Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 876

Ling Sheng heard here, suddenly widened a pair of eyes, a voice what did not say, quickly covered his mouth, pulling a woman: "aunt Juan!"

How could that be?

Give him luge beer. If he gets strong later, he can't help it What to do?

Aunt Juan is also a little strange. If Shengsheng is a big girl with yellow flowers, she won't say these words. But now she already has a husband, and she doesn't have to beat around the bush. She whispered, "isn't your mother here? It's OK. If you can't, just a few more times. But judging from your father's physical strength, he must be better than my husband. "

The woman and the man, especially husband and wife, are fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. Nothing can be solved overnight.

Ling Sheng didn't expect to be caught off guard and got on the car. Wu Wu Wu ran forward and didn't look back. Would you really tell me so? Although I gave birth to a child, but my heart is still a pure, can no longer be pure white paper.

"Don't worry. It's OK." Aunt Juan finished, but also vaguely looked at her: "I have a recipe for brewing wine, if you want, I'll copy it for you, let your uncle Xie send you home."

Ling Sheng looks quite complicated, married women, drag racing is so smooth? She was still too simple.

"I see. You young people don't use it." Aunt Juan also laughed, and quietly looked at Jun Shiyan: "your man is strong and strong. I don't need to mend it, but you keep it. When a man reaches a certain age, he will go downhill and be prepared."

Ling Sheng quietly looked at the gentleman Yan waiting for her not far away and shook his head: "aunt Juan, thank you, ah, I still don't want to."

"I see." Aunt Juan coughed a low, Sheng Sheng man must be fierce, smile more ambiguous: "you give your mother the prescription is OK."

Ling Sheng originally wanted to refuse, but seeing that she was so enthusiastic, it was hard to say no, and nodded: "OK!"

Aunt Juan left and said that uncle Xie would send her the secret recipe. She would go right away. After a few minutes, she would like to send something to them.

Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl's red face. When he came over, he didn't dare to look him in the face. He was also worried: "what did Auntie say to you?"

Ling Sheng, um, shook his head, and did not dare to see him. He was too shy to do so. His voice was lowered: "I didn't say anything."

"What can't you tell me?" Jun Shiyan took her hand, but just saw Huo CI holding Xiao Qi out.

Huo word warning to look at him, the eye light is dangerous, the cold knife is the same, rub against rub straight to shoot at him, still hold, seek death ah!

Ling Sheng felt the threat of her father, earned a little, did not break away, also did not struggle, let him buckle, looked up at the moment with a smile: "Dad, you finished talking?"

"Well." Huo CI should be a, if not in the outside, would have roared out, shit, step on the mother still don't let me go!

Nangong Lengyu is right behind. In front of outsiders, she doesn't want to get angry or angry with him. It seems that she is not graceful enough to do such childish things as robbing children.

Moreover, from the end of the meal, he took Xiao Qi to the bathroom, and he never gave up. Even if she wanted to rob people, she had to have a chance!

Xiao Qi put his arms around his grandfather's neck, and his eyebrows and eyes were happy. He was good today. He was neither vicious nor abusive. He liked such a grandfather.

When Nangong Lengyu comes to them, he doesn't speak. He pulls Lingsheng to his side and stares at Jun Shiyan.

Jun Shiyan had no choice but to hook her lips and smile. She had a bit of reproach in her eyes. She sighed deeply in his heart. How could he feel that he was more and more difficult now?

Ling Sheng quietly looked back at the eye, on the man helpless, with a bit of poor eye light, gave him a comfort smile.

The banquet always followed. The sixth master was holding Xiao Qi, and Ms. Nangong beat Miss Ling away from the third master's hand. They were all in pairs, and the only one was the Ye, who looked quite desolate.

How does he feel that it is more and more difficult for the third master to pursue his wife? After knowing that Ms. Nangong was Miss Ling's biological mother, he felt that he had been through the ordeal.

But now it seems that Ms. Nangong is still good to him, but she seems not so friendly to her future son-in-law.

Ling Sheng to the home, just ran to ask Huo CI quietly: "Dad, you don't have any special feeling!"

"Do you still poison the banquet?" Huo Ci at home, talk is not so polite, a glance at her.

"No Ling Sheng smile ha ha's Retreat: "you have nothing good."

Huo CI always thinks that the smelly girl laughs meaningfully. What kind of idea does she want to ask?

At ordinary times, she will be arrested and interrogated clearly, but this is outside, and there is a person he doesn't want to see, so he can only resist it.

He came here after he thought it clear. Now that stinky girl has a choice, he doesn't have to, but he must get the custody of her and Xiao Qi.Fifth, they help to analyze, get the first priority is not to lose temper, not to their wives.

There are only two bedrooms in the family. Originally, Lingsheng and Nangong Lengyu sleep together, and junshiyan and Xiaoqi have one.

But now it's too cold for me to allocate rooms. On a cold day, there is no hotel in the town. It takes three hours to get out of town, so I can only make do with sleeping for one night.

"Dad, you should have a room with the third master." Ling Sheng looked at Huo CI Da to discuss: "it's too cold in the living room, and there's no air conditioning. You two can make it for one night. We'll leave tomorrow."

With that, she turned around and ran into her bedroom. How they distributed it was up to them. Anyway, she had said it.

Huo CI frowned, looked at the bedroom, and looked back at Jun Shiyan, Jun's face was full of Lao Zi's displeasure.

Jun Shiyan smile: "father-in-law, I sleep on the sofa in the living room."

Huo CI looks dangerous, a cold hiss: "who steps on the horse is your father-in-law!"

Jun Shiyan still had a smile on his face: "does Mr. Huo want to use it up and throw it away? Sheng Sheng said that he would go to Su's house tomorrow. My ancestors called me and asked me to go there. "

Huo CI choked for a while, and thought that he still told himself the truth today, so he let him go. He gave him a cold glance, but did not speak. He went into the bedroom.

The doors of the two bedrooms are the same, or next to each other. The size of the rooms is the same. One is on the left and the other is on the right. If you don't look carefully, you can easily go wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!