Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 152:

"Hey! It seems very interesting..."

Xiao Junlin\'s eyes brightened slightly, and he rubbed his chin with interest.

The operation of this thing is very strong! !

After sorting out all his thoughts, he stopped thinking about it.

When he got home, he fell asleep.

At breakfast the next morning, a large stack of papers was already delivered to his table.

Xiao Junlin ate his breakfast calmly, while flipping through the information that Bai Yan had collected all night.

I have to say that Boyan\'s work efficiency is really terrifying...

With Xiao Junlin\'s order, she immediately launched her personal connections, and quickly opened up all parties in just a few hours. After finding the right channel, she collected a large amount of intelligence data, and quickly compiled it and reported it through her hands. in front of him!

The first is what Yu Fengsheng did during this time, who he met, and he wrote several pages of detailed reports.

Furthermore, Dong Yuge, the second young master of the Dong family in Shangjing, is scheduled to arrive in Dijiang City in three days. As for Wen Tiancheng, the 72-year-old man whom Xiao Junlin asked her to find, she has already found it!

Everything is quite fast and accurate!

And from the information reported by Boyan, Xiao Junlin also discovered two very important problems...

The first point is that Yu Fengsheng seems to be keeping an eye on the recent developments of the second young master of the Dong family. He seems to have already been in contact with him. The specific situation is unknown due to the short time!

The second is this Yu Fengsheng, who seems to have been with Xiao Hui greasy these past few days, and the relationship between the two does not seem to be ordinary!

This is kind of intriguing...

Xiao Junlin\'s face turned black.

After crossing over, he actually subconsciously wanted to draw a clear line with the former Xiao family.

First, Xiao Yi, the dog-licking son, was thrown into prison by him, and then the ex-wife Lin Yiqing was forced by him to dare not appear in front of him again...

But only his daughter Xiao Hui, he is really a headache when he thinks about it now!

Thinking about cutting off relations with her, but there is no good excuse. After all, she doesn\'t actually have much contact with herself, and Xiao Junlin really can\'t do things without reason and logic!

But want to love her...

Xiao Junlin\'s heart was filled with frustration again.

After all, in the original book, this little girl did absurd things while kneeling and licking Yu Fengsheng, she was a brainless woman!

It was also because of this that he never cared too much about Xiao Hui.

Only Shengquan has been silently sending money to Xiao Hui\'s card every month to ensure that her quality of life will not decline, so she has been raising her.

But Xiao Junlin really didn\'t expect it...

Take all precautions, these two goods actually came together! !

And it seems that the encounter between the two is very dramatic.

Now it is his cheap daughter Xiao Hui who is pursuing Yu Fengsheng! !

This is so outrageous!

"Master, Miss is back."

While Xiao Junlin frowned at breakfast, Shengquan suddenly walked in to report.

He subconsciously raised his head and looked out the window, only to find that Xiao Hui\'s Lamborghini poison had stopped at the door.

137. The Lawless Xiao Hui

"Dad, Uncle Sheng, good morning..."

"Ahhh! It\'s delicious, I haven\'t had breakfast yet!

Have you changed the cook at home? Shengbo, quickly bring me one too. "

Xiao Hui screamed as soon as she entered the door, as if she had completely forgotten that she had had a fight with her father not long ago.

"Wait a minute, miss, I\'ll make arrangements for you right away."

Shengquan bowed his head in a respectful response, and greeted Xiao Hui to sit down.

However, Xiao Junlin just glanced at her lightly and did not give any reaction.

"Dad, I\'m talking to you, why are you ignoring me?"

"You\'re not still angry with me, are you? My brother has already been put in jail by you, and my mother was driven abroad by you and dare not come back. Now you don\'t even plan to recognize me, do you?! "

Xiao Hui lowered her head and complained in a low voice.

When Xiao Junlin heard the words, he said impatiently:

"If you have something to talk about, if you want money, go to Shengquan. As long as it doesn\'t exceed 20 million per month, I can spend it whatever you want!"

"Dad, I\'m not short of money! Can you stop talking about money with me right away?"

Xiao Hui said with a guilty conscience: "I, I just feel, I feel that I have grown up, and I should do something for you...

I, I want to join the group to help you, what do you think? "

"Help? Hehehe-"

Xiao Junlin actually knew the intention of Xiao Hui\'s visit for a long time.

This guy\'s presence like a stuffy gourd was so low that he was about to forget it, but now it suddenly popped up, what else could it be for? !

Open mouth and shut mouth group to help, can this intention be any more obvious...

It is nothing more than dissatisfaction with being a wealthy lady who has nothing to do with food and clothing, and wants to join the group to stir up trouble and make a sense of presence in front of her, or...

She just wanted to help Yu Fengsheng! !

As long as she can infiltrate her father\'s high-level team and come into contact with those executives of the group, she will not only know a lot of insider information in advance, but maybe she will be able to dig some people for Yu Fengsheng from his group!

In this way, not only can she help Yu Fengsheng, but she can even get Yu Fengsheng\'s attention...

After all, there is already a reference in front of it!

With Xiao Hui\'s extreme selfish personality, she can do this for the love in her heart.