Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 148:

This Li Jun definitely mastered Xiao Junlin\'s incredible secret, just like he knew the system on his body, maybe...

And after his in-depth investigation, he found that the three members of Shen Chengzhi\'s family were killed in a car accident today.

All these pieces are related to Xiao Junlin!

This time, Yu Fengsheng was in a hurry on the spot.

Is this still worth thinking about?

There must be something tricky...

He was eager to find out the truth. As soon as he received that Li Jun he was looking for was in the hospital in the third district, he immediately asked his grandfather to tell his grandmother and found him all the way.

After several twists and turns.

Yu Fengsheng finally saw Li Jun with a dull face in the special ward.

At this time, Li Jun had been released from the binding restrictions, but he would still smirk from time to time, the corners of his mouth were slightly grinning, and he kept drooling.

The cloudy and confused eyes are occasionally replaced by a trace of cruelty, just like...


"Li Jun?"

Yu Fengsheng couldn\'t believe his eyes and wondered, "Why is he like this?"

"Mr. Li was sent over by the Department of Political Affairs this afternoon." Academician Li explained with a sigh of relief:

"I heard that the superintendent who sent him said that he was sent over after the chief superintendent had a mental attack and shot and wounded people."

"After a rigorous diagnosis, we found that he did have very serious delusional symptoms, and his mind was not sober..."

"Of course, the diagnosis and treatment methods of our hospital in the three districts are first-class in China!

After a series of treatments, his condition has improved, so that\'s what you see now! "

Academician Li\'s explanation made Yu Fengsheng unacceptable!

He really couldn\'t imagine how much ability would it take to turn a good-looking person into what he is now?

He also wanted to know what secret Li Jun had...

"Oh yes, Xiao Dong came to see him today."

Academician Li pondered for a while, and suddenly said.

"Xiao Junlin? It\'s him again!"

Yu Fengsheng\'s face suddenly turned ashen.

When Xiao Junlin was involved again, he subconsciously thought that all this must be Xiao Junlin again!

Just what\'s the secret here?

Just a small district superintendent, is it worth Xiao Junlin\'s own hands?

"Li Jun, Li Jun, do you still remember me?"

Yu Fengsheng pressed his shoulder and said loudly:

"Look at me, look at me!

I\'m Fengsheng, do you still recognize me? "

Yu Fengsheng kept calling.

However, when Li Jun heard his name, there was a slight reaction in his dull eyes.

He raised his head sluggishly and stared at Yu Fengsheng\'s face, his eyes flashing with great doubts!

"Yu Fengsheng?"

"Yu Fengsheng?"


Li Jun\'s mood suddenly became abnormally excited as the speed of chanting speeded up.

He beat his head desperately, as if trying to remember something.

But at this moment, his mind is full of mud, and he can\'t recall any memory...

"Li Jun, Li Jun, what happened to you?"

"Don\'t get excited, don\'t get excited—

Take your time, let\'s take your time! "

"I\'m Yu Fengsheng, what happened to you and Xiao Junlin today?"

"What did he do to you? How did the Shen family die? You talk..."

Yu Fengsheng asked anxiously.

Being provoked by him like this, Li Jun\'s emotions became even more out of control.

Especially when he heard the three words "Xiao Junlin", his face suddenly appeared a little hideous!

"Li Jun, you talk, grass, damn..."

"What secret do you know? What is Xiao Junlin\'s relationship with you? What did you and him do in the Chief Administrative Secretary today?"

"Did he hurt you like this?"

Yu Fengsheng\'s repeated questioning made Li Jun\'s emotions finally explode.


He roared like a beast, roaring with his teeth and claws!

Then, a carp jumped up from the bed, and when Yu Fengsheng and Academician Li didn\'t react in three or two steps, he had already rushed out of the room, grabbed the door and left...

Not long after, there was a burst of shouts from downstairs:

"Jump off the building, jump off the building!"

"Someone jumped off the building..."