Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 127:

It is especially useful for those officials and rich second-generation! !

But this time, the target is Xiao Junlin!

Zhu Han had a very good impression of him from the very beginning, and subconsciously did not believe that he would kill!

not to mention.

Judging from the evidence collected from all aspects of the scene, Chairman Xiao is a real victim, just...


Her subordinates used her original words to back her up. If she refuted her words, wouldn\'t that mean she was slapping herself in the face?

After that, what kind of prestige can she have in the Dijiang Administrative Secretary? !

Zhu Han fell into a passive state for a while, very embarrassed!

But take another 10,000 steps and say, what if there is something weird here?

As the person in charge of this case, if he really lets go of the real murderer, then this is a very severe crime, even if the director Gu Yutang is here, he can\'t afford it!

"Let\'s talk about it, Team Zhu!" Li Jun saw Zhu Han\'s face clearly, and while he was secretly happy, he continued while the iron was hot: "It would be better if there were no dead people in this incident, but three people have died now..."

"It\'s a family of three again, this is killing the family!!"

"This is a major case of the year that can go directly to Tianting. If we don\'t investigate it clearly, who will take the responsibility?"

Zhu Han was immediately startled by his words.


Three people died, the nature of this case is no longer the same!

But, ask her to catch Xiao Junlin...

"I wish captain, don\'t be too embarrassed."

Xiao Junlin smiled and said with understanding: "I will follow you, it is the responsibility and obligation of every good citizen to cooperate with the comrades of the Chief Secretary in handling the case, not to mention that I am still a victim of this incident, and it is reasonable to do so. Should have gone this way..."


Zhu Han nodded and said apologetically, "I\'m really sorry, Xiao Dong."

"Don\'t worry, we will use the fastest speed to investigate and collect evidence, and give you a green one!"

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry, it doesn\'t matter if you slow down, I can just wait for Captain Zhu to get off work, and then have a meal together..." Xiao Junlin said with a light smile, after giving Li Jun a deep look, he followed them directly. police car.

But what no one saw was that before getting into the car, Xiao Junlin quietly made a strange gesture to Geng Ruizhi.

"Quick, follow up with your car, and protect Director Xiao along the way!"

"You immediately call the legal department of the group, and immediately find a way to get the chairman out!"

"Xing Chou, the Secretary of State does not need you.

You do what the chairman instructs you to do first! "

After Geng Ruizhi issued a series of instructions, everyone immediately moved.

The mighty convoy hung behind the Chief Secretary\'s police car.

Xing Chou also took two people and drove towards the place Xiao Junlin gave him before...

As for Geng Ruizhi, he sat in the place where Xiao Junlin was sitting before, holding the computer, and fluttering his fingers, he quickly invaded the files of the backstage staff of the Administrative Secretary, looking for all the information about that Li Jun.

Of course he understood the weird gesture that Dong Xiao made before he left.

Not to mention Geng Ruizhi.

Even if Xing Chou is such a rambunctious person, it can be seen that Li Jun has a big problem.

But when Geng Ruizhi retrieved all the information about the superintendent named Li Jun, he was directly surprised...

116. Li Jun, Traveler No. 1

Li Jun\'s information is too simple!

At a glance, it can be said that there are no bright spots. A person who is too ordinary to be ordinary is an ordinary little police superintendent, and there is nothing wrong with it...

Anyway, Geng Ruizhi read it several times, but he couldn\'t see what was wrong.

He didn\'t even think about it, but directly sent all these information to Xiao Junlin\'s mobile phone.

Xiao Junlin, who was in the police car, glanced at his mobile phone and silently collected the information in his eyes.

Just after several circles in his mind, he was also puzzled!

In his eyes, this Li Jun\'s information is just a passerby character, and it is impossible for him to have any intersection with such a big villain!

Even in the original book, the idiot author never mentioned this name at all!

He can be 100% sure that there is absolutely no such person in the original plot...

But now this person has appeared!

So what is his origin?

In fact, Xiao Junlin\'s intuition was right.

Li Jun, who was sitting in another police car, was also annoyed at this time, and the anger in his eyes was almost overflowing!

In fact, he is also a transmigrator!

Originally just an ordinary reader, he inexplicably transmigrated into this world and became a minor police superintendent of the Secretary for Home Affairs.

Not long after crossing over, he was transferred to Zhu Han\'s team by his superiors.

Li Jun originally thought that he could take advantage of the familiarity of the plot to reach the pinnacle of his life. Since then, he has made a grand show, but the reality gave him a slap in the face!

It\'s been almost a month since he passed through, and he doesn\'t have an awakening system, no golden fingers, no special abilities, or even extraordinary luck...

He has nothing! !

And because of Xiao Junlin\'s appearance, the plot line of this world has long been messed up.

Many plots were messed up, and Li Jun read the book completely, and didn\'t remember anything useful at all, so he couldn\'t change his destiny...

However, he never thought that, as one of the female protagonists of the original work, everyone in the Shen family would be able to receive a lunch box? !