Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 156:


Hundreds of people up and down the entire group, even those who were on vacation, all knew the news.

While everyone was talking about it, Xiao Hui had already appeared downstairs in the Guangmao Group in a car.

She got so **** after she stopped!

The building security had just stopped her to ask questions...

That\'s okay too!

But why after she came, no one greeted her yet? !

"What the **** is going on!"

"That **** Geng Ruizhi, doesn\'t he know I\'m coming?"

"It\'s really embarrassing for them, and they don\'t even come out to greet me!"

Xiao Hui was about to explode with anger!

It\'s not what she imagined...

She had obviously completely forgotten the rules Xiao Junlin had told her before, and at this time she believed that this was her own business.

I am a dignified family eldest lady, but no one welcomes me when I go to my own company?

In fact, in her opinion, whether she is the president or not actually makes no difference at all.

Anyway, in the group, even that guy, Geng Ruizhi, must not sell himself a bit of face!

As a result, she is now receiving such an unprecedented cold reception, how can she swallow this breath?

As soon as she arrived at the floor where Guangmao Group was located, Xiao Hui went straight to the front desk, smashed her bag on the table aggressively, and scolded the lady at the front desk angrily:

"Where\'s Geng Ruizhi? Let him get out and meet me!!"

"Ah! Xiao, Miss Xiao, you\'re here..."

"Hello, Miss Xiao!"

This sudden and huge movement shocked the two young ladies at the front desk.

The two stood up tremblingly and said hello to Vino.

"You still know me? You must know I\'m coming, right?"

"Why no one came out to greet him? Let Geng Ruizhi come out!"

Xiao Hui\'s eyes widened and she roared angrily, "Are there any rules in this company?"

"Ah? I\'m sorry, Miss Xiao!"

"Then, what..." A young lady at the front desk hesitated for a while, but said bravely:

"Director Geng has already instructed us to report directly to the logistics department after you come.

He is very busy! I don\'t have time to see you. "

"What did you say?"

Hearing what the front desk said, Xiao Hui was dumbfounded on the spot.

This, is this a back talk?


front desk?

I am a dignified daughter of the Xiao family, so I have no majesty? !

She never thought...

You\'ve been so mad just now, but you didn\'t even frighten a little girl at the front desk?

What kind of broken group is this, so anyone dares to play against him?

And what did she just say?

She actually said that Geng Ruizhi was very busy and didn\'t have time to see her, so she asked herself to report to the logistics department?

Why! ! !

"Blind you dog eyes, do you know who I am?

I am Xiao Junlin\'s daughter! This group is our family! You are all my dad\'s dog!

How dare you do this to me? Believe it or not, I fire you! ! ! "

"Really brave!"

"Let Geng Ruizhi get out of here immediately!!"

"You still want me to report to the logistics, hehe-"

Xiao Hui was obviously mad, grabbing the Hermes bag in her hand and smashing the front desk with all her might!

The two ladies at the front desk were so frightened that their expressions suddenly changed.

They are just two high-level welcome guests. They don\'t know anything except good-looking. When have they seen such a battle?

When even trembling, he desperately reported to the top.

The movement at the front desk also caused people from other departments in the group to point and point their heads.

While showing sympathy to my colleagues at the front desk, I am also very disdainful of this eldest lady of the Xiao family...

"Is that **** the daughter of our group? This temper is really enough for a young lady!"

"Hehe, there\'s nothing I can do about it, Mr. Geng did it on purpose this time, otherwise...

Even if it\'s a new girl, there will be colleagues in the department to greet her, so how come no one has arranged it? "

"I can\'t say that, mainly because I don\'t dare! Xiao Dong specially ordered, who wants to lose their jobs?"

"No, and she\'s too arrogant...

Xiao Da Shao was thrown into prison by Xiao Dong, and she is such a cowardly woman! "