Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 973

He begged for a long time, but the second brother agreed to get him one. The last time, he got tired of the mobile phone for a month. I heard that the latest model had games in it, so I let him get one. The mobile phone has not yet come into the market, and I can't buy it.

When Ling Sheng looked at the mobile phone, he felt a sense of age. There are not many people who can afford mobile phones in this era, especially high school students. Except for the second generation of rich officials, no one can afford it.

Her family conditions are good. Her father used a mobile phone from his cell phone to a smart phone, but the conditions in her original home were not good. It was only when she was a junior high school that her adoptive mother decided to buy a mobile phone, or a parallel product.

Huo CI glanced at him, promising, but also complained about how old he was. After a long walk, he found that the little fool had been following him, turned his head, and glared at her fiercely: "go away!"

Ling Sheng finally hit him and saw the potential of becoming manic in the future. He pretended to be afraid and stepped back. He looked at him eagerly: "I I have no place to go! "

Huo CI looked at the little fool was scared, in the heart a dull, shit, what matter: "Laozi warned you, don't follow us, the big man fight, you a little fool with what to do?"

"I'm not stupid!" Ling Sheng weakly straightened up his chest, sniffed, mumbled: "you are my father, if I am a fool, then you are also a fool."

"You're addicted, aren't you?" Huo Ci was so angry that he raised his hand to frighten her. Seeing the little fool, he took a step back timidly. He wrung his eyebrows suspiciously. He forgot. Look at her thin arms and legs. I'm afraid that she will be broken if I touch her.

He is a good man, with a delicate little girl to see a fart, she did what, left.

Ling Sheng didn't speak and followed him. His father used to eat soft food instead of hard food. Now her father has given full play to his advantages. Pretending to be pathetic is very lethal to him.

However, after a short time, I saw two cars coming by, handsome and domineering sports cars, a Ferrari and a Maserati.

Huo CI got on the car and leaned lazily on the back seat of the car and lit a cigarette.

Lu and Bai looked back at him and pointed to the rearview mirror: "six elder brother, the little girl is persevering. Look at chasing the car behind you!"

Huo CI sneered: "pass Laozi bullshit, get out!"

Lu and Bai tut joked: "you see how serious the little girl's performance is. You can give me some face!"

Huo Ci's heart was a little agitated: "close your stinky mouth!"

Obviously, he is a fool who doesn't know him. How can he feel that he left her behind, and he still has a little bit of bad taste in his heart?

That little girl, looks strange lovely and beautiful, is a silly again, in case be cheated away by cheater, how can do?

Lu and Bai are in debt, and their mouths are very much in debt: "six elder brothers, I heard that the peddler is very rampant recently. The little fool is so watery. If he is caught by the peddler and cheated to be a daughter-in-law in the mountain area, what should I do? It's not right. She looks so beautiful that she can make more money by selling to the stage. "

"Go away!" Huo CI Bang's one foot kicked in his seat, the eyes spurt fire.

Lu and Bai jumped up in fear and hit the roof of the car, grinning in pain: "shit, Huo Ci, are you crazy? For the sake of a little girl, you step on your horse and fight against your brother

Huo CI sneered, looked at the driver, and kicked a foot, a irascible roar: "drive back to Laozi!"

But the car along the original road back, driving all the way, also did not see the shadow of the little girl.

Lu and Bai looked at Huo Ci and his face was not good. As for it, she was a little girl who had just met her. She was really interested: "six elder brothers, the little girl is joking with you. You should take it seriously. Which fool will shout and be a father who is several years older than her."

"You are a fool to step on a horse." Huo CI thought of the little girl chasing the car, poor little expression, eyes are still tears, the heart more and more blocked panic.

Lu and Bai just want to persuade him. Unexpectedly, he is really interested. He is a little girl who has met with each other and chases him to call his father like a fool. He doesn't dare to provoke the firefight in front of him.

Huo CI looked out again. The car had already driven a long way. When he arrived at the school gate, he drove two or three kilometers ahead. He did not see the shadow of a little fool. His lips, with a cold brake, said in a deep voice: "no, go!"

Lu and Bai took a look at it quietly, and shivered coldly. In his heart, he was silent for the boy Bai Heng. The fire pressed by six elder brothers was ready to transfer and vent.

Ling Sheng stood in front of the glass window of the cake shop, looking at his shrinking body and pinching his real baby's fat face. He was depressed.

She shrunk, really shrunk, and returned to the spring directly. When she was 14 or 15 years old, she had no more than two or two pieces of meat on her body. However, this small face is really water, pink and delicate, and has a lot of aura.

It is so cute and smart. What kind of eyes do the two men have to say that she is a fool. Is there such a cute fool like her?

From the roadside streets, to the orderly shops on the roadside, and then to the people's clothes, we can see the strong retro style, not the retro style shown in the TV series, but really back to this era.Ling Sheng was walking on the street in his rickety pajamas. He looked out of place with the whole world. Fortunately, the sun was big, and it was just winter. It was not very cold.

However, she felt the whole back of the people who were hungry and felt the money.

People passing by have never seen her such a dress, fluffy, but also with two ears, set off the original pink tender beautiful little girl, lovely people can not move their eyes.


when Huo CI went home, the sky began to drizzle.

Lu and Bai looked at him: "six elder brothers, still think that little fool, people must have gone home, want me to say, she just wants to chase you, find a different way to attract your attention."

Huo CI coldly glanced at him, his eyes were dangerous, and the whole person was emitting a kind of arrogant atmosphere of not provoking Laozi, and he continued to play the game with his legs up.

Lu and Bai discuss a boring, don't talk, but the brain flashed or met in the afternoon that little girl, pink Dudu like a small group like, lovely.

The clothes were very strange. He had never seen them before. When they moved, the tiny pink ears on top of his head moved and sprouted.

Huo CI looked out of the eye, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, frown more tight, in the heart irritable abnormal, press the mobile phone keyboard crackle.

Shit, that's crazy.

He! Huo CI! Even for a little fool who only saw one side to worry about! , the fastest update of the webnovel!