Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 959

Ling Sheng really felt that when people get old, they are old children. Their jealous appearance is really interesting: "nonsense, grandfather, you are the most handsome. My father is not worth mentioning in front of you."

Huo Xiao was happy: "what about Junsan?"

Ling Sheng did not have any hesitation: "he is even worse than my father."

Huo Xiao listen to good sun so praise him, in a good mood, pull her to pick a photo: "you help grandfather pick together, see which is the most handsome."

Ling Sheng looked at the pictures spread out all over the floor, and his mouth was sweet as if he were honey smeared: "grandfather's photos are all good-looking. Just pick one and put them on the Internet, and you can hang up those stars in the entertainment industry!"

Huo Xiao has just been disliked by his wife, or a little not too confident: "really?"

"Really! I swear Ling Sheng in front of his grandfather, casually selected two photos, took her trumpet to micro blog, let people comment on whether she looks handsome or not.

Her trumpet Junsheng is her own big powder, active like a fake. She often puts out first-hand news and her own beautiful photos. When she is happy, she draws lottery tickets, draws her own signature photos, posters and cosmetics.

In addition to the blessing of local tyrant Dafeng Junlin, the two people often interact and are regarded as a pair. There are also many fans of their small CP.

In this way, naturally in the fan circle has a little fame, unknowingly there are more than 500000 fans.

Jun Sheng endlessly V: the beauty of the age without filter, I've got a nine palace grid, I love you!

After the photos were sent out, they were astonished and commented in minutes.

Ah, ah, so handsome, tell me who this is, I'm going to his house! 】

[that's great. I'm lying flat. You can do whatever you want. 】

[true. Is there anything clear about the beauty of flourishing age? I want a screen saver. I want to lick the screen! 】

[have you found that this beautiful man looks a little like Huo Da film emperor!

Upstairs, I found that it's really similar, especially the facial features.

Review, like a real image]

[everyone, I have a bold idea, this is not the father of the film emperor, do you kneel down to ask the blogger to answer the questions]

Huo Xiao wears presbyopia glasses, brushes comments, and can't close his happy mouth. He really believes that he is still handsome!

"Come on, Sheng Sheng, let's pick out the photos!" Huo Xiao put the mobile phone down and pulled Ling Sheng to squat on the ground and began to pick up photos.

Ling Sheng felt that everything was very good, but: "grandfather, what can we do with the photos?"

Huo Xiao: "show it to your grandmother."

Ling Sheng looked at his grandfather's arrogant and awkward appearance, secretly pursed his mouth and laughed, picked and picked, and saw a wedding photo of his grandparents.

Grandma is also beautiful, elegant temperament of the United States, did not expect the young grandmother, not now gentle and elegant, but is a kind of aggressive beauty.

My grandfather is also a beautiful man. His wedding photo is in a suit and leather shoes. He is a man in his thirties. He is mature and charming.

She looked at the picture with emotion. When she accidentally turned it over, her eyes suddenly turned. Her hand holding the photo couldn't help tightening. She looked at Huo Xiao: "grandfather, do you know who wrote the message behind this?"

Huo Xiao took a look at it, frowned and couldn't remember: "how can there be words on this head? Who wrote it on this

Ling Sheng can't help breathing a little shortness of breath, eyes staring at the top of the word: I wish early birth of your son.

There were only five characters in total. She didn't even have a signature, but she was familiar with the handwriting. It was the handwriting of the third master.

"Who is this? I must have written it secretly when I didn't see it." Huo Xiao frowned, but the word is still good, how can this sentence?

But everyone close to him knows that when he and yin'er first got married, yin'er didn't intend to have a child. She changed her mind later and asked for words.

Ling Sheng also felt strange. Did the words left by the third master mean that he had been here a long time ago?

Did he leave the words for her? What do you want to convey?

If people wish him a blessing, how can he write a happy new marriage, a happy marriage, a hundred years of marriage and so on? Why did he write a sentence about giving birth to a noble son early without signing his name?

Huo Xiao mumbled to put away the photos.

Ling Sheng: "grandfather, can you give me this picture? I want to treasure it."

Huo Xiao's heart is not a good thing, many photos are: "grandfather there, there are words at the end of this, I'll let Lao Liu go back to get you a good one later."

Ling Sheng took the photo with a smile, like a baby: "grandfather, it's OK. I just like this one. Give it to me!"

Huo Xiao picked out the photos and asked Ling Sheng to accompany him. With more than 20 photos, Huo Xiao found a photography center near his home, enlarged the photos and framed them all.

The photos are all in black and white. Ling Sheng also found a photographer he knew, a big man in P graphic industry, and gave the photos to P in color. After they were repaired, they looked like the photos just taken.Then the mysterious grandparents and grandchildren hung photos all over the house while Su Xiyin went to the kindergarten to pick up Xiao Qi.

Huo CI just got out of the elevator, he was scared by a huge picture on the wall. Take a closer look, shit, it's his father. He's crazy. What kind of photos should we hang?

The key is that the photo is still in color. Most of his father's photos were black and white when he was young. Where did he get this?

I don't look at it. Fortunately, this good guy went into the door and saw that the living room was full of photos, and all of them were enlarged versions. The smelly girl was still hanging pictures on a stool and roared: "smelly girl, what are you crazy about! What are you hanging up? "

Ling Sheng heard her father's roar, almost fell off the stool, turned his head, and said with a smile: "Dad, we..."

Huo Xiaoda hung a picture from the kitchen, lifted up his crutch and took it on him: "who are you yelling at? You have a big voice, don't you? Do you have any opinion about it? "

Huo CI didn't think his father came out of the kitchen. He was taken to his body before hiding. He became angry: "Dad, you hang up your photos and hang your old house. I don't care how much you hang up."

"What's wrong with hanging a picture? You're such an unfilial thing. I'll take a picture of you. Do you still want to take care of it? " Huo Xiao eyes a stare, the crutch in the hand rises again.

Huo CI dodged and looked at the old man's desire for fire. He quickly admitted and laughed: "hang up, how much do you want to hang up? Where do you want to hang up? Do you have any more? I'll help you hang up! "

Ling Sheng looked at her father's advice, followed by a smile, and only in front of her grandfather, her father's status was so low. , the fastest update of the webnovel!