Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 882

"Huo Xuan, stop for me!" Ye Ru angrily ran out of the house and chased his grandson Huo Xuan. He was angry with a face: "don't run!"

Huo Xuan is to the house to get the game machine, his game machine was hidden by his grandmother, took to run, afraid of being caught.

Eight or nine year old children, it is the naughty age that dogs are annoyed with. Regardless of grandma's pursuit, the faster they run, the faster they get down the stairs.

Cao Yunxian came out of the room and asked what was wrong with her smile. She walked towards the railing with a handful of melon seeds in her hand A kind of rubberneck.

She likes to lean against the railings most in weekdays. She can see clearly what's going on below. She is most happy when she is watching a play.

Who knows that just lying on the railing, the wooden railing a shaking, suddenly broke, she is solid forward lying, the whole person fell down.

After a scream of panic, there was a loud bang, and then a shrill cry of pain.

Ling Sheng stood next to him and saw the moment when the railing broke. Cao Yunxian screamed in horror and grabbed the railing and fell down, covering Xiao Qi's eyes.

She moved quickly, but Xiao Qi still saw the moment when people fell with the railing. The small voice was very low, as if afraid of being heard. She asked her, "Mommy, Mommy, did the bad woman fall?"

For a while, Ling Sheng really couldn't think of how to answer his son's question. He was too young. How could he explain to him so that he would not appear so abrupt?

She saw the scene in front of her eyes, and knew why Xiao Qi said that her grandfather would not let her close to the railing. She was afraid that it was not her father who had already moved on the railing and expected Cao Yunxian to be cheated.

"Well, evil is rewarded with evil. She is a bad person, and bad people should be punished." Small seven see Mommy does not speak, and follow the angry hem of a sentence, but also clenched his fist.

When Ling Sheng saw the appearance of the little guy, he was all in a hurry. Cao Yunxian was not something. She should clap her hands when she fell down, but Xiao Qi was still a child after all: "who told you that?"

"Grandfather Xiao Qi looked at her eyes seriously and said to her quietly, "Mommy, my grandfather said that you can't bully the weak. People who bully the weak are all bad people. She kicked the dog and the dog's baby died."

When his grandfather and grandfather arrived, Huo CI raised his feet and looked at the chaotic living room. He grinned and hooked his lips and said, "Oh, what's the matter? Why are you so busy today? "

Approaching the moment, we can see that Cao Yunxian is still lying on the ground. No one in the crowd dares to touch her, waiting for the doctor to come.

The broken railings were under her, and the wood was broken. Her face was covered with blood, and she groaned in pain. She couldn't see where she was hurt.

"Old six!" Huo Pei was angry with a face and pointed at him angrily: "you did it, you moved your hands and feet on the railing! Are you trying to kill? "

"Brother Wu, don't talk about it. Did you see that I did it? What have I done? " Huo cijun's face was full of innocent color, and deep in his eyes was filled with hearty joy and scorn: "if I say, it's the railing that has been in disrepair for a long time. It's not me that I say, brother Wu, you know that Wu Sao likes this railing, so you should check it carefully."

Huo Qi's whole body could not stop shaking, pointed to him, red eyes: "Dad, you are to judge ah, in addition to old six, who would do such a thing!"

Huo Xiao glared at him fiercely: "do you have evidence? If you don't have any evidence, don't give me nonsense. Any of you saw that Laoliu did it. The railings have been in disrepair for so many years. Who do you think goes to the theater every day? "

Huo CI also complained: "Dad, you can see that as long as there is anything bad in the family, I do it. Look how good my brothers treat me, good things never fall on me, and bad things come to me first."

Cao Yunxian has died of pain, pain everywhere, also do not know exactly where the pain is, hate to bite a tooth.

She clearly knew that it was Huo Laoliu who deliberately hurt her in order to avenge the dog and beast? Is that dog his father?

All the people present were like a mirror in their hearts. Cao Yunxian's fall was so weird that even if the railing at home was in disrepair for a long time, it would not be broken for no reason.

It must be Huo Jigan. Last time Cao Yunxian made a big scene in front of him. He was enraged by a wild one by one. Revenge!

that dog is as like as two peas. It's not the same way that Cao Yunxian fell off.

But no evidence, no one will stand up to speak, did not see, how to prove that he did it? It's a fool who does such a thing.

Huo Pei called the eldest brother and the second elder brother one by one, and no one gave them a head start to their husband and wife. His breath of blood was choked in his throat.


It's really nice of them. They just want to stay out of it, aren't they? What a good brother he is!

Huo CI snorted coldly. After that, he took a special look and asked: "sister-in-law, are you ok? Where did it fall? I know a miracle doctor. Do you want him to show youHuo Pei pointed to him, red eyes, gnashing teeth of the roar: "old six, you don't give me cat cry mouse false mercy!"

He did it!

He must have done it!

Huo family, so arrogant, so fearless only he!

"Brother Wu, what are you talking about? We are all a family." Huo CI is deliberately provocative, called Zhang Zhong, and then the video, the camera aimed at Cao Yunxian: "miracle doctor, you give me a look, this is my fifth sister-in-law, hit from the second floor fell down, see what prescription to open?"

Brain damage fool, can only open brain fragments, let her fill the brain, bad, stupid and ignorant!

Ling Sheng is holding Xiao Qi on the second floor. There are so many people at the bottom of the room. She is ridiculed by the crowd when she goes down with a wild seed in their mouth. She is in a very good mood when she looks at her father's acting!

Ah, it's not that it's not time to report. It's retribution!

Huo Pei saw his video, or with an old man, and trembled with anger: "Dad, do you still care about him? Look at the old six bastards, what is he doing

Huo Xiao also can't sit back and ignore, can't let him do too much, raise crutches and hit people: "bastard, you've made enough!"

Huo CI dodged and chatted calmly: "doctor, how do I look now? Do you want some more medicine? "

Lingsheng all laughed and cried, Dad, you are so strong that you will be taken by the wall! , the fastest update of the webnovel!