Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 971

Ling Sheng got up and went into the room and sighed: "why do you want to put the trophy here? Now, let it go!"

Huo CI saw his expression: "did not see hot search?"

Si chengluo for Huo boss is still very respectful, in front of him, inexplicably a little stiff: "my cell phone is out of power."

Huo CI: "your cup, you take it by yourself, what do you do for her? She is so careless that she lost it to you. Who are you going to pay for it? "

After seeing the hot search, Si chengluo knew that his cup had caused so many troubles: "master Huo, I will immediately send a micro blog to clarify."

"Already." When Huo CI brushes again, the studio has already made a statement, which follows the microblog of stinky Ya hair.

In order to thank the boss for his kindness, he specially gave the first cup he got in China to keep.

God trod the horse to him. He thought he was so careless. He wanted all the trophies. The fifth one had to put them here. He wanted to lose them.

Sheng Xichen got it in a movie with him. Both of them are Movie Masters, so he put his own trophy here.

Bai Heng won the best male singer award in Mandarin for the first time at that time. In order to thank him, he gave him the most important trophy. He looked very unique and wanted it.

Si chengluo, in the final analysis, is the fan's economic male love bean product. Its gold content is incomparable with other products. She is also shameless and can find such an excuse.

But thanks to her cleverness and confusion of the past, the matter has come to an end here.

When Ling Sheng went into the room, Si chengluo called out and ran after him. He never took down the cello on his back.

Ling Sheng turned his head: "you are not too heavy. Put the things you are carrying in the living room first."

"I have something to tell you." Si chengluo mysterious, close to her, the voice was very low: "just the two of us."

Huo CI frowned and watched them enter the room one after another. He was mysterious as if he wanted to say something big. After entering, Si chengluo also closed the door, and his brow was even tighter.

Si chengluo took out the cello in front of Lingsheng. With a serious face, he pointed to the handwriting and asked her, "Lingsheng, who is Ji Xing?"

Ling Sheng looked at the direction of his fingers, and his eyes changed again and again. On the cello, there were several words clearly written: tell Lingsheng, don't believe Ji Xing!

Seeing the subtle change of her instant expression, sichengluo confirmed that she must know that her voice was a little tight and asked her, "who is Ji Xing?"

Ling Sheng was a little distressed. He had been sitting on the ground in a daze for half an hour.

What Si chengluo said to her before she left was still lingering in his ears. He looked at her and said in a loud voice: you don't want to tell me, I will find the answer myself.

He looked for the answer by himself, looking for a fart answer. The more chaotic he was, the more annoyed he was. He thought that as long as the two or three people were far away from them, as long as they did not contact each other, they would not have any reaction. However, even if they separated and did not meet each other, they would still not work!

Ji Xing that person, all that said, is lying to her? She really doesn't know what to do now? It's time to trust someone.

When Nangong Lengyu came in, she saw her tangled, ah, ah, yelled twice, scratched her hair, and hurriedly walked over and patted her hand: "you've all scratched off your hair. What did Luo Luo tell you? Is it difficult to do this? "

"Nothing." Ling Sheng recalled that her hair had been scratched in a mess like a chicken coop. Looking up, she saw her mother holding two candles in her hand. The shape was quite unique: "Mom, what's this thing?"

"Fragrant candle, I smell very good, took two." Nangong Lengyu put the candle on the table and lit it. Looking back at her, she said, "don't think about it. Go to bed quickly. You have to go to the audition tomorrow."

She had just accompanied Xiao Qi to the warehouse to look for things. Unexpectedly, she found out the candles more than 20 years ago. They were still well preserved and took two.

Ling Sheng wants to go to bed and empty his brain. Jun Shiyan's phone call comes. He looks at her mother quietly and goes to the balcony with her mobile phone.

"So like trophies?" Jun Shiyan's voice was sour.

Ling Sheng coughed and sat on the balcony chair. He held a pillow and his chin was on the pillow. Then he said in a soft voice, "well."

Jun Shiyan's voice was very low and heavy: "little thing, do you think I can't go to clean you up now, do you?"

Ling Sheng smile deeper, forced to point a little head: "that you say, how do you plan to clean up my acridine?"

Jun Shiyan listens to the girl's soft voice, and her breath suddenly shortens. If he is really beside her, he must hold her down and kiss her fiercely. He kisses her until she can't speak. She prays for mercy to him. Her throat is rolling up and down, and her voice is a little dumb. She lengthens Hua Lili's final voice: "kiss you."Ling Sheng listens to the man's numb voice coming from his mobile phone. His heart rate suddenly speeds up and he swallows it involuntarily. He can even imagine that if a man is around, he can use his abstinence face to say this sentence. When he says this, he can't stand it!

"Why don't you talk?" Jun Shiyan's voice is just like a hook. The person who hooks cannot stop.

"You rascal Ling Sheng didn't expect that one day he could hear him flirting on the phone, and his ears were burning. He reached out and twisted his earlobe and snorted, "I'm going to sleep. Don't talk to you."

"Who do you want to talk to if you don't talk to me?" Jun Shiyan listened to the little girl's panting voice. Her lips were smiling and happy. Her voice was more and more provocative: "hmm?"

"I'm asleep!" Ling Sheng felt that she couldn't listen to it any more. The man's voice was so dreamy that she felt a little flustered: "I'm going to have an audition tomorrow. I really want to go to bed."

Jun Shiyan said, "I'll pick you up early tomorrow morning."

After Ling Sheng hung up the phone, he was a little sleepy, especially after lighting the incense candle in the room, which made people feel soft all over the body. When climbing to the bed, he looked at Nangong Lengyu, who was still reading at the head of the bed: "Mom, I'll go to sleep first. This candle is hypnotic..."

The voice behind is getting smaller and smaller, vaguely heard someone in the ear shouting: "Huo Ci, brother Ci, you wait for me, Bai Heng that boy, put out a cruel word to say that I want to find you alone!"

Ling Sheng breathed a stagnation, suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound. He saw the head of that fierce, unruly and handsome young man, who could not believe his eyes widened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!