Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 951

Ling Sheng shook his head in a hurry, but he refused. He made an excuse: "Mom, I really don't need it. I feel like vomiting when I smell the hospital. I want to Oh

In order to evade the examination, she is also fighting this small life, how to do? When is the end of this dreadful day!

Nangong Lengyu looked suspiciously: "really not?"

Ling Sheng nodded in a hurry: "Mom, let's go home. Tomorrow I have an appointment for a birth check-up, and the third master will accompany me to go. It's so late that there is no one in the hospital. It's not good to do any examination."

Nangong Lengyu nodded and looked at Huo CI. He didn't have any good breath: "you go to the hospital with me."

Huo word also did not speak, obedient followed the car.

Ling Sheng watched the two men disappear in front of him one after another, and then asked Zuo Ming, "what are they doing?"

Zuo Ming was careful and analyzed it: "was not the arm broken a few days ago? I think your mother seems to be paying attention to his arm all the time. I think you should go and have a look at it. "

After hearing Zuo Ming's words, Ling Sheng deeply felt that she was not qualified to be a girl. She even forgot this. Look, her mother still cares. Otherwise, how could she be so careful!

As Zuo Ming expected, Huo Ci's arm was hanging in front of his chest when he came back. He went to see his arm.

Huo CI sits on the left of Lingsheng.

Nangong Lengyu sat on the right side of Lingsheng and gave the medicine in his hand to Huo CI: "the doctor said to take the medicine well, and the method of taking it was written on the packing box."

Didn't he know the pain? Just in the past to see the injury, the doctor said that the bone fracture, the degree of pain, how much worse than not giving birth to a child, told us to take good care of it, otherwise it will leave the root of the disease.

Ling Sheng felt that there was a play, so he simply pushed the boat along the river: "Dad, you can go back with us tonight. It's so late that both grandparents should go to bed. The old people have a shallow sleep. If you go back and make a big noise and wake them up, grandma can't sleep."

The front is to her father said, the back is mainly to her mother said, what a perfect excuse! It's all done at once.

But when she finished, no one paid attention to her. Her father didn't speak, and her mother didn't speak. She left her alone in the middle, embarrassed. She looked at their faces and stopped talking.

After a moment of loss, in the heart to comfort themselves, this matter needs to be long-term consideration, can not be anxious.

When the car arrived at the gate of the community, I found that there was a police car blocking the door. It was noisy, and many people gathered around to watch the excitement.

After getting out of the car, I found out that the neighborhood had been robbed. The thief entered the home of the householder to steal. The man was also a man. He fought with the thief directly, and both sides were seriously injured. The ambulance had just sent people to the hospital.

Huo CI looked at the noisy crowd and said: "the security of this community is too poor. Let's go home and live here. If you live in this kind of place, I can't rest assured if you encounter the burglary."

Nangong Lengyu sneered: "my home security facilities are very good, will not let the thief have the opportunity to sneak in, you do not have to worry, I take my life guarantee, Sheng Sheng will not have an accident."

The villa area here belongs to the high-end residential area in Beijing. The security has been done very well, and I have not heard of any burglary. How could it happen this evening? Let Huo CI a son of a bitch, there is an excuse to ridicule her! Take the Shengsheng.

"What do you make sure you're safe?" Huo CI looked at Ling Sheng and took her arm to get on the bus: "go, go home! This place is too dangerous. Don't come here again. "

"Huo Ci, let's make an agreement. Shengsheng will stay with me today." Nangong Lengyu's cold eyes took some fire and shook his fist.

Since she was pregnant, Sheng Sheng went back to Huo Ci's apartment. The second elder of Huo's family was also there. She couldn't let Sheng Sheng come to accompany her. She could only take time to see her in the daytime, and didn't want to meet Huo CI. She didn't have much time to get along with her every day.

Last night, Sheng Sheng called to say that she would take part in the rehearsal. When she let her go, she decided to let her daughter stay with her. She would accompany her and take care of her.

"But I'm not sure if you've had an accident here." Huo CI laughed and then said, "it's terrible here. I advise you to live in another place."

Ling Sheng obviously felt the smell of gunpowder in the air, and the sparks were scurrying and scurrying. A cold sweat in his head said: Hey, two big men, can you stop fighting and ask me the opinions of the party concerned!

"As I said, there will be no accident with Shengsheng. After I get home, I will immediately find a bodyguard. This kind of thing can happen several times a year. This kind of probability event is not an excuse for you to take Shengsheng away." Nangong Lengyu frowns more tightly, knowing that he is deliberately trying to embarrass her, do not want her to see Sheng Sheng!

"Then wait until you find a bodyguard." Huo word lip corner smile deeper, the warning looked at the eye Ling Sheng, pull is about to get on the car.

"Sheng Sheng, who are you going to live with?" Nangong Lengyu quickly walked two steps and also grabbed Ling Sheng's arm: "do you want to live with your father or with your mother?"

Ling Sheng was in a dilemma. He looked at her father and then looked at her mother. He said in a weak voice: "can I choose both of them? Mom, since my father is not at ease, let him live with us, so as to protect meHuo CI echoed with Nangong Lengyu: "no way!"

Ling Sheng coughed and directly broke away from them. With a roar, he became angry: "in this case, you go back to your home. I'll go to the hotel by myself."

When someone is not a man of temper!

Huo Ci and Nangong Lengyu are no longer in dispute. Lingsheng is not willing to say anything. No one is willing to follow him. He takes a taxi by the roadside and makes a fuss about going to a hotel.

Nangong Lengyu and Huo CI take a look at each other, and finally they both step back and choose to compromise.

When Ling Sheng took Nangong Lengyu's hand into the community, he felt so beautiful in his heart. There is a saying that it's better to work more healthily. He should have done this for a long time!

When I passed the supermarket at the gate of the community, I also bought a bunch of sugar gourd. After feeding Nangong Lengyu half of it, he turned around and looked at Huo CI with a smile: "Dad, do you eat it?"

"No!" Huo CI bit the back teeth and spit out two words. Looking at the front of her head shaking head and shaking her head, she walked with wind and was happy and complacent. She knew that she was on purpose. If she was not pregnant and frightened at night, she would have to smoke her.

Is her mother that good? What did you think of her mother? Every day in addition to angry him is angry with him!

Walking along, a dark shadow suddenly flew out of the woods in front of him, facing Lingsheng and Nangong Lengyu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!