, your family would be stinky and no one would know about it! You still don\'t know anything?"