Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 986

Su Xi Yin sighed and shook her head with a smile, and went out with her.

Who knows Huo CI came back alone. After watching for a long time, she didn't see the little girl coming in. As usual, she didn't enter the door. Her grandparents were crying for hunger and hopping in after his butt.

Huo Xiao looked at a good meeting, but did not see the little girl who was thinking of her. Seeing the low pressure of Huo Ci, she went to the second floor and frowned at him: "Why are you alone? What about Sheng Sheng? "

Huo CI just went up the stairs, the head did not return, casual sneer: "go, with her husband, I step on the horse is something."

"Come here and talk to me!" Huo Xiao didn't know what he was talking about. He glared at him angrily: "you make it clear to me, Sheng Sheng, who did she go with?"

"It doesn't matter who you left with." Huo CI gave a angry smile: "Mom and Dad, I don't think you take yourself seriously, isn't it just a stinky girl who just lived for two days? Where she wants to go, it's better to die outside. I'll set off firecrackers at the gate to celebrate! "

"What can't die? You're talking nonsense to me!" Huo Xiao's face was black and blue. He picked up the purple clay pot on the table and threw it at him: "you come down to me, and I won't kill you a hooligan!"

When Huo CI dodged, he heard a broken purple clay pot and shook his head with a pity: "Dad, are you crazy? Is it worth it to drop all your favorite teapots for that heartless girl? "

Su Xi Yin looked at his face of the lack of clean-up look, looking at her husband really angry, pointed to him: "down, you don't hurry down acridine!"

He didn't make it clear. What happened to Sheng Sheng? Who did she go with, which made him angry? Didn't people check Sheng Sheng's identity background?

Huo CI is not afraid of being beaten, that is, he felt angry. After finishing, he poured oil on the fire: "Dad, do you know that you like the scum of a young girl?"

Huo Xiao after hearing, also angry and angry, Sheng Sheng how to become his Jun Shiyan's wife? How old was she? When she heard her son's words, she got up and left: "no, I have to go and have a look."

"To what? They admit it is Jun Shiyan's wife. What can you do when you go? Snatch people from your three grandsons? " Huo CI grinned, cocked his legs and continued to stimulate: "Dad, what's the relationship between us and others? I think we call you grandfather for two days, and we really treat you as a grandfather?"

Su Xi Yin sighed, glared at him, and held Huo Xiao: "husband, I have seen Jun San twice. It's very good. It won't hurt a child."

"Mom, that's what you don't understand. You don't know about human face and beast heart? Do you know how those ancient people came from? It's not to satisfy the special interests of some animals. How old is that smelly girl? She's a husband and a daughter-in-law. She's not a pervert. Who is that? " Huo CI sneered.

Su Xiyin was worried about death. How could he follow Jun San? How could such a small child become a daughter-in-law: "now it's a society ruled by law. I think he's three brave!"

"What do you care about when the door is closed?" Huo Ci was laughing: "Mom, you don't know how arrogant Junsan is in the capital. Can the law control him?"

"You say that, he's out of law, isn't he?" Su Xi Yin pulled Huo Xiao with tears in her eyes: "husband, let's go and have a look. Sheng Sheng's child is still so small."

"How are you going? In what name did you go through? " Huo CI continued to criticize: "parents, I advise you to give up this idea, don't think about it, anyway, it's not our family."

"Why is this not our family?" Su Xiyin's heart was raised to his throat. Listening to him, it was even more painful. His son was right, and it had nothing to do with others. How to deal with others, he paused for a moment: "even if he is a stranger, his father-in-law is in charge of a little girl calling his daughter-in-law, which is also his crime!"

Huo CI pulled his lips and said with a smile: "then you go now, Dad, you must clean up and clean up the junlaosan's shriveled calf. Otherwise, he really thinks that the capital is his own, so you should give him some color to see."

Huo Xiao pointed to him: "aren't you quite capable? Aren't you afraid of everyone? You can't even see a child. It's taken away. It's useless! "

Huo CI honestly followed him: "yes, Dad, you're right. I'm a son. How can you be a father?"

Huo Xiao and Su Xiyin have decided to go to have a look and ask what's going on. He Jun San is still not a person, and he has no face to look for such a small girl.

Huo CI is not stingy, looking at them to go, give them advice: "you always find a reason, take two clothes in the past, say you go to send her clothes."

Su Xi's voice was clear to him. He had so many bad ideas. Why didn't he keep people? What did he say to believe? Could he give Shengsheng to a strange man?

After Huo CI saw people go, his eyes became more and more profound. Even if his parents went there, Jun Shiyan would not let people go.He felt that he must be crazy, or that smelly girl gave him a bewitching water. Why would he be so worried about her being bullied and cheated!


Ling Sheng as like as two peas, he even lived in Gu Jia, even the house was exactly the same as she saw in her family. She was stunned: "how do you live here, three masters?"

"I'll wait for you here." Jun Shiyan looked at her with a smile: "isn't this your favorite place? I have to build a house you designed. "

They went to every place in the world. This is the last place she chose to settle down. Song Yiyan was asked to calculate Fengshui. It is the best place of Fengshui in China. It is the place where the wind gathers Qi and the real dragon.

"This is the house I designed?" Ling Sheng took a look and pointed to himself: "I still have this skill!"

Jun Shiyan chuckled and tightened her coat. He wrapped her up with his own coat. He said, "don't doubt yourself. You will have more things."

"For example?" Ling Sheng slants the small head, looks at him earnestly.

"For example, your greatest ability..." Jun Shiyan stopped for a moment, took her hand and put it in his heart. Her voice was sexy and provocative: "let it beat only for you."

Ling Sheng's heart rate suddenly accelerated, looking at the man, mumbling: "this is what the biggest ability ah!"

"It's your skill, of course." Jun Shiyan suddenly approached her and leaned in her ear: "if you hadn't climbed the wall of my house, I would have seen you at a glance. Maybe I would have lived in a muddle in accordance with the arrangement of the plot, until I died and disappeared."

Ling Sheng felt that his eyes were hot and his chest was swollen. He reached out and poked him in the chest with a smile: "then I am not your Savior?"

Jun Shiyan let out a low smile and grabbed the little girl's hand. He could only hold her and sigh with deep sigh: "the kindness of saving lives is not rewarded, and you have no wealth. You can only make a promise by yourself."

When Uncle Ming, the housekeeper, came over, he saw a pair of children holding together, and they were pleased to smile. The third master finally arrived at Miss Shengsheng, but he came here for a serious purpose: "Third Master, Miss Sheng Sheng, Mr. Huo and Mrs. Huo are visiting." , the fastest update of the webnovel!