Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 113:

"Old Geng, have you asked a designer to do the drawing? These projects can\'t be delayed. Now that the obstacles have basically been cleared, we need to speed up the progress..."

"We Guangmao can\'t be held back by these little things!"

"Don\'t worry, boss." Geng Ruizhi replied with a smile: "I have already made a detailed development plan here. As you said, no one will make trouble for us now, and the project will definitely develop faster... …”


Xiao Junlin nodded, pondered for a while, and then said casually: "If there is a shortage of funds, go directly to the bank to get it. They are eager for us to get a loan now..."

Xiao Junlin is still very relieved about Geng Ruizhi\'s ability.

Now that all obstacles are basically eliminated, and there is no problem with funds at all, the next time is a great time for him to make great plans!

"Well, boss, do you want to go to the construction site to take a look?"

"Although I haven\'t made the detailed design drawings, I have already asked people to start building some of the infrastructure first, and several construction teams have already begun to enter the field!"

"If you have nothing to do this afternoon, let\'s go have a look together?"

Geng Ruizhi made the invitation enthusiastically, and seemed to want Xiao Junlin to personally go to the construction site, and then—compliment him...

"Okay, let\'s go together then!"

Xiao Junlin shook his head and laughed.

Why is this Geng Ruizhi like a child?

The group of people started to walk out in a mighty manner.


Just when I walked past the front desk of the group and was about to walk towards the elevator, the elevator door suddenly opened, and a group of people came out.

Xiao Junlin subconsciously stopped and looked at the leader.

The leader of this group of people is Shen Chengzhi, who is proud of the recent spring breeze...

After the two sides met face to face, Shen Chengzhi\'s face immediately collapsed.

"Ouch, who am I? Isn\'t this Director Xiao..."

"Why are you free to come here today? Is it possible that Director Xiao also wants to ask Director Geng to share some of your business?"


"What a pity! Now I\'m the sole contractor of Guangmao Group—"

"Do you know about the project of the university town? I will provide these building materials in the future, can you tell me?

I\'m not angry..."

Shen Chengzhi smiled evilly, his face full of mockery.

The small suppliers behind him also laughed out loud at this moment!

102. You said, are you angry?

Some time ago, the Shen family had been lingering in the shadow of Xiao Junlin\'s Junlin Group.

If Yu Fengsheng hadn\'t rescued them and pulled their Shen family, then there might be no Shen family by now...

After so many ups and downs, the hatred in his heart is conceivable!

And this hatred, Shen Chengzhi naturally all counted on Xiao Junlin.

Now it has suddenly become the exclusive supplier of Guangmao Group, which is sought after by the public, and is about to take over all the building materials for the University Town project.

Shen Chengzhi\'s heart is extremely swollen!

He has long positioned himself as a super boss comparable to the Big Six, or even above the Big Six!

At this moment, how can I keep a good face when I suddenly meet the enemy?

"Wow wow wow..."

Being ridiculed by Shen Chengzhi, Xiao Junlin was not angry, but shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "Isn\'t this Mr. Shen? I heard that Mr. Shen was really proud of himself recently..."

"Oops! Thanks to you." Shen Chengzhi smiled reservedly and mocked:

"It\'s all thanks to Xiao Dong. If it weren\'t for you, how could our Shen family survive the disaster and have future blessings? It is said that good and bad are interdependent, and it seems to be true!"

"Look at us now, maybe we can climb higher than you accidentally, how annoying is that? Hahahaha-"


"Emma laughed at me, Mr. Shen is really humorous!"

In the crowd behind Shen Chengzhi, there was a lot of echoing laughter.

These small subcontractors all made up their minds to embrace Shen Chengzhi\'s golden thigh, and even did not hesitate to offend Xiao Junlin in person!

Anyway, in their opinion...

After the completion of this business in University Town, the original pattern of Dijiang will definitely have a huge change!

But no matter how it changes, the Shen family will definitely benefit from it!

"Shut up all!!"

Just when everyone was laughing wantonly, a shout of suppressed anger suddenly came from behind Xiao Junlin.

Xiao Junlin turned to look back.

The bodyguards also gave way at the right time.

Shen Chengzhi and others also fell silent at this moment.

Everyone here is familiar with the angry voice, isn\'t it Geng Ruizhi, chairman of Guangmao Group? !

"Director Geng, Director Geng is here..."

"Hello Dong Geng!"

"The chairman\'s demeanor remains the same!"

Shen Chengzhi clasped his fists expectantly and looked in the direction of the conference room.

He now desperately hopes that the other party can stand up for him in front of Xiao Junlin!