Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 116:

He looked around indifferently, and found himself lying on the edge of the waiting room of Guangmao Group...

As the employees of the group walked, every glance that fell on him was full of disgust and ridicule, but Xiao Junlin and others had disappeared.

"That dead old man is the prospective father-in-law of Master Xiao in the past, right? It seems that he and our Director Xiao almost became in-laws!"

"Yeah, tsk-tsk-but you see how miserable he is now!"

"It\'s not thanks to that good daughter in his family? If it wasn\'t for his daughter hanging around Master Xiao like that all the time, how could their Shen family be like this..."

"Isn\'t it? I heard that Director Xiao cheated on them this time. This time he really cheated to death!"

"That\'s right, 50 times the liquidated damages, who can afford this! The Shen family is really finished..."

"Deserving it!!"

Words of discussion kept getting into Shen Chengzhi\'s ears.

Shen Chengzhi\'s face was pale, and he smiled bleakly, like a lost dog.

"Xiao Junlin! Xiao Junlin! You bastard, you are not as good as pigs and dogs!!"

"You won\'t have a good outcome, I curse you not to die well-"

"You want to fix me, you want to bring down our Shen family? No way, I tell you, no way!!

I won\'t die, I\'ll come back for revenge, I won\'t let you go..."

Shen Chengzhi gritted his teeth and roared, and reluctantly took out his mobile phone. After hesitating for a long time, he made a call with trepidation.

The group of small suppliers who had gathered around him before had all run away.

If he wanted to save the Shen family, he had to find the top ten large suppliers in Tiannan Province.

Right now, only when they join forces can they swallow the University City project!

The phone number he is calling now is the personal phone number of one of the big suppliers named Pei Qing.

Speaking of this Pei Qing, he is a cruel character!

When he first debuted, one person, two handfuls of watermelon slices, secretly made a name for himself...

Up to now, it is even more faintly controlling the supply of sand and gravel in the entire Tiannan Province.

If it weren\'t for the fact that there was no way out, Shen Chengzhi would never dare to go to him!

Nervous, apprehensive, frightened...

But as long as they can promise to supply him Shen Chengzhi and cooperate with his Shen Group...

Then, wouldn\'t their Shen family be saved? !

After a while, the call was connected.

A majestic and indifferent voice came from the microphone: "Hello, who is it?"

"President Pei, Boss Pei... I, it\'s me! Shen Chengzhi of Shen Shi!"

"Ah - don\'t get excited first, I dare to come up to delay your time, mainly because I want to get you a big business, the value must be at least hundreds of billions!

I don\'t know if you are interested in learning about it? "

Shen Chengzhi smiled humbly, trying to arouse Pei Qing\'s interest by relying on value.

It\'s a pity that although the opposite side\'s breathing is obviously a little heavier, it doesn\'t last long...

Soon, Pei Qing\'s low voice sounded again!

This time it was a chuckle: "Pfft—Shen Chengzhi?

I know you! I also know that list you are talking about!

Is it the project of Guangmao Group University Town? "

"You, how do you know?"

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Shen Chengzhi suddenly felt bad...

"How do I know? Of course I **** know!"

Pei Qing sneered: "Your story has spread all over Tiannan, do you know that? I might as well tell you bluntly that it is Director Xiao!

And now, Director Xiao wants you to die, do you think I dare and I will save you? "

"But your kid thinks it\'s beautiful. You are the exclusive supplier of Guangmao Group, and then let Lao Tzu work for you, right?"

"Hehehe! Mr. Xiao has already greeted our old brothers. After your Shen family falls, this exclusive supply contract will be voided immediately, and all the building materials supply of Guangmao Group will be automatically terminated. On top of our top ten suppliers—"

"Shen Chengzhi, now everyone is waiting for you to die, no one will come to save you at this time, I\'m here to ask you by the way...

Hurry up and die, don\'t waste everyone\'s time, okay? ! "

After Pei Qing finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

The busy tone of "dudu" from the mobile phone completely made Shen Chengzhi desperate!

"no no--"

105. Construction site weather, future blueprint

Dijiang North City plot construction site.

A large number of construction workers are busy on the construction site.

A long color steel fence completely surrounded the huge construction site. Water droplets blown by the dust-proof spray filled the sky. Every moment, muck trucks slowly drove into the site along the open door.

The whole site was busy.

Although the official design drawings have not yet been finalized, the initial project and the inversion of the swamp fields will take a lot of time to deal with...

Accompanied by Geng Ruizhi, Xiao Junlin slowly inspected the huge construction site along the fence.

As he walked, Geng Ruizhi introduced: "Xiao Dong, we now have six engineering teams entering the field one after another.

In the next month, thirty-seven engineering teams will enter the field one after another, and they will be distributed in the five major plots! "

"In terms of banks, I have already contacted us in the past few days. Seven or eight banks, including industrial, agricultural, and commercial banks, have come to us, and they have all given us great preferential policies and ultra-high quotas."

"If we develop the five plots together, it is estimated that we will need to invest about 250 billion yuan in five years, but Xiao Dong... I am going to borrow 300 billion yuan from the bank."