Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 142:

Everything seemed so perfect.

Of course, before that, he needs to take a shower, change his clothes, and see two of them by the way!

At this time, Xing Chou did not disgrace his mission and brought back Bai Yan and Jing Liangji.

Bai Yan looked only twenty-three or four years old, and he was full of youthful vitality.

With a slender figure and fair skin, he is dressed in an enchanting and avant-garde way, and his waves are constantly switching colors under the light of the villa hall.

However, there is a hidden edge in those captivating eyes. She has been observing the surrounding environment vigilantly, as if she is looking for something!

As for Jing Liangji next to Boyan, he was a middle-aged man with a big belly who looked gentle and smart.

the two of them…

Boyan is the head of the street gang, and Jing Liangji is the small boss of a private securities firm.

Xing Chou did not encounter any difficulties in finding them.

And after hearing that Chairman Xiao of Junlin Group was looking for them, they also cooperated quite well!

After Xiao Junlin stepped into the hall.

Xing Qiu immediately stood up with a naive smile and said, "Boss, someone brought it back!"

"Okay, good performance!"

Xiao Junlin nodded and said with a satisfied smile: "Go down and rest first. I\'ll have someone bring you some clothes later, and then let Shengquan arrange a room for you, and you will live with me in the future."

"Thank you, thank you boss!"

Xing Chou\'s face suddenly turned into a chrysanthemum.

Seeing this, Shengquan led Xing Chou directly, leaving Xiao Junlin a space to be alone with Bai Yan and Jing Liangji.

After the two looked at each other subconsciously, they were all a little nervous...

They were not sure what the famous Chairman Xiao had to do with these two little people.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Or, what did they do?

Shouldn\'t be...

"You two, don\'t be nervous."

Xiao Junlin smiled reservedly, full of affinity, and said, "Hey? Sit down, don\'t get up!"

"I\'m looking for you guys today, but there\'s nothing else to do... um, that\'s not right!

I don\'t think I need to introduce myself. You should all know me, right? "

"Knowing, how can we not know Chairman Xiao?"

"Yeah, your name is like thunder in our ears!"

"We\'re just a little panicked. We don\'t know what a big man like Chairman Xiao would do to us?"

Both Bai Yan and Jing Liangji were very nervous.

Xiao Junlin didn\'t care about this either.

After all, if they were suddenly found, anyone would be nervous...

After personally pouring a cup of tea for each of them, Xiao Junlin decided his words and said:

"Actually, it\'s not a big deal to find you guys today.

Just... I just want you to come and do things for me, I wonder if you are interested? "


"Dong Xiao, you..."

"Do you want us to go to work in your group?"

Bai Yan and Jing Liangji were stunned on the spot by Xiao Junlin\'s words!


Just kidding...

To find them all the way, just for this? !

129. The right choice

Xiao Junlin\'s words were heard by the two of Boyan...

Full of jokes!

They don\'t understand, are rich people so idle?

Jing Liangji is fortunate to say that he was originally the helm of a securities company.

Although the plate can\'t be compared with Xiao Junlin\'s King\'s Landing Group, it can be regarded as a legitimate industry after all!

After all, he has been in contact with financial securities, and it is reasonable for Chairman Xiao to recruit him.

But, what about Ke Baiyan?

This girl is a sister, what can Chairman Xiao recruit her for?

Could it be…

secretary? !

"Don\'t be too busy to question, you guys have a look at this contract first."

"First of all, I will invest about 20 billion to establish an international financial investment group."

"One is to attract funds from the outside world; the other is to invest in financial markets such as stocks, futures markets, and rare metals at home and abroad!"

"In the future, it will be a huge private equity institution that controls hundreds of billions of funds!

Well, Mr. Well...

I would like to invite you to be the ruler of it for me! "