Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 171:

Dong Yuge, Dong Ershao, this is going to turn against the Mo family! !

They are not quarreling verbally now. Did Dong Ershao directly flip the table without seeing anyone?

Mo Yuanwei\'s face suddenly became extremely bad.

He never thought that Dong Yuge would turn his face directly in front of so many people in Di Jiang. Originally, he wanted to use the power of their Dong family to give his parents a face.

It\'s hard to say whether the face is up or not, people are definitely lost!

I\'m afraid this beam can\'t be removed...

"Dong Yuge, why are you crazy?"

"If you drink too much and you go upstairs to sleep, what\'s the point of splashing downstairs?"

Mo Yuanwei asked angrily.

"Crazy? Splash? Hehehe!"

The corners of Dong Yuge\'s mouth curved into an arc, and sneered: "This is just the beginning!"

"In a few days, you\'ll know what the **** I\'m crazy about!

Shit, let\'s go-"

After Dong Yuge lost his temper, he turned around and left with the remaining bodyguards.

Mo Yuanwei, who had recovered, looked at the backs of Dong Yuge and the others, trembling with anger.

A good banquet has been stirred up and messed up. Who can stand it?

"Grass, hasty! What the **** is going on here?"

"In the end what happened?"

Mo Yuanwei is really incomprehensible!

Dong Yuge was obviously fine before, why did he suddenly change his personality, and make such a farce in the Mo family so disregarding his face in public!

Now all the guests around are pointing and pointing, and everyone\'s face is a look of schadenfreude watching a good show...

This made Mo Yuanwei almost explode his lungs!

"Patriarch, could it be Xiao Junlin, Xiao Dong?"

"I just saw Xiao Dong and Dong Young Master chatting in the room for a while, and when they came out, Dong Young Master became like this. I guess he is the one who is playing a ghost!"

"Xiao Junlin? Yes, it must be him!!"

When Yu Fengsheng heard the Mo family around him mention Xiao Junlin, he immediately agreed with his gritted teeth.

Looking at it again, it seems that everyone agrees with this point of view, and Mo Yuanwei\'s old face instantly turned blue.

"Xiao Junlin, wait for me!!"

Mo Yuanwei\'s face was hideous, and he roared in exasperation:

"Come on, see me off, this is the end of today\'s dinner!"

I saw that the head of the Mo family personally issued an order to evict guests.

All the guests were satisfied but reluctantly left the hall one by one.

The good show tonight is obviously just the beginning!

154. Mo\'s family, I\'m not finished with you

Just when the Mo family was rioting.

Dong Yuge was heading straight for the Hongdong Hot Spring Hotel with a group of bodyguards.

He was furious at the Mo family banquet just now, and the purpose was just to convey an attitude to the guests.

That is……

Their Dong family has broken with the Mo family!

This was undoubtedly a very heavy blow to the Mo family.

Enough to temporarily disrupt the layout of the Mo family.

Next, Dong Yuge must get the evidence Xiao Junlin said before the others.

In this way, he can truly have the ability to fight back!


"Now my stupid uncle must still be racking his brains to figure out what I mean? I guess I have to question my stupid cousin, where did they offend me..."

Dong Yuge sneered disdainfully.

After rushing all the way to the hot spring hotel.

Dong Yuge took the bodyguards out of the car and went straight to the top floor!

The hotel lobby manager came with many people after hearing the news, and accompanied him on the first floor with a humble smile on his face:

"Master Dong, why are you here? What do you want to play today?"

"Get out, get out of my mouth immediately!"

"Xiao Wu, please invite the guests out properly, just say that the internal rectification of the hot spring hotel will not accept guests today.

All guests who are still in the hotel now will be double-spend compensation! "

"Ah, Master Dong, what are you doing?"

The lobby manager and others were stunned on the spot.

"Shut up, get the **** out of here, don\'t let me see you!"

After instructing the bodyguards, Dong Yuge turned his head and roared angrily at the hotel executives.

At the same time that their faces changed greatly, they all panicked and avoided...

Dong Yuge can be their obvious boss, and they should all listen to him.

After shouting back a group of hotel executives, he took the rest and rushed directly into the top-floor clubhouse.