Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 14:

West of the city.

Jiangshan villa area.

Xiao Yi persuaded bitterly, and consciously fell behind Shen Xiaoyu by half a position.

He wanted to explain, wanted to convince Shen Xiaoyu that his father would not do such a thing, and kept making various guarantees, hoping that she would stop being angry with him.

Although the scene in the mall just now was very embarrassing, all he was thinking about now was just hoping to calm the anger in Shen Xiaoyu\'s heart...

He was so focused on Shen Xiaoyu that he didn\'t even want to go back and have a look.

"You can pull it down!"

Shen Xiaoyu\'s face was blue, staring at Xiao Yi with wide eyes, and said dissatisfiedly: "Please shut up? You still have the face to mention what happened just now? Do you know how my best friend thinks of me? Ah? You know those shop assistants How do you see me? How do you want me to go shopping there in the future? My face, face...

013. I am glad that you have this heart

You are all lost! "

"It\'s all my fault! It\'s all my fault!"

"Xiaoyu, don\'t be angry, okay? Me, I\'ll buy you a more expensive one next time! I\'ll buy you whatever you want, okay?"

"Stop talking, okay?"

Xiao Yi was still licking his face trying to explain, but Shen Xiaoyu had completely ignored him.

She walked into her villa with a cold face, and Xiao Yi quickly followed.

In the villa hall, a middle-aged man and woman were sitting on the sofa watching TV. When they heard the movement at the door, they all turned their heads to take a look.

These two are Shen Xiaoyu\'s parents, Shen Chengzhi and Diao Ningxin.

Seeing that the people who came were his daughter and Xiao Yi, their expressions changed instantly.

"Humph! Who am I? It turns out that Young Master Xiao is here."

Shen Chengzhi snorted with a gloomy face, and said, "Master Xiao, you are not staying in your King\'s Landing Group, why are you running to our Shen family?"

"Dad, Mom..."

Xiao Yi laughed along, embarrassedly said: "I, this... I\'m not sending Xiao Yu back?"

"I\'m sorry! I\'m in a hurry. I forgot to bring a gift. Parents, don\'t take offense!"

"Parents?" Diao Ningxin sneered, hugging her arms and saying yin and yang: "Young Master Xiao, your status is noble, we can\'t afford your parents!

The gift will be waived in the future. The big gift you just gave is enough for us to eat for a lifetime.

Our temple is so small that it can\'t hold your big Buddha! Okay... you\'ve sent them back too, so go back and forth wherever you go! "

"Dad, Mom... who are you?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then reacted and quickly explained: "Misunderstanding, that\'s all a misunderstanding!

That\'s my dad playing with me! Don\'t take it seriously..."

"Don\'t take it seriously? Young Master Xiao, our Shen family lost thirty-seven people in one breath, so why don\'t we take it seriously?

Do we really have to wait for our Shen family to be completely finished by your Xiao family before we take it seriously! "

"What good will it do for you, Young Master Xiao, to kill our Shen family? Ah!"

Shen Chengzhi slapped the table angrily and roared.

Xiao Yi was immediately startled...

"Killing the Shen family? Dad, what did you say..."

Xiao Yi looked embarrassed and said embarrassedly, "My dad did those things, it has nothing to do with me!

It was because he finally woke up today and didn\'t see me, and listened to the words of the immortal Shengquan of my family, that he was so arrogant.

You see, he stopped all my bank cards. "

"This is forcing me to go home!"

"It\'s okay, Mom and Dad, I\'ll just go back and comfort him later.

I also told Xiaoyu that the thirty or so brothers who were fired will be able to go back to work in the afternoon, I promise! "

"Hmph, you promise?" Diao Ningxin sneered: "Master Xiao, don\'t say we are not friendly!

But as far as I know, your CEO seems to have been fired as well... What promises do you give us? ? "

"Mom, don\'t worry, you are all my family, how could I make you feel wronged? My dad is only a son like me, and you all know that!

Who else can he listen to if he doesn\'t listen to me? He Shengquan is just an outsider no matter what, and the Junlin Group is still mine in the end! "

"After I go back, I must deal with these things immediately, you can relax and wait for my good news!"

After Xiao Yi\'s series of promises, Shen Chengzhi and Diao Ningxin\'s expressions became slightly better.

In fact, they didn\'t dare to really turn against this idiot, after all, the Shen family\'s family business is huge now!

Without the big backer of the Xiao family, they would never be able to support it with their own abilities...

There are still many places to rely on in the future, and even if the Shen family wants to continue to climb up, there is a time to ask Xiao Yi.

The relationship is too stiff, and it doesn\'t look good to everyone.

"Xiaoyi, it\'s not that we forced you." After thinking about this, Shen Chengzhi\'s face softened a little, and he said earnestly: "I\'m really in a hurry, and you know the impact of those projects being cut in half, on us. How big is it? Our Shen family is no more than your King\'s Landing Group, it\'s just a small boss of a small family, this loss..."

"Dad, don\'t worry!"

Seeing the stalemate in the original situation eased, Xiao Yi couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I asked the personal doctor in our family before, and he also told me that my dad is not far from the fart. Now, as soon as he leaves, I will be able to take over the entire King\'s Landing Group!"

"Then I will propose to Xiaoyu and welcome her into the door of my Xiao family with the highest standard wedding!"

"At that time, you will be my own parents, and I will definitely not treat you badly!"


Diao Ning nodded in satisfaction, and said with relief, "Xiaoyi, it\'s enough for you to have this heart, I\'m very happy!"

Looking at this stupid batch again, there is a little more appreciation in the eyes.

Xiao Junlin has such a son, it is a great joy in life!

What if your King\'s Landing Group\'s family business is big?