Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 988

"No!" Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl and said solemnly, "you won't stay here for too long. If you have too deep ties with them, it will have a bad impact on the future world."

Of course, this is only one of the reasons, she finally came over, think of his heart, liver, spleen, lung and bone pain, 24 hours a day looking at her can not solve the pain of Acacia, how can so easily give her to others.

Ling Sheng couldn't go to Huo's house and didn't know when he could go back. What's more, she was trapped by a man with a strong desire for possession. She wanted to tie her to her side and take her wherever she went.

When I go home in the evening, it looks like seven or eight o'clock. When the car passes by the night market, I can see the bustling crowd. It's very busy.

Ling Sheng was lying on the window, excited eyes were bright, turned to look at the man beside him: "Third Master, there is a lot of excitement, let's go down and have a look around!"

Jun Shiyan saw the past and knew what she was up to. She wanted to go to the night market to eat those junk food: "Uncle Ming said that he made stewed pig's hooves in brown sauce, stewed pig's feet, spicy rabbit's head, Cantonese style roast goose, as well as the steamed egg meal you ordered."

"Mm-hmm." Ling Sheng was busy nodding his head, staring at the snack stand outside, as well as the food in other people's hands. His eyes did not blink: "just go down for a while and let uncle Ming do it slowly."

"It's not impossible to go down." Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl: "no barbecue spicy hot."

Ling Sheng choked for a while, turned around and squeezed out two drops of crocodile tears. He looked at him pitifully with his lips and complained: "junshiyan, you tyrant, you limit my personal freedom. Do you want to deprive me of the pleasure of life now?"

"It turns out that your life fun is to eat a string of spicy hot." Jun Shiyan gave a low smile and looked at the pretending girl: "one of the two choices is to go down to eat string or go home for dinner. If you go down, I'll call uncle Ming and ask Uncle ming to take all the things to the dog!"

"Can't you choose both?" Lingsheng was even more aggrieved. He took his hand and waved to please him: "I'll come for two days. You still treat me like this. I know that you don't love me at all!"

Jun Shiyan couldn't help laughing. He couldn't help but look at the front: "an banquet, stop!"

Ling Sheng smiles with a look of thief Xi Xi's success, after selling sugar gourd, pulling his arm coquettish: "brother, brother, I want to eat this, good or bad!"

"Good." Jun Shiyan nodded, sugar gourd can eat, with the little girl's performance, a wave of big hand, heroic: "boss, you have how many, all want!"

The boss was also a sincere man, and looked at him blindly: "handsome boy, you can't finish eating all you want. If you have too many teeth, are you two going to eat by yourself or give them away? It's not delicious after a night. It's delicious to eat first

"All of them." Jun Shiyan slanted his head, gently spoiled touched her hair top, domineering can not: "my sister likes, this world's sugar gourd, is her!"

The boss coughed, and the pet sister was not such a pet method. There were hundreds of strings of it. All kinds of flavors, teeth were going to be sour. Then he looked at them and determined again: "do you really want them all?"

In front of the two brothers and sisters, but really good-looking, the elder brother looks much better than those in the television cream, the younger sister is also a small beauty of water spirit, standing together when people can't move their eyes.

"No! Don't listen to him, boss Ling Sheng waved his hand and began to pick with a smile: "I'll have a string of bean paste filling, a string of purple potatoes, and two strings of yam beans."

The boss nodded with a smile, which was right. He thought he wanted everything. He was scared. He was busy with a smile to get sugar gourd: "little girl, your brother is very kind to you."

Jun Shiyan corrected it seriously: "not her brother, I'm her husband."

Boss a low cough, almost to the saliva choked, embarrassed smile: "handsome boy, you can really joke."

At first glance, they are brothers and sisters! Are you kidding? How old are the girls? Can you talk nonsense by virtue of their good looks?

"He's not talking nonsense." Lingsheng took over the sugar gourd and took out a bunch of them before crisp Sheng said: "I am his little daughter-in-law!"

The boss looked complicated and looked at them and left. The little girl put a bunch of yam beans and a bunch of sugar gourd into the man's hand. She took a sugar gourd in one hand. She bit one on the left and one on the right. She said, "tell me if you are a black sheep. If you buy it, why don't you buy the whole snack street?"

The little girl is small, not to the height of the man's chest. When the man tilts his head, he smiles fondly. I don't know what he said, which makes the little girl giggle.

Niang Li, what's the situation? Even if it's love freedom, the girl's age is too young. The man is really not a thing, and the girl's family doesn't know how to stop it? Is the world so chaotic now?

Ling Sheng didn't eat much. He couldn't eat acid. His sour face was wrinkled into a ball. After biting the bean paste stuffing in the sugar gourd, he turned around and put it into Jun Shiyan's hand. He ran over and looked at the delicious mutton kebabs on the barbecue stand and swallowed his saliva. His feet looked like nails and stopped walking.Jun Shiyan knew that it would be like this. He knew that he should not be soft hearted. It was too late to let her out. Seeing that the little girl was pitifully biting her lips and looking at him without speaking, he pointed to the mutton kebab. It was small, weak and cute, and it was hard for people to refuse her request at all.

"Boss, a bunch." Jun Shiyan was defeated in the end, and she had fallen into her life.

"Brother, one yuan and three strings!" Ling Sheng kindly reminded him and looked forward to his relaxation: "can people eat a dollar?"

"No, what did you promise me?" Jun Shiyan decided not to let himself back down again and again, but to cure her temper!

Ling Sheng snuffled his nose and was about to cry, looking at him accusing him of not speaking and bulging his cheeks.

The boss who sold kebabs was also a man who saw injustice and couldn't see it anymore: "how can you be a brother? If your sister wants to eat it, you can buy it for her. Isn't it just a dollar? I don't think you're dressed like someone who can't afford a dollar. "

After that, he looked at Lingsheng and sprinkled cumin on the mutton kebab to her. He pitied the girl: "don't cry, little girl. He won't buy it for you. Uncle will give you these bunches of meat for free."

"It's not that she won't eat it." Jun Shiyan smiles gently, looks at the little girl cunningly picking his eyebrows at him, then explains: "she is allergic to mutton and can't eat it. Last time she ate mutton, she stayed in the hospital for two days." , the fastest update of the webnovel!