Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 133:

The most I admit is that my gun just misfired, yes, misfire..."

Li Jun muttered to himself with a pale face, trying his best to defend himself.

Xiao Junlin shook his head disdainfully and sneered: "Then how do you explain to your colleagues that your gun will be aimed at me in the head if you miss it? Don\'t say no, you should know better than me in crime investigation?"

"No matter how strong the sound insulation of the interrogation room is, it can\'t resist the sound of bullets. Your colleagues are coming soon. You better wash your buttocks and prepare to go to jail!"

"Think about Xiao Yi, who is still in the guard, his fate is yours."

"No no no no--"

Li Jun was immediately frightened and pale.

How to do?

How to do?

What Xiao Junlin said was right, he would really go to jail, he didn\'t want to go to jail! !

Thinking of Xiao Yi\'s appearance in the detention center, he suddenly felt the backyard tighten...

That\'s not how people live!

"No, you forced me! You want to grab my gun, you want to run away, I won\'t let it go, I\'m just in self-defense, and I lost my gun during the fight... Yes!!"

"It\'s you, that\'s it, that\'s right! That\'s right!!"

"Xiao Junlin, do you think my colleagues will believe you or me?"


Under the crisis, Li Jun instantly thought of a way to break the situation.

At the same time, a lot of messy footsteps are approaching!

He laughed wantonly, and in the next moment, he suddenly raised the gun and fired a shot at his left arm!


The bullet popped out of the chamber and penetrated into the body.

Li Jun\'s whole body was almost convulsed in pain, but he still did not forget to wipe off his fingerprints on the gun with a proud face, and then threw the gun near Xiao Junlin\'s seat, and he fell on the ground next to the gate in pain. !

Just two seconds.

A crime scene where Xiao Junlin tried to **** the gun and Li Jun was horribly injured in the process of resisting has been set up!

"Wow! You\'re not too stupid..."

Li Jun\'s actions were smooth and smooth, without the slightest hesitation.

Xiao Junlin didn\'t come back to his senses until this time, and he was instantly happy!

This kid is worthy of being a transmigrator, and he is a bit quick-witted.

How could he come up with such a way to get rid of himself!

Originally, Xiao Junlin was going to use hypnosis skills plus two god-level psychological skills to induce him to shoot, then put a hat on him for dereliction of duty, arrange for him to be laid off or go to jail, and then use other means to kill him...

Didn\'t expect him to be a genius?

This is where it gets fun!

Before long, the door to the interrogation room was rudely opened from the outside.

The worried Zhu Han took the lead and rushed in!

It\'s just that after everyone entered the door, the first thing they saw was Li Jun, who couldn\'t stop wailing at the door. Half of his body was stained red with blood, and his face was bloodless...

On the other hand, Xiao Junlin was sitting on the chair with a half-smile, as if it had nothing to do with him watching a good show!

On the ground at his feet, there was actually a standard pistol belonging to the Secretary for Home Affairs!

This scene...

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a prisoner grabbing a gun and wounding someone, right?


Quick, hold him down, he wants to run away! ! "

When Li Jun saw other colleagues coming, he couldn\'t help but mourn even louder, and sometimes he didn\'t forget to accuse Xiao Junlin.

"Shit—hold your head! Squat down!"

"Hold your head with your hands, hold your head! Li Jun, are you alright?"

"Someone is injured, hurry up! Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

All the superintendents were so frightened that their expressions changed, and many even turned their guns directly at Xiao Junlin, who was sitting upright.

Zhu Han also had a surprised look on his face.

She never thought that she was going to do something else, and such a big thing happened here!

The shooting incident at the Chief Secretary...

This is definitely not a small thing!

Xiao Junlin, Chairman Xiao, why do you do this?

He is a super rich man who wants to be like wind and rain. This time he came here just to cooperate with the investigation. There is no reason to do such a thing...

"Don\'t be impulsive! Put down the gun, put it down!"

"Take Li Jun out and stop the bleeding first!"

"Take photos on the spot to collect evidence, take this gun as evidence first, and call the director!"

"Everyone, move, hurry!!"

After Zhu Han calmed down, he immediately sniffed out what was wrong inside.

While quickly starting the assignment, he also put hesitant eyes on Li Jun.

Xiao Junlin just came over to go through a procedure, there is no reason to grab a gun, and he even injured a little police superintendent like Li Jun. To put it bluntly, the two are not of the same class at all!

But there are only two people in this room.