Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 137:

Then everyone saw the magical scene of Xiao Junlin dodging bullets smartly.

Zhu Han\'s heart is all tied together at this moment!

Immediately after that, Li Jun self-harmed and faked the scene of taking the gun after he missed a shot...

After watching this video, the expressions of everyone present became very strange.

Everyone looked at Li Jun with surprise and suspicion, as if they had seen a ghost!

Well, it turns out that he did everything by himself...

Does anyone really shoot themselves? !

What kind of resentment, what kind of resentment, can a person use self-mutilation to frame others?

"Li Jun, what else do you have to say?" Gu Yutang yelled angrily, "You bastard, do you know what you\'re doing?!"

"No, no, it\'s not like that!!"

"He forced me, he forced me..."

"You have to believe me!!"

Li Jun screamed in panic, and his whole body was about to collapse.

"What is he forcing you? With the gun in your hand, how can he force you?"

Zhu Han couldn\'t help but said angrily: "Li Jun, why would you do such a thing? You don\'t usually do this..."

"You are so disappointing!"

"Miss Zhu, you can blame Superintendent Li for this."

Xiao Junlin chuckled, stood up to help Li Jun and said, "Superintendent Li told me that he has liked you for a long time, that you are his girlfriend, so I don\'t have anything wrong with you. think……"

"The reason why he targeted me like that on the construction site today was because he was so excited when he saw you and I were so close, talking and laughing, and feeling jealous.

Even after I came back with you, he still targeted me in various ways, even if he was wearing handcuffs, he even threatened me to ask me to give him a favor, me? ? ? "

"Fuck, is that so?!"

"Is this guy crazy? Who is Xiao Dong, and he can afford it?"

"But it\'s right to think about it. When he had a crush on Captain Zhu, it wasn\'t a secret at all. Most of us in the sixth team knew about it, but they never mentioned it. I didn\'t expect that this time he even kicked the iron because of love and hatred. It\'s on the board..."

The police superintendents in the hall were talking a lot, and many people couldn\'t help but start pointing at Li Jun, and everyone was a little speechless.

Is this guy really insane?

I don\'t even think about the status of Xiao Dong, what is his status?

The two are not comparable at all!

That\'s it, how dare you go up and die?

Didn\'t you see that their boss was nodding and bowing to everyone! !

Everyone seems to have seen Li Jun\'s fate.

This guy will either go to jail and end up with Xiao Yi, or...

It was Xiao Junlin\'s revenge that he couldn\'t take care of himself anymore!

"Li Jun, you scumbag! You\'re just humiliating and discrediting our Dijiang police department! What you\'ve done is already suspected of intentionally hurting people, come here, handcuff him to me and take him away!! "


Several police superintendents who were relatively close to Li Jun appeared on the spot and held down Li Jun, who was already injured.

The handcuffs quickly locked him, even ignoring his injured arm, the action can be described as arrogant!

Li Jun roared in despair: "No, it\'s not what you think, he\'s tricking me, he\'s tricking me!!"

"Director, Director, I want to chat with you alone, just two minutes, two minutes...

You believe me, believe me once, please! ! "

"I wish captain, you believe me, I wish captain—"

Li Jun struggled hysterically, but the pain in his body and the trauma in his mind made him so uncomfortable that he almost fainted!

"I don\'t have time for perverted nonsense like you!" Gu Yutang spat at him with disgust: "You have used your personal business without authorization, and you are even suspected of trying to kill a famous entrepreneur in our city. The evidence is conclusive and the social impact is huge. You are waiting for legal sanctions. Come on! If you have something to say, let\'s keep it to the judge..."

After Gu Yutang scolded Li Jun with a cold face, he turned his head and apologized to Xiao Junlin: "I\'m sorry, Director Xiao! It\'s all my fault, I didn\'t discipline my subordinates well, I hope you don\'t mind!"

"Don\'t worry, I promise to give you a satisfactory result!"

Gu Yutang\'s series of apologies and assurances were actually worried that Xiao Junlin would anger him because of this!

If so, it would be too innocent.

Seeing this, Xiao Junlin smiled helplessly, shook his head and said: "Director Gu, it\'s not that serious, he didn\'t hurt me, at best it can only be regarded as an accident..."

"Besides, Superintendent Li must have developed such a relatively rare mental illness because of the high pressure in his life and work recently. Coupled with the low self-esteem caused by his long-term unrequited love for Captain Zhu, it is understandable that he is not mentally normal. of!"

"So, as far as I am concerned, I don\'t want your department to use legal means to try him...

Instead, it might be better to send him to a mental hospital for treatment! "

"Mental hospital?"

"Does Director Xiao mean not to hold Li Jun accountable?"

"What a kind and kind treasured man!!"

After listening to Xiao Junlin\'s words, everyone couldn\'t help but burst out in admiration...

Even Zhu Han couldn\'t help but once again secretly praised Xiao Junlin\'s atmosphere in his heart!

At the scene, only Li Jun, the party involved, was so frightened that his scalp was numb.

Because he knows that Xiao Junlin is definitely not atmosphere!

This guy……

Just want to completely clean him up!

125. Thinking of Xiao Yi, shudder